
165 lines
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Common classes shared among database importers and exporters
:copyright: (c) 2014-2020 by Onni Software Ltd.
:license: New BSD License, see LICENSE for more details
class DjangoModelExportAdapter(object):
""" django export parameter holder """
def __init__(self, model, export_columns=None):
self.model = model
self.export_columns = export_columns
def name(self):
""" get database table name """
return self.get_name()
def get_name(self):
""" get database table name """
return self.model._meta.model_name
class DjangoModelImportAdapter(DjangoModelExportAdapter):
""" parameter holder for django data import """
class InOutParameter(object):
""" local class to manipulate variable io """
def __init__(self):
self.output = None
self.input = None
def __init__(self, model):
DjangoModelExportAdapter.__init__(self, model)
self._column_names = self.InOutParameter()
self._column_name_mapping_dict = self.InOutParameter()
self._row_initializer = self.InOutParameter()
def row_initializer(self):
""" contructor for a database table entry """
return self._row_initializer.output
def column_names(self):
""" the desginated database column names """
return self._column_names.output
def column_name_mapping_dict(self):
""" if not the same, a mapping dictionary is looked up"""
return self._column_name_mapping_dict.output
def row_initializer(self, a_function):
""" set the contructor """
self._row_initializer.input = a_function
def column_names(self, column_names):
""" set the column names """
self._column_names.input = column_names
def column_name_mapping_dict(self, mapping_dict):
""" set the mapping dict """
self._column_name_mapping_dict.input = mapping_dict
def _process_parameters(self):
if self._row_initializer.input is None:
self._row_initializer.output = None
self._row_initializer.output = self._row_initializer.input
if isinstance(self._column_name_mapping_dict.input, list):
self._column_names.output = self._column_name_mapping_dict.input
self._column_name_mapping_dict.output = None
elif isinstance(self._column_name_mapping_dict.input, dict):
if self._column_names.input:
self._column_names.output = []
indices = []
for index, name in enumerate(self._column_names.input):
if name in self._column_name_mapping_dict.input:
self._column_name_mapping_dict.output = indices
if self._column_names.output is None:
self._column_names.output = self._column_names.input
class DjangoModelExporter(object):
""" public interface for django model export """
def __init__(self):
self.adapters = []
def append(self, import_adapter):
""" store model parameter for more than one model """
class DjangoModelImporter(object):
""" public interface for django model import """
def __init__(self):
self._adapters = {}
def append(self, import_adapter):
""" store model parameter for more than one model """
self._adapters[import_adapter.get_name()] = import_adapter
def get(self, name):
""" get a parameter out """
return self._adapters.get(name, None)
class SQLTableExportAdapter(DjangoModelExportAdapter):
""" parameter holder for sql table data export """
def __init__(self, model, export_columns=None):
DjangoModelExportAdapter.__init__(self, model, export_columns)
self.table = model
def get_name(self):
return getattr(self.table, "__tablename__", None)
class SQLTableImportAdapter(DjangoModelImportAdapter):
""" parameter holder for sqlalchemy table import """
def __init__(self, model):
DjangoModelImportAdapter.__init__(self, model)
self.table = model
def get_name(self):
return getattr(self.table, "__tablename__", None)
class SQLTableExporter(DjangoModelExporter):
""" public interface for sql table export """
def __init__(self, session):
self.session = session
class SQLTableImporter(DjangoModelImporter):
""" public interface to do data import via sqlalchemy """
def __init__(self, session):
self.session = session