
456 lines
14 KiB

Serialization utilities.
from __future__ import absolute_import
import codecs
import os
import sys
import pickle as pypickle
import cPickle as cpickle
except ImportError: # pragma: no cover
cpickle = None # noqa
from collections import namedtuple
from contextlib import contextmanager
from .exceptions import (
ContentDisallowed, DecodeError, EncodeError, SerializerNotInstalled
from .five import BytesIO, reraise, text_t
from .utils import entrypoints
from .utils.encoding import str_to_bytes, bytes_t
__all__ = ['pickle', 'loads', 'dumps', 'register', 'unregister']
SKIP_DECODE = frozenset(['binary', 'ascii-8bit'])
TRUSTED_CONTENT = frozenset(['application/data', 'application/text'])
if sys.platform.startswith('java'): # pragma: no cover
def _decode(t, coding):
return codecs.getdecoder(coding)(t)[0]
_decode = codecs.decode
pickle = cpickle or pypickle
pickle_load = pickle.load
#: Kombu requires Python 2.5 or later so we use protocol 2 by default.
#: There's a new protocol (3) but this is only supported by Python 3.
pickle_protocol = int(os.environ.get('PICKLE_PROTOCOL', 2))
codec = namedtuple('codec', ('content_type', 'content_encoding', 'encoder'))
def _reraise_errors(wrapper,
include=(Exception, ), exclude=(SerializerNotInstalled, )):
except exclude:
except include as exc:
reraise(wrapper, wrapper(exc), sys.exc_info()[2])
def pickle_loads(s, load=pickle_load):
# used to support buffer objects
return load(BytesIO(s))
def parenthesize_alias(first, second):
return '%s (%s)' % (first, second) if first else second
class SerializerRegistry(object):
"""The registry keeps track of serialization methods."""
def __init__(self):
self._encoders = {}
self._decoders = {}
self._default_encode = None
self._default_content_type = None
self._default_content_encoding = None
self._disabled_content_types = set()
self.type_to_name = {}
self.name_to_type = {}
def register(self, name, encoder, decoder, content_type,
if encoder:
self._encoders[name] = codec(
content_type, content_encoding, encoder,
if decoder:
self._decoders[content_type] = decoder
self.type_to_name[content_type] = name
self.name_to_type[name] = content_type
def enable(self, name):
if '/' not in name:
name = self.name_to_type[name]
def disable(self, name):
if '/' not in name:
name = self.name_to_type[name]
def unregister(self, name):
content_type = self.name_to_type[name]
self._decoders.pop(content_type, None)
self._encoders.pop(name, None)
self.type_to_name.pop(content_type, None)
self.name_to_type.pop(name, None)
except KeyError:
raise SerializerNotInstalled(
'No encoder/decoder installed for {0}'.format(name))
def _set_default_serializer(self, name):
Set the default serialization method used by this library.
:param name: The name of the registered serialization method.
For example, `json` (default), `pickle`, `yaml`, `msgpack`,
or any custom methods registered using :meth:`register`.
:raises SerializerNotInstalled: If the serialization method
requested is not available.
(self._default_content_type, self._default_content_encoding,
self._default_encode) = self._encoders[name]
except KeyError:
raise SerializerNotInstalled(
'No encoder installed for {0}'.format(name))
def dumps(self, data, serializer=None):
if serializer == 'raw':
return raw_encode(data)
if serializer and not self._encoders.get(serializer):
raise SerializerNotInstalled(
'No encoder installed for {0}'.format(serializer))
# If a raw string was sent, assume binary encoding
# (it's likely either ASCII or a raw binary file, and a character
# set of 'binary' will encompass both, even if not ideal.
if not serializer and isinstance(data, bytes_t):
# In Python 3+, this would be "bytes"; allow binary data to be
# sent as a message without getting encoder errors
return 'application/data', 'binary', data
# For Unicode objects, force it into a string
if not serializer and isinstance(data, text_t):
with _reraise_errors(EncodeError, exclude=()):
payload = data.encode('utf-8')
return 'text/plain', 'utf-8', payload
if serializer:
content_type, content_encoding, encoder = \
encoder = self._default_encode
content_type = self._default_content_type
content_encoding = self._default_content_encoding
with _reraise_errors(EncodeError):
payload = encoder(data)
return content_type, content_encoding, payload
encode = dumps # XXX compat
def loads(self, data, content_type, content_encoding,
accept=None, force=False, _trusted_content=TRUSTED_CONTENT):
content_type = content_type or 'application/data'
if accept is not None:
if content_type not in _trusted_content \
and content_type not in accept:
raise self._for_untrusted_content(content_type, 'untrusted')
if content_type in self._disabled_content_types and not force:
raise self._for_untrusted_content(content_type, 'disabled')
content_encoding = (content_encoding or 'utf-8').lower()
if data:
decode = self._decoders.get(content_type)
if decode:
with _reraise_errors(DecodeError):
return decode(data)
if content_encoding not in SKIP_DECODE and \
not isinstance(data, text_t):
with _reraise_errors(DecodeError):
return _decode(data, content_encoding)
return data
decode = loads # XXX compat
def _for_untrusted_content(self, ctype, why):
return ContentDisallowed(
'Refusing to deserialize {0} content of type {1}'.format(
parenthesize_alias(self.type_to_name.get(ctype, ctype), ctype),
#: Global registry of serializers/deserializers.
registry = SerializerRegistry()
.. function:: dumps(data, serializer=default_serializer)
Serialize a data structure into a string suitable for sending
as an AMQP message body.
