
465 lines
16 KiB

from __future__ import division
import contextlib
import json
import numbers
import requests
except ImportError:
requests = None
from jsonschema import _utils, _validators
from jsonschema.compat import (
Sequence, urljoin, urlsplit, urldefrag, unquote, urlopen,
str_types, int_types, iteritems, lru_cache,
from jsonschema.exceptions import ErrorTree # Backwards compatibility # noqa
from jsonschema.exceptions import RefResolutionError, SchemaError, UnknownType
_unset = _utils.Unset()
validators = {}
meta_schemas = _utils.URIDict()
def validates(version):
Register the decorated validator for a ``version`` of the specification.
Registered validators and their meta schemas will be considered when
parsing ``$schema`` properties' URIs.
:argument str version: an identifier to use as the version's name
:returns: a class decorator to decorate the validator with the version
def _validates(cls):
validators[version] = cls
if u"id" in cls.META_SCHEMA:
meta_schemas[cls.META_SCHEMA[u"id"]] = cls
return cls
return _validates
def create(meta_schema, validators=(), version=None, default_types=None): # noqa
if default_types is None:
default_types = {
u"array" : list, u"boolean" : bool, u"integer" : int_types,
u"null" : type(None), u"number" : numbers.Number, u"object" : dict,
u"string" : str_types,
class Validator(object):
VALIDATORS = dict(validators)
META_SCHEMA = dict(meta_schema)
DEFAULT_TYPES = dict(default_types)
def __init__(
self, schema, types=(), resolver=None, format_checker=None,
self._types = dict(self.DEFAULT_TYPES)
if resolver is None:
resolver = RefResolver.from_schema(schema)
self.resolver = resolver
self.format_checker = format_checker
self.schema = schema
def check_schema(cls, schema):
for error in cls(cls.META_SCHEMA).iter_errors(schema):
raise SchemaError.create_from(error)
def iter_errors(self, instance, _schema=None):
if _schema is None:
_schema = self.schema
scope = _schema.get(u"id")
if scope:
ref = _schema.get(u"$ref")
if ref is not None:
validators = [(u"$ref", ref)]
validators = iteritems(_schema)
for k, v in validators:
validator = self.VALIDATORS.get(k)
if validator is None:
errors = validator(self, v, instance, _schema) or ()
for error in errors:
# set details if not already set by the called fn
if k != u"$ref":
yield error
if scope:
def descend(self, instance, schema, path=None, schema_path=None):
for error in self.iter_errors(instance, schema):
if path is not None:
if schema_path is not None:
yield error
def validate(self, *args, **kwargs):
for error in self.iter_errors(*args, **kwargs):
raise error
def is_type(self, instance, type):
if type not in self._types:
raise UnknownType(type, instance, self.schema)
pytypes = self._types[type]
# bool inherits from int, so ensure bools aren't reported as ints
if isinstance(instance, bool):
pytypes = _utils.flatten(pytypes)
is_number = any(
issubclass(pytype, numbers.Number) for pytype in pytypes
if is_number and bool not in pytypes:
return False
return isinstance(instance, pytypes)
def is_valid(self, instance, _schema=None):
error = next(self.iter_errors(instance, _schema), None)
return error is None
if version is not None:
Validator = validates(version)(Validator)
Validator.__name__ = version.title().replace(" ", "") + "Validator"
return Validator
def extend(validator, validators, version=None):
all_validators = dict(validator.VALIDATORS)
return create(
Draft3Validator = create(
u"$ref" : _validators.ref,
u"additionalItems" : _validators.additionalItems,
u"additionalProperties" : _validators.additionalProperties,
u"dependencies" : _validators.dependencies,
u"disallow" : _validators.disallow_draft3,
u"divisibleBy" : _validators.multipleOf,
u"enum" : _validators.enum,
u"extends" : _validators.extends_draft3,
u"format" : _validators.format,
u"items" : _validators.items,
u"maxItems" : _validators.maxItems,
u"maxLength" : _validators.maxLength,
u"maximum" : _validators.maximum,
u"minItems" : _validators.minItems,
u"minLength" : _validators.minLength,
u"minimum" : _validators.minimum,
u"multipleOf" : _validators.multipleOf,
u"pattern" : _validators.pattern,
u"patternProperties" : _validators.patternProperties,
u"properties" : _validators.properties_draft3,
u"type" : _validators.type_draft3,
u"uniqueItems" : _validators.uniqueItems,
Draft4Validator = create(
u"$ref" : _validators.ref,
u"additionalItems" : _validators.additionalItems,
u"additionalProperties" : _validators.additionalProperties,
u"allOf" : _validators.allOf_draft4,
u"anyOf" : _validators.anyOf_draft4,
u"dependencies" : _validators.dependencies,
u"enum" : _validators.enum,
u"format" : _validators.format,
u"items" : _validators.items,
u"maxItems" : _validators.maxItems,
u"maxLength" : _validators.maxLength,
u"maxProperties" : _validators.maxProperties_draft4,
u"maximum" : _validators.maximum,
u"minItems" : _validators.minItems,
u"minLength" : _validators.minLength,
u"minProperties" : _validators.minProperties_draft4,
u"minimum" : _validators.minimum,
u"multipleOf" : _validators.multipleOf,
u"not" : _validators.not_draft4,
u"oneOf" : _validators.oneOf_draft4,
u"pattern" : _validators.pattern,
u"patternProperties" : _validators.patternProperties,
u"properties" : _validators.properties_draft4,
u"required" : _validators.required_draft4,
u"type" : _validators.type_draft4,
u"uniqueItems" : _validators.uniqueItems,
class RefResolver(object):
Resolve JSON References.
