
142 lines
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package main
import (
// Query the pg_settings view containing runtime variables
func querySettings(ch chan<- prometheus.Metric, server *Server) error {
log.Debugf("Querying pg_setting view on %q", server)
// pg_settings docs:
// NOTE: If you add more vartypes here, you must update the supported
// types in normaliseUnit() below
query := "SELECT name, setting, COALESCE(unit, ''), short_desc, vartype FROM pg_settings WHERE vartype IN ('bool', 'integer', 'real');"
rows, err := server.db.Query(query)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error running query on database %q: %s %v", server, namespace, err)
defer rows.Close() // nolint: errcheck
for rows.Next() {
s := &pgSetting{}
err = rows.Scan(&, &s.setting, &s.unit, &s.shortDesc, &s.vartype)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error retrieving rows on %q: %s %v", server, namespace, err)
ch <- s.metric(server.labels)
return nil
// pgSetting is represents a PostgreSQL runtime variable as returned by the
// pg_settings view.
type pgSetting struct {
name, setting, unit, shortDesc, vartype string
func (s *pgSetting) metric(labels prometheus.Labels) prometheus.Metric {
var (
err error
name = strings.Replace(, ".", "_", -1)
unit = s.unit // nolint: ineffassign
shortDesc = s.shortDesc
subsystem = "settings"
val float64
switch s.vartype {
case "bool":
if s.setting == "on" {
val = 1
case "integer", "real":
if val, unit, err = s.normaliseUnit(); err != nil {
// Panic, since we should recognise all units
// and don't want to silently exlude metrics
if len(unit) > 0 {
name = fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s", name, unit)
shortDesc = fmt.Sprintf("%s [Units converted to %s.]", shortDesc, unit)
// Panic because we got a type we didn't ask for
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Unsupported vartype %q", s.vartype))
desc := newDesc(subsystem, name, shortDesc, labels)
return prometheus.MustNewConstMetric(desc, prometheus.GaugeValue, val)
// TODO: fix linter override
// nolint: nakedret
func (s *pgSetting) normaliseUnit() (val float64, unit string, err error) {
val, err = strconv.ParseFloat(s.setting, 64)
if err != nil {
return val, unit, fmt.Errorf("Error converting setting %q value %q to float: %s",, s.setting, err)
// Units defined in:
switch s.unit {
case "":
case "ms", "s", "min", "h", "d":
unit = "seconds"
case "B", "kB", "MB", "GB", "TB", "8kB", "16kB", "32kB", "16MB", "32MB", "64MB":
unit = "bytes"
err = fmt.Errorf("Unknown unit for runtime variable: %q", s.unit)
// -1 is special, don't modify the value
if val == -1 {
switch s.unit {
case "ms":
val /= 1000
case "min":
val *= 60
case "h":
val *= 60 * 60
case "d":
val *= 60 * 60 * 24
case "kB":
val *= math.Pow(2, 10)
case "MB":
val *= math.Pow(2, 20)
case "GB":
val *= math.Pow(2, 30)
case "TB":
val *= math.Pow(2, 40)
case "8kB":
val *= math.Pow(2, 13)
case "16kB":
val *= math.Pow(2, 14)
case "32kB":
val *= math.Pow(2, 15)
case "16MB":
val *= math.Pow(2, 24)
case "32MB":
val *= math.Pow(2, 25)
case "64MB":
val *= math.Pow(2, 26)