:param data: The message data to send. Can be a list,
dictionary or a string.
:keyword serializer: An optional string representing
the serialization method you want the data marshalled
into. (For example, `json`, `raw`, or `pickle`).
If :const:`None` (default), then json will be used, unless
`data` is a :class:`str` or :class:`unicode` object. In this
latter case, no serialization occurs as it would be
Note that if `serializer` is specified, then that
serialization method will be used even if a :class:`str`
or :class:`unicode` object is passed in.
:returns: A three-item tuple containing the content type
(e.g., `application/json`), content encoding, (e.g.,
`utf-8`) and a string containing the serialized
:raises SerializerNotInstalled: If the serialization method
requested is not available.
dumps = encode = registry.encode # XXX encode is a compat alias
.. function:: loads(data, content_type, content_encoding):
Deserialize a data stream as serialized using `dumps`
based on `content_type`.
:param data: The message data to deserialize.
:param content_type: The content-type of the data.
(e.g., `application/json`).
:param content_encoding: The content-encoding of the data.
(e.g., `utf-8`, `binary`, or `us-ascii`).
:returns: The unserialized data.
loads = decode = registry.decode # XXX decode is a compat alias
.. function:: register(name, encoder, decoder, content_type,
Register a new encoder/decoder.
:param name: A convenience name for the serialization method.
:param encoder: A method that will be passed a python data structure
and should return a string representing the serialized data.
If :const:`None`, then only a decoder will be registered. Encoding
will not be possible.
:param decoder: A method that will be passed a string representing
serialized data and should return a python data structure.
If :const:`None`, then only an encoder will be registered.
Decoding will not be possible.
:param content_type: The mime-type describing the serialized
:param content_encoding: The content encoding (character set) that
the `decoder` method will be returning. Will usually be
`utf-8`, `us-ascii`, or `binary`.
register = registry.register
.. function:: unregister(name):
Unregister registered encoder/decoder.
:param name: Registered serialization method name.
unregister = registry.unregister
def raw_encode(data):
"""Special case serializer."""
content_type = 'application/data'
payload = data
if isinstance(payload, text_t):
content_encoding = 'utf-8'
with _reraise_errors(EncodeError, exclude=()):
payload = payload.encode(content_encoding)
content_encoding = 'binary'
return content_type, content_encoding, payload
def register_json():
"""Register a encoder/decoder for JSON serialization."""
from anyjson import loads as json_loads, dumps as json_dumps
def _loads(obj):
if isinstance(obj, bytes_t):
obj = obj.decode()
return json_loads(obj)
registry.register('json', json_dumps, _loads,
def register_yaml():
"""Register a encoder/decoder for YAML serialization.
It is slower than JSON, but allows for more data types
to be serialized. Useful if you need to send data such as dates"""
import yaml
registry.register('yaml', yaml.safe_dump, yaml.safe_load,
except ImportError:
def not_available(*args, **kwargs):
"""In case a client receives a yaml message, but yaml
isn't installed."""
raise SerializerNotInstalled(
'No decoder installed for YAML. Install the PyYAML library')
registry.register('yaml', None, not_available, 'application/x-yaml')
if sys.version_info[0] == 3: # pragma: no cover
def unpickle(s):
return pickle_loads(str_to_bytes(s))
unpickle = pickle_loads # noqa
def register_pickle():
"""The fastest serialization method, but restricts
you to python clients."""
def pickle_dumps(obj, dumper=pickle.dumps):
return dumper(obj, protocol=pickle_protocol)
registry.register('pickle', pickle_dumps, unpickle,
def register_msgpack():
from msgpack import packb as pack, unpackb
unpack = lambda s: unpackb(s, encoding='utf-8')
except ImportError:
# msgpack < 0.2.0 and Python 2.5
from msgpack import packs as pack, unpacks as unpack # noqa
'msgpack', pack, unpack,
except (ImportError, ValueError):
def not_available(*args, **kwargs):
"""In case a client receives a msgpack message, but yaml
isn't installed."""
raise SerializerNotInstalled(
'No decoder installed for msgpack. '
'Please install the msgpack library')
registry.register('msgpack', None, not_available,
# Register the base serialization methods.
# Default serializer is 'json'
_setupfuns = {
'json': register_json,
'pickle': register_pickle,
'yaml': register_yaml,
'msgpack': register_msgpack,
'application/json': register_json,
'application/x-yaml': register_yaml,
'application/x-python-serialize': register_pickle,
'application/x-msgpack': register_msgpack,
def enable_insecure_serializers(choices=['pickle', 'yaml', 'msgpack']):
"""Enable serializers that are considered to be unsafe.
Will enable ``pickle``, ``yaml`` and ``msgpack`` by default,
but you can also specify a list of serializers (by name or content type)
to enable.
for choice in choices:
except KeyError:
def disable_insecure_serializers(allowed=['json']):
"""Disable untrusted serializers.
Will disable all serializers except ``json``
or you can specify a list of deserializers to allow.
.. note::
Producers will still be able to serialize data
in these formats, but consumers will not accept
incoming data using the untrusted content types.
for name in registry._decoders:
if allowed is not None:
for name in allowed:
# Insecure serializers are disabled by default since v3.0
# Load entrypoints from installed extensions
for ep, args in entrypoints('kombu.serializers'): # pragma: no cover
register(, *args)
def prepare_accept_content(l, name_to_type=registry.name_to_type):
if l is not None:
return set(n if '/' in n else name_to_type[n] for n in l)
return l