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Metadata-Version: 2.1
Name: py-vapid
Version: 1.9.0
Summary: Simple VAPID header generation library
Author: JR Conlin
License: MPL2
Keywords: vapid push webpush
Platform: UNKNOWN
Classifier: Topic :: Internet :: WWW/HTTP
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3
Description-Content-Type: text/x-rst
License-File: LICENSE
|PyPI version py_vapid|
Easy VAPID generation
This minimal library contains the minimal set of functions you need to
generate a VAPID key set and get the headers youll need to sign a
WebPush subscription update.
VAPID is a voluntary standard for WebPush subscription providers (sites
that send WebPush updates to remote customers) to self-identify to Push
Servers (the servers that convey the push notifications).
The VAPID “claims” are a set of JSON keys and values. There are two
required fields, one semi-optional and several optional additional
At a minimum a VAPID claim set should look like:
A few notes:
**sub** is the email address you wish to have on record for this
request, prefixed with “``mailto:``”. If things go wrong, this is the
email that will be used to contact you (for instance). This can be a
general delivery address like “````”
or a specific address like “````”.
**aud** is the audience for the VAPID. This is the scheme and host you
use to send subscription endpoints and generally coincides with the
``endpoint`` specified in the Subscription Info block.
As example, if a WebPush subscription info contains:
``{"endpoint": "", ...}``
then the ``aud`` would be “````”
While some Push Services consider this an optional field, others may be
**exp** This is the UTC timestamp for when this VAPID request will
expire. The maximum period is 24 hours. Setting a shorter period can
prevent “replay” attacks. Setting a longer period allows you to reuse
headers for multiple sends (e.g. if youre sending hundreds of updates
within an hour or so.) If no ``exp`` is included, one that will expire
in 24 hours will be auto-generated for you.
Claims should be stored in a JSON compatible file. In the examples
below, weve stored the claims into a file named ``claims.json``.
py_vapid can either be installed as a library or used as a stand along
app, ``bin/vapid``.
App Installation
Youll need ``python virtualenv`` Run that in the current directory.
Then run
bin/pip install -r requirements.txt
bin/python install
App Usage
Run by itself, ``bin/vapid`` will check and optionally create the
public_key.pem and private_key.pem files.
``bin/vapid --gen`` can be used to generate a new set of public and
private key PEM files. These will overwrite the contents of
``private_key.pem`` and ``public_key.pem``.
``bin/vapid --sign claims.json`` will generate a set of HTTP headers
from a JSON formatted claims file. A sample ``claims.json`` is included
with this distribution.
``bin/vapid --sign claims.json --json`` will output the headers in JSON
format, which may be useful for other programs.
``bin/vapid --applicationServerKey`` will return the
``applicationServerKey`` value you can use to make a restricted
endpoint. See
for more details. Be aware that this value is tied to the generated
public/private key. If you remove or generate a new key, any restricted
URL youve previously generated will need to be reallocated. Please note
that some User Agents may require you `to decode this string into a
Uint8Array <>`__.
See ``bin/vapid -h`` for all options and commands.
Im terrible about updating the Changelog. Please see the
```git log`` <>`__
history for details.
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