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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2003, Taro Ogawa. All Rights Reserved.
# Copyright (c) 2013, Savoir-faire Linux inc. All Rights Reserved.
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
# MA 02110-1301 USA
from __future__ import print_function, unicode_literals
class Num2Word_ID():
BASE = {0: [],
1: ["satu"],
2: ["dua"],
3: ["tiga"],
4: ["empat"],
5: ["lima"],
6: ["enam"],
7: ["tujuh"],
8: ["delapan"],
9: ["sembilan"]}
TENS_TO = {3: "ribu",
6: "juta",
9: "miliar",
12: "triliun",
15: "kuadriliun",
18: "kuantiliun",
21: "sekstiliun",
24: "septiliun",
27: "oktiliun",
30: "noniliun",
33: "desiliun"}
errmsg_floatord = "Cannot treat float number as ordinal"
errmsg_negord = "Cannot treat negative number as ordinal"
errmsg_toobig = "Too large"
max_num = 10 ** 36
def split_by_koma(self, number):
return str(number).split('.')
def split_by_3(self, number):
starting here, it groups the number by three from the tail
'1234567' -> (('1',),('234',),('567',))
:param number:str
blocks = ()
length = len(number)
if length < 3:
blocks += ((number,),)
len_of_first_block = length % 3
if len_of_first_block > 0:
first_block = number[0:len_of_first_block],
blocks += first_block,
for i in range(len_of_first_block, length, 3):
next_block = (number[i:i + 3],),
blocks += next_block
return blocks
def spell(self, blocks):
it adds the list of spelling to the blocks
('1',),('034',)) -> (('1',['satu']),('234',['tiga', 'puluh', 'empat'])
:param blocks: tuple
:rtype: tuple
word_blocks = ()
first_block = blocks[0]
if len(first_block[0]) == 1:
if first_block[0] == '0':
spelling = ['nol']
spelling = self.BASE[int(first_block[0])]
elif len(first_block[0]) == 2:
spelling = self.puluh(first_block[0])
spelling = (
self.ratus(first_block[0][0]) + self.puluh(first_block[0][1:3])
word_blocks += (first_block[0], spelling),
for block in blocks[1:]:
spelling = self.ratus(block[0][0]) + self.puluh(block[0][1:3])
block += spelling,
word_blocks += block,
return word_blocks
def ratus(self, number):
# it is used to spell
if number == '1':
return ['seratus']
elif number == '0':
return []
return self.BASE[int(number)] + ['ratus']
def puluh(self, number):
# it is used to spell
if number[0] == '1':
if number[1] == '0':
return ['sepuluh']
elif number[1] == '1':
return ['sebelas']
return self.BASE[int(number[1])] + ['belas']
elif number[0] == '0':
return self.BASE[int(number[1])]
return (
self.BASE[int(number[0])] + ['puluh']
+ self.BASE[int(number[1])]
def spell_float(self, float_part):
# spell the float number
word_list = []
for n in float_part:
if n == '0':
word_list += ['nol']
word_list += self.BASE[int(n)]
return ' '.join(['', 'koma'] + word_list)
def join(self, word_blocks, float_part):
join the words by first join lists in the tuple
:param word_blocks: tuple
:rtype: str
word_list = []
length = len(word_blocks) - 1
first_block = word_blocks[0],
start = 0
if length == 1 and first_block[0][0] == '1':
word_list += ['seribu']
start = 1
for i in range(start, length + 1, 1):
word_list += word_blocks[i][1]
if not word_blocks[i][1]:
if i == length:
word_list += [self.TENS_TO[(length - i) * 3]]
return ' '.join(word_list) + float_part
def to_cardinal(self, number):
if number >= self.max_num:
raise OverflowError(self.errmsg_toobig % (number, self.max_num))
minus = ''
if number < 0:
minus = 'min '
float_word = ''
n = self.split_by_koma(abs(number))
if len(n) == 2:
float_word = self.spell_float(n[1])
return minus + self.join(self.spell(self.split_by_3(n[0])), float_word)
def to_ordinal(self, number):
out_word = self.to_cardinal(number)
if out_word == "satu":
return "pertama"
return "ke" + out_word
def to_ordinal_num(self, number):
return "ke-" + str(number)
def to_currency(self, value):
return self.to_cardinal(value) + " rupiah"
def to_year(self, value):
return self.to_cardinal(value)
def verify_ordinal(self, value):
if not value == int(value):
raise TypeError(self.errmsg_floatord % value)
if not abs(value) == value:
raise TypeError(self.errmsg_negord % value)