:argument str base_uri: URI of the referring document
:argument referrer: the actual referring document
:argument dict store: a mapping from URIs to documents to cache
:argument bool cache_remote: whether remote refs should be cached after
first resolution
:argument dict handlers: a mapping from URI schemes to functions that
should be used to retrieve them
:arguments callable cache_func: a function decorator used to cache
expensive calls. Should support the `functools.lru_cache` interface.
:argument int cache_maxsize: number of items to store in the cache. Set
this to 0 to disable caching. Defaults to 1000.
def __init__(
self, base_uri, referrer, store=(), cache_remote=True, handlers=(),
cache_func=lru_cache, cache_maxsize=1000,
# This attribute is not used, it is for backwards compatibility
self.referrer = referrer
self.cache_remote = cache_remote
self.handlers = dict(handlers)
self._scopes_stack = [base_uri] = _utils.URIDict(
(id, validator.META_SCHEMA)
for id, validator in iteritems(meta_schemas)
)[base_uri] = referrer
self._urljoin_cache = cache_func(cache_maxsize)(urljoin)
self._resolve_cache = cache_func(cache_maxsize)(self.resolve_from_url)
def from_schema(cls, schema, *args, **kwargs):
Construct a resolver from a JSON schema object.
:argument schema schema: the referring schema
:rtype: :class:`RefResolver`
return cls(schema.get(u"id", u""), schema, *args, **kwargs)
def push_scope(self, scope):
self._urljoin_cache(self.resolution_scope, scope))
def pop_scope(self):
except IndexError:
raise RefResolutionError(
"Failed to pop the scope from an empty stack. "
"`pop_scope()` should only be called once for every "
def resolution_scope(self):
return self._scopes_stack[-1]
# Deprecated, this function is no longer used, but is preserved for
# backwards compatibility
def in_scope(self, scope):
# Deprecated, this function is no longer used, but is preserved for
# backwards compatibility
def resolving(self, ref):
url, resolved = self.resolve(ref)
yield resolved
def resolve(self, ref):
Context manager which resolves a JSON ``ref`` and enters the
resolution scope of this ref.
:argument str ref: reference to resolve
url = self._urljoin_cache(self.resolution_scope, ref)
return url, self._resolve_cache(url)
def resolve_from_url(self, url):
url, fragment = urldefrag(url)
document =[url]
except KeyError:
document = self.resolve_remote(url)
except Exception as exc:
raise RefResolutionError(exc)
return self.resolve_fragment(document, fragment)
def resolve_fragment(self, document, fragment):
Resolve a ``fragment`` within the referenced ``document``.
:argument document: the referrant document
:argument str fragment: a URI fragment to resolve within it
fragment = fragment.lstrip(u"/")
parts = unquote(fragment).split(u"/") if fragment else []
for part in parts:
part = part.replace(u"~1", u"/").replace(u"~0", u"~")
if isinstance(document, Sequence):
# Array indexes should be turned into integers
part = int(part)
except ValueError:
document = document[part]
except (TypeError, LookupError):
raise RefResolutionError(
"Unresolvable JSON pointer: %r" % fragment
return document
def resolve_remote(self, uri):
Resolve a remote ``uri``.
If called directly, does not check the store first, but after
retrieving the document at the specified URI it will be saved in
the store if :attr:`cache_remote` is True.
.. note::
If the requests_ library is present, ``jsonschema`` will use it to
request the remote ``uri``, so that the correct encoding is
detected and used.
If it isn't, or if the scheme of the ``uri`` is not ``http`` or
``https``, UTF-8 is assumed.
:argument str uri: the URI to resolve
:returns: the retrieved document
.. _requests:
scheme = urlsplit(uri).scheme
if scheme in self.handlers:
result = self.handlers[scheme](uri)
elif (
scheme in [u"http", u"https"] and
requests and
getattr(requests.Response, "json", None) is not None
# Requests has support for detecting the correct encoding of
# json over http
if callable(requests.Response.json):
result = requests.get(uri).json()
result = requests.get(uri).json
# Otherwise, pass off to urllib and assume utf-8
result = json.loads(urlopen(uri).read().decode("utf-8"))
if self.cache_remote:[uri] = result
return result
def validator_for(schema, default=_unset):
if default is _unset:
default = Draft4Validator
return meta_schemas.get(schema.get(u"$schema", u""), default)
def validate(instance, schema, cls=None, *args, **kwargs):
Validate an instance under the given schema.
>>> validate([2, 3, 4], {"maxItems" : 2})
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValidationError: [2, 3, 4] is too long
:func:`validate` will first verify that the provided schema is itself
valid, since not doing so can lead to less obvious error messages and fail
in less obvious or consistent ways. If you know you have a valid schema
already or don't care, you might prefer using the
:meth:`~IValidator.validate` method directly on a specific validator
(e.g. :meth:`Draft4Validator.validate`).
:argument instance: the instance to validate
:argument schema: the schema to validate with
:argument cls: an :class:`IValidator` class that will be used to validate
the instance.
If the ``cls`` argument is not provided, two things will happen in
accordance with the specification. First, if the schema has a
:validator:`$schema` property containing a known meta-schema [#]_ then the
proper validator will be used. The specification recommends that all
schemas contain :validator:`$schema` properties for this reason. If no
:validator:`$schema` property is found, the default validator class is
Any other provided positional and keyword arguments will be passed on when
instantiating the ``cls``.
:exc:`ValidationError` if the instance is invalid
:exc:`SchemaError` if the schema itself is invalid
.. rubric:: Footnotes
.. [#] known by a validator registered with :func:`validates`
if cls is None:
cls = validator_for(schema)
cls(schema, *args, **kwargs).validate(instance)