
506 lines
19 KiB

# Copyright (C) 2015 JWCrypto Project Contributors - see LICENSE file
from jwcrypto.common import base64url_decode, base64url_encode
from jwcrypto.common import json_decode, json_encode
from jwcrypto.jwa import JWA
from jwcrypto.jwk import JWK
# RFC 7515 - 9.1
# name: (description, supported?)
JWSHeaderRegistry = {'alg': ('Algorithm', True),
'jku': ('JWK Set URL', False),
'jwk': ('JSON Web Key', False),
'kid': ('Key ID', True),
'x5u': ('X.509 URL', False),
'x5c': ('X.509 Certificate Chain', False),
'x5t': ('X.509 Certificate SHA-1 Thumbprint', False),
'x5t#S256': ('X.509 Certificate SHA-256 Thumbprint',
'typ': ('Type', True),
'cty': ('Content Type', True),
'crit': ('Critical', True)}
"""Registry of valid header parameters"""
default_allowed_algs = [
'HS256', 'HS384', 'HS512',
'RS256', 'RS384', 'RS512',
'ES256', 'ES384', 'ES512',
'PS256', 'PS384', 'PS512']
"""Default allowed algorithms"""
class InvalidJWSSignature(Exception):
"""Invalid JWS Signature.
This exception is raised when a signature cannot be validated.
def __init__(self, message=None, exception=None):
msg = None
if message:
msg = str(message)
msg = 'Unknown Signature Verification Failure'
if exception:
msg += ' {%s}' % str(exception)
super(InvalidJWSSignature, self).__init__(msg)
class InvalidJWSObject(Exception):
"""Invalid JWS Object.
This exception is raised when the JWS Object is invalid and/or
improperly formatted.
def __init__(self, message=None, exception=None):
msg = 'Invalid JWS Object'
if message:
msg += ' [%s]' % message
if exception:
msg += ' {%s}' % str(exception)
super(InvalidJWSObject, self).__init__(msg)
class InvalidJWSOperation(Exception):
"""Invalid JWS Object.
This exception is raised when a requested operation cannot
be execute due to unsatisfied conditions.
def __init__(self, message=None, exception=None):
msg = None
if message:
msg = message
msg = 'Unknown Operation Failure'
if exception:
msg += ' {%s}' % str(exception)
super(InvalidJWSOperation, self).__init__(msg)
class JWSCore(object):
"""The inner JWS Core object.
This object SHOULD NOT be used directly, the JWS object should be
used instead as JWS perform necessary checks on the validity of
the object and requested operations.
def __init__(self, alg, key, header, payload, algs=None):
"""Core JWS token handling.
:param alg: The algorithm used to produce the signature.
See RFC 7518
:param key: A (:class:`jwcrypto.jwk.JWK`) key of appropriate
type for the "alg" provided in the 'protected' json string.
:param header: A JSON string representing the protected header.
:param payload(bytes): An arbitrary value
:param algs: An optional list of allowed algorithms
:raises ValueError: if the key is not a :class:`JWK` object
:raises InvalidJWAAlgorithm: if the algorithm is not valid, is
unknown or otherwise not yet implemented.
self.alg = alg
self.engine = self._jwa(alg, algs)
if not isinstance(key, JWK):
raise ValueError('key is not a JWK object')
self.key = key
if header is not None:
if isinstance(header, dict):
header = json_encode(header)
self.protected = base64url_encode(header.encode('utf-8'))
self.protected = ''
self.payload = base64url_encode(payload)
def _jwa(self, name, allowed):
if allowed is None:
allowed = default_allowed_algs
if name not in allowed:
raise InvalidJWSOperation('Algorithm not allowed')
return JWA.signing_alg(name)
def sign(self):
"""Generates a signature"""
sigin = ('.'.join([self.protected, self.payload])).encode('utf-8')
signature = self.engine.sign(self.key, sigin)
return {'protected': self.protected,
'payload': self.payload,
'signature': base64url_encode(signature)}
def verify(self, signature):
"""Verifies a signature
:raises InvalidJWSSignature: if the verification fails.
sigin = ('.'.join([self.protected, self.payload])).encode('utf-8')
self.engine.verify(self.key, sigin, signature)
except Exception as e: # pylint: disable=broad-except
raise InvalidJWSSignature('Verification failed', repr(e))
return True
class JWS(object):
"""JSON Web Signature object
This object represent a JWS token.
def __init__(self, payload=None):
"""Creates a JWS object.
