
296 lines
9.7 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python
# A part of pdfrw (
# Copyright (C) 2006-2009 Patrick Maupin, Austin, Texas
# MIT license -- See LICENSE.txt for details
The PdfWriter class writes an entire PDF file out to disk.
The writing process is not at all optimized or organized.
An instance of the PdfWriter class has two methods:
addpage() assumes that the pages are part of a valid
tree/forest of PDF objects.
except NameError:
from sets import Set as set
from pdfrw.objects import PdfName, PdfArray, PdfDict, IndirectPdfDict, PdfObject, PdfString
from pdfrw.compress import compress as do_compress
from pdfrw.errors import PdfOutputError, log
NullObject = PdfObject('null')
NullObject.indirect = True
NullObject.Type = 'Null object'
def FormatObjects(f, trailer, version='1.3', compress=True, killobj=(),
id=id, isinstance=isinstance, getattr=getattr,len=len,
sum=sum, set=set, str=str, basestring=basestring,
hasattr=hasattr, repr=repr, enumerate=enumerate,
list=list, dict=dict, tuple=tuple,
do_compress=do_compress, PdfArray=PdfArray,
PdfDict=PdfDict, PdfObject=PdfObject, encode=PdfString.encode):
''' FormatObjects performs the actual formatting and disk write.
Should be a class, was a class, turned into nested functions
for performace (to reduce attribute lookups).
def add(obj):
''' Add an object to our list, if it's an indirect
object. Just format it if not.
# Can't hash dicts, so just hash the object ID
objid = id(obj)
# Automatically set stream objects to indirect
if isinstance(obj, PdfDict):
indirect = obj.indirect or ( is not None)
indirect = getattr(obj, 'indirect', False)
if not indirect:
if objid in visited:
log.warning('Replicating direct %s object, should be indirect for optimal file size' % type(obj))
obj = type(obj)(obj)
objid = id(obj)
result = format_obj(obj)
return result
objnum = indirect_dict_get(objid)
# If we haven't seen the object yet, we need to
# add it to the indirect object list.
if objnum is None:
swapped = swapobj(objid)
if swapped is not None:
old_id = objid
obj = swapped
objid = id(obj)
objnum = indirect_dict_get(objid)
if objnum is not None:
indirect_dict[old_id] = objnum
return '%s 0 R' % objnum
objnum = len(objlist) + 1
indirect_dict[objid] = objnum
deferred.append((objnum-1, obj))
return '%s 0 R' % objnum
def format_array(myarray, formatter):
# Format array data into semi-readable ASCII
if sum([len(x) for x in myarray]) <= 70:
return formatter % space_join(myarray)
return format_big(myarray, formatter)
def format_big(myarray, formatter):
bigarray = []
count = 1000000
for x in myarray:
lenx = len(x) + 1
count += lenx
if count > 71:
subarray = []
count = lenx
return formatter % lf_join([space_join(x) for x in bigarray])
def format_obj(obj):
''' format PDF object data into semi-readable ASCII.
May mutually recurse with add() -- add() will
return references for indirect objects, and add
the indirect object to the list.
while 1:
if isinstance(obj, (list, dict, tuple)):
if isinstance(obj, PdfArray):
myarray = [add(x) for x in obj]
return format_array(myarray, '[%s]')
elif isinstance(obj, PdfDict):
if compress and
myarray = []
dictkeys = [str(x) for x in obj.keys()]
for key in dictkeys:
result = format_array(myarray, '<<%s>>')
stream =
if stream is not None:
result = '%s\nstream\n%s\nendstream' % (result, stream)
return result
obj = (PdfArray, PdfDict)[isinstance(obj, dict)](obj)
if not hasattr(obj, 'indirect') and isinstance(obj, basestring):
return encode(obj)
return str(getattr(obj, 'encoded', obj))
def format_deferred():
while deferred:
index, obj = deferred.pop()
objlist[index] = format_obj(obj)
indirect_dict = {}
indirect_dict_get = indirect_dict.get
objlist = []
objlist_append = objlist.append
visited = set()
visiting = visited.add
leaving = visited.remove
space_join = ' '.join
lf_join = '\n '.join
f_write = f.write
deferred = []
# Don't reference old catalog or pages objects -- swap references to new ones.
swapobj = {PdfName.Catalog:trailer.Root, PdfName.Pages:trailer.Root.Pages, None:trailer}.get
swapobj = [(objid, swapobj(obj.Type)) for objid, obj in killobj.iteritems()]
swapobj = dict((objid, obj is None and NullObject or obj) for objid, obj in swapobj).get
for objid in killobj:
assert swapobj(objid) is not None
# The first format of trailer gets all the information,
# but we throw away the actual trailer formatting.
# Keep formatting until we're done.
# (Used to recurse inside format_obj for this, but
# hit system limit.)
# Now we know the size, so we update the trailer dict
# and get the formatted data.
trailer.Size = PdfObject(len(objlist) + 1)
trailer = format_obj(trailer)
# Now we have all the pieces to write out to the file.
# Keep careful track of the counts while we do it so
# we can correctly build the cross-reference.
header = '%%PDF-%s\n%%\xe2\xe3\xcf\xd3\n' % version
offset = len(header)
offsets = [(0, 65535, 'f')]
offsets_append = offsets.append
for i, x in enumerate(objlist):
objstr = '%s 0 obj\n%s\nendobj\n' % (i + 1, x)
offsets_append((offset, 0, 'n'))
offset += len(objstr)
f_write('xref\n0 %s\n' % len(offsets))
for x in offsets:
f_write('%010d %05d %s\r\n' % x)
f_write('trailer\n\n%s\nstartxref\n%s\n%%%%EOF\n' % (trailer, offset))
class PdfWriter(object):
_trailer = None
def __init__(self, version='1.3', compress=False):
self.pagearray = PdfArray()
self.compress = compress
self.version = version
self.killobj = {}
def addpage(self, page):
self._trailer = None
if page.Type != PdfName.Page:
raise PdfOutputError('Bad /Type: Expected %s, found %s'
% (PdfName.Page, page.Type))
inheritable = page.inheritable # searches for resources
Resources = inheritable.Resources,
MediaBox = inheritable.MediaBox,
CropBox = inheritable.CropBox,
Rotate = inheritable.Rotate,
# Add parents in the hierarchy to objects we
# don't want to output
killobj = self.killobj
obj = page.Parent
while obj is not None:
objid = id(obj)
if objid in killobj:
killobj[objid] = obj
obj = obj.Parent
return self
addPage = addpage # for compatibility with pyPdf
def addpages(self, pagelist):
for page in pagelist:
return self
def _get_trailer(self):
trailer = self._trailer
if trailer is not None:
return trailer
# Create the basic object structure of the PDF file
trailer = PdfDict(
Root = IndirectPdfDict(
Type = PdfName.Catalog,
Pages = IndirectPdfDict(
Type = PdfName.Pages,
Count = PdfObject(len(self.pagearray)),
Kids = self.pagearray
# Make all the pages point back to the page dictionary
pagedict = trailer.Root.Pages
for page in pagedict.Kids:
page.Parent = pagedict
self._trailer = trailer
return trailer
def _set_trailer(self, trailer):
self._trailer = trailer
trailer = property(_get_trailer, _set_trailer)
def write(self, fname, trailer=None):
trailer = trailer or self.trailer
# Dump the data. We either have a filename or a preexisting
# file object.
preexisting = hasattr(fname, 'write')
f = preexisting and fname or open(fname, 'wb')
FormatObjects(f, trailer, self.version, self.compress, self.killobj)
if not preexisting:
if __name__ == '__main__':
import logging
import pdfreader
x = pdfreader.PdfReader('source.pdf')
y = PdfWriter()
for i, page in enumerate(x.pages):
print ' Adding page', i+1, '\r',