:param payload(bytes): An arbitrary value (optional).
self.objects = dict()
if payload:
self.objects['payload'] = payload
self.verifylog = None
self._allowed_algs = None
def _check_crit(self, crit):
for k in crit:
if k not in JWSHeaderRegistry:
raise InvalidJWSSignature('Unknown critical header: '
'"%s"' % k)
if not JWSHeaderRegistry[k][1]:
raise InvalidJWSSignature('Unsupported critical '
'header: "%s"' % k)
def allowed_algs(self):
"""Allowed algorithms.
The list of allowed algorithms.
Can be changed by setting a list of algorithm names.
if self._allowed_algs:
return self._allowed_algs
return default_allowed_algs
def allowed_algs(self, algs):
if not isinstance(algs, list):
raise TypeError('Allowed Algs must be a list')
self._allowed_algs = algs
def is_valid(self):
return self.objects.get('valid', False)
def _merge_headers(self, h1, h2):
for k in list(h1.keys()):
if k in h2:
raise InvalidJWSObject('Duplicate header: "%s"' % k)
return h1
# TODO: support selecting key with 'kid' and passing in multiple keys
def _verify(self, alg, key, payload, signature, protected, header=None):
# verify it is a valid JSON object and keep a decode copy
if protected is not None:
p = json_decode(protected)
p = dict()
if not isinstance(p, dict):
raise InvalidJWSSignature('Invalid Protected header')
# merge heders, and verify there are no duplicates
if header:
if not isinstance(header, dict):
raise InvalidJWSSignature('Invalid Unprotected header')
p = self._merge_headers(p, header)
# verify critical headers
# TODO: allow caller to specify list of headers it understands
if 'crit' in p:
# check 'alg' is present
if alg is None and 'alg' not in p:
raise InvalidJWSSignature('No "alg" in headers')
if alg:
if 'alg' in p and alg != p['alg']:
raise InvalidJWSSignature('"alg" mismatch, requested '
'"%s", found "%s"' % (alg,
a = alg
a = p['alg']
# the following will verify the "alg" is supported and the signature
# verifies
c = JWSCore(a, key, protected, payload, self._allowed_algs)
def verify(self, key, alg=None):
"""Verifies a JWS token.
:param key: The (:class:`jwcrypto.jwk.JWK`) verification key.
:param alg: The signing algorithm (optional). usually the algorithm
is known as it is provided with the JOSE Headers of the token.
:raises InvalidJWSSignature: if the verification fails.
self.verifylog = list()
self.objects['valid'] = False
obj = self.objects
if 'signature' in obj:
self._verify(alg, key,
obj.get('protected', None),
obj.get('header', None))
obj['valid'] = True
except Exception as e: # pylint: disable=broad-except
self.verifylog.append('Failed: [%s]' % repr(e))
elif 'signatures' in obj:
for o in obj['signatures']:
self._verify(alg, key,
o.get('protected', None),
o.get('header', None))
# Ok if at least one verifies
obj['valid'] = True
except Exception as e: # pylint: disable=broad-except
self.verifylog.append('Failed: [%s]' % repr(e))
raise InvalidJWSSignature('No signatures availble')
if not self.is_valid:
raise InvalidJWSSignature('Verification failed for all '
'signatures' + repr(self.verifylog))
def deserialize(self, raw_jws, key=None, alg=None):
"""Deserialize a JWS token.
NOTE: Destroys any current status and tries to import the raw
JWS provided.
:param raw_jws: a 'raw' JWS token (JSON Encoded or Compact
notation) string.
:param key: A (:class:`jwcrypto.jwk.JWK`) verification key (optional).
If a key is provided a verification step will be attempted after
the object is successfully deserialized.
:param alg: The signing algorithm (optional). usually the algorithm
is known as it is provided with the JOSE Headers of the token.
:raises InvalidJWSObject: if the raw object is an invaid JWS token.
:raises InvalidJWSSignature: if the verification fails.
self.objects = dict()
o = dict()
djws = json_decode(raw_jws)
o['payload'] = base64url_decode(str(djws['payload']))
if 'signatures' in djws:
o['signatures'] = list()
for s in djws['signatures']:
os = dict()
os['signature'] = base64url_decode(str(s['signature']))
if 'protected' in s:
p = base64url_decode(str(s['protected']))
os['protected'] = p.decode('utf-8')
if 'header' in s:
os['header'] = s['header']
o['signature'] = base64url_decode(str(djws['signature']))
if 'protected' in djws:
p = base64url_decode(str(djws['protected']))
o['protected'] = p.decode('utf-8')
if 'header' in djws:
o['header'] = djws['header']
except ValueError:
c = raw_jws.split('.')
if len(c) != 3:
raise InvalidJWSObject('Unrecognized representation')
p = base64url_decode(str(c[0]))
if len(p) > 0:
o['protected'] = p.decode('utf-8')
o['payload'] = base64url_decode(str(c[1]))
o['signature'] = base64url_decode(str(c[2]))
self.objects = o
except Exception as e: # pylint: disable=broad-except
raise InvalidJWSObject('Invalid format', repr(e))
if key:
self.verify(key, alg)
def add_signature(self, key, alg=None, protected=None, header=None):
"""Adds a new signature to the object.
:param key: A (:class:`jwcrypto.jwk.JWK`) key of appropriate for
the "alg" provided.
:param alg: An optional algorithm name. If already provided as an
element of the protected or unprotected header it can be safely
:param potected: The Protected Header (optional)
:param header: The Unprotected Header (optional)
:raises InvalidJWSObject: if no payload has been set on the object.
:raises ValueError: if the key is not a :class:`JWK` object.
:raises ValueError: if the algorithm is missing or is not provided
by one of the headers.
:raises InvalidJWAAlgorithm: if the algorithm is not valid, is
unknown or otherwise not yet implemented.
if not self.objects.get('payload', None):
raise InvalidJWSObject('Missing Payload')
p = dict()
if protected:
if isinstance(protected, dict):
protected = json_encode(protected)
p = json_decode(protected)
# TODO: allow caller to specify list of headers it understands
if 'crit' in p:
if header:
if isinstance(header, dict):
header = json_encode(header)
h = json_decode(header)
p = self._merge_headers(p, h)
if 'alg' in p:
if alg is None:
alg = p['alg']
elif alg != p['alg']:
raise ValueError('"alg" value mismatch, specified "alg" '
'does not match JOSE header value')
if alg is None:
raise ValueError('"alg" not specified')
c = JWSCore(alg, key, protected, self.objects['payload'])
sig = c.sign()
o = dict()
o['signature'] = base64url_decode(sig['signature'])
if protected:
o['protected'] = protected
if header:
o['header'] = h
o['valid'] = True
if 'signatures' in self.objects:
elif 'signature' in self.objects:
self.objects['signatures'] = list()
n = dict()
n['signature'] = self.objects.pop('signature')
if 'protected' in self.objects:
n['protected'] = self.objects.pop('protected')
if 'header' in self.objects:
n['header'] = self.objects.pop('header')
if 'valid' in self.objects:
n['valid'] = self.objects.pop('valid')
def serialize(self, compact=False):
"""Serializes the object into a JWS token.
:param compact(boolean): if True generates the compact
representation, otherwise generates a standard JSON format.
:raises InvalidJWSOperation: if the object cannot serialized
with the compact representation and `compat` is True.
:raises InvalidJWSSignature: if no signature has been added
to the object, or no valid signature can be found.
if compact:
if 'signatures' in self.objects:
raise InvalidJWSOperation("Can't use compact encoding with "
"multiple signatures")
if 'signature' not in self.objects:
raise InvalidJWSSignature("No available signature")
if not self.objects.get('valid', False):
raise InvalidJWSSignature("No valid signature found")
if 'protected' in self.objects:
protected = base64url_encode(self.objects['protected'])
protected = ''
return '.'.join([protected,
obj = self.objects
if 'signature' in obj:
if not obj.get('valid', False):
raise InvalidJWSSignature("No valid signature found")
sig = {'payload': base64url_encode(obj['payload']),
'signature': base64url_encode(obj['signature'])}
if 'protected' in obj:
sig['protected'] = base64url_encode(obj['protected'])
if 'header' in obj:
sig['header'] = obj['header']
elif 'signatures' in obj:
sig = {'payload': base64url_encode(obj['payload']),
'signatures': list()}
for o in obj['signatures']:
if not o.get('valid', False):
s = {'signature': base64url_encode(o['signature'])}
if 'protected' in o:
s['protected'] = base64url_encode(o['protected'])
if 'header' in o:
s['header'] = o['header']
if len(sig['signatures']) == 0:
raise InvalidJWSSignature("No valid signature found")
raise InvalidJWSSignature("No available signature")
return json_encode(sig)
def payload(self):
if 'payload' not in self.objects:
raise InvalidJWSOperation("Payload not available")
if not self.is_valid:
raise InvalidJWSOperation("Payload not verified")
return self.objects['payload']
def jose_header(self):
obj = self.objects
if 'signature' in obj:
jh = dict()
if 'protected' in obj:
p = json_decode(obj['protected'])
jh = self._merge_headers(jh, p)
jh = self._merge_headers(jh, obj.get('header', dict()))
return jh
elif 'signatures' in self.objects:
jhl = list()
for o in obj['signatures']:
jh = dict()
if 'protected' in obj:
p = json_decode(o['protected'])
jh = self._merge_headers(jh, p)
jh = self._merge_headers(jh, o.get('header', dict()))
return jhl
raise InvalidJWSOperation("JOSE Header(s) not available")