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# A part of pdfrw (
# Copyright (C) 2006-2012 Patrick Maupin, Austin, Texas
# MIT license -- See LICENSE.txt for details
This module contains code to build PDF "Form XObjects".
A Form XObject allows a fragment from one PDF file to be cleanly
included in another PDF file.
Reference for syntax: "Parameters for opening PDF files" from SDK 8.1
supported 'page=xxx', 'viewrect=<left>,<top>,<width>,<height>'
Also supported by this, but not by Adobe:
'rotate=xxx' where xxx in [0, 90, 180, 270]
Units are in points
Reference for content: Adobe PDF reference, sixth edition, version 1.7
Form xobjects discussed chapter 4.9, page 355
from pdfrw.objects import PdfDict, PdfArray, PdfName
from pdfrw.pdfreader import PdfReader
from pdfrw.errors import log
class ViewInfo(object):
''' Instantiate ViewInfo with a uri, and it will parse out
the filename, page, and viewrect into object attributes.
doc = None
docname = None
page = None
viewrect = None
rotate = None
def __init__(self, pageinfo='', **kw):
if len(pageinfo) == 2:
pageinfo[1:] = pageinfo[1].replace('&', '#').split('#')
for key in 'page viewrect'.split():
if pageinfo[0].startswith(key+'='):
self.docname = pageinfo.pop(0)
for item in pageinfo:
key, value = item.split('=')
key = key.strip()
value = value.replace(',', ' ').split()
if key in ('page', 'rotate'):
assert len(value) == 1
setattr(self, key, int(value[0]))
elif key == 'viewrect':
assert len(value) == 4
setattr(self, key, [float(x) for x in value])
log.error('Unknown option: %s', key)
for key, value in kw.iteritems():
assert hasattr(self, key), key
setattr(self, key, value)
def get_rotation(rotate):
''' Return clockwise rotation code:
0 = unrotated
1 = 90 degrees
2 = 180 degrees
3 = 270 degrees
rotate = int(rotate)
except (ValueError, TypeError):
return 0
if rotate % 90 != 0:
return 0
return rotate / 90
def rotate_point(point, rotation):
''' Rotate an (x,y) coordinate clockwise by a
rotation code specifying a multiple of 90 degrees.
if rotation & 1:
point = point[1], -point[0]
if rotation & 2:
point = -point[0], -point[1]
return point
def rotate_rect(rect, rotation):
''' Rotate both points within the rectangle, then normalize
the rectangle by returning the new lower left, then new
upper right.
rect = rotate_point(rect[:2], rotation) + rotate_point(rect[2:], rotation)
return (min(rect[0], rect[2]), min(rect[1], rect[3]),
max(rect[0], rect[2]), max(rect[1], rect[3]))
def getrects(inheritable, pageinfo, rotation):
''' Given the inheritable attributes of a page and
the desired pageinfo rectangle, return the page's
media box and the calculated boundary (clip) box.
mbox = tuple([float(x) for x in inheritable.MediaBox])
vrect = pageinfo.viewrect
if vrect is None:
cbox = tuple([float(x) for x in (inheritable.CropBox or mbox)])
# Rotate the media box to match what the user sees,
# figure out the clipping box, then rotate back
mleft, mbot, mright, mtop = rotate_rect(mbox, rotation)
x, y, w, h = vrect
cleft = mleft + x
ctop = mtop - y
cright = cleft + w
cbot = ctop - h
cbox = max(mleft, cleft), max(mbot, cbot), min(mright, cright), min(mtop, ctop)
cbox = rotate_rect(cbox, -rotation)
return mbox, cbox
def _cache_xobj(contents, resources, mbox, bbox, rotation):
''' Return a cached Form XObject, or create a new one and cache it.
Adds private members x, y, w, h
cachedict = contents.xobj_cachedict
if cachedict is None:
cachedict = contents.private.xobj_cachedict = {}
cachekey = mbox, bbox, rotation
result = cachedict.get(cachekey)
if result is None:
func = (_get_fullpage, _get_subpage)[mbox != bbox]
result = PdfDict(
func(contents, resources, mbox, bbox, rotation),
Type = PdfName.XObject,
Subtype = PdfName.Form,
FormType = 1,
BBox = PdfArray(bbox),
rect = bbox
if rotation:
matrix = rotate_point((1, 0), rotation) + rotate_point((0, 1), rotation)
result.Matrix = PdfArray(matrix + (0, 0))
rect = rotate_rect(rect, rotation)
result.private.x = rect[0]
result.private.y = rect[1]
result.private.w = rect[2] - rect[0]
result.private.h = rect[3] - rect[1]
cachedict[cachekey] = result
return result
def _get_fullpage(contents, resources, mbox, bbox, rotation):
''' fullpage is easy. Just copy the contents,
set up the resources, and let _cache_xobj handle the
return PdfDict(contents, Resources=resources)
def _get_subpage(contents, resources, mbox, bbox, rotation):
''' subpages *could* be as easy as full pages, but we
choose to complicate life by creating a Form XObject
for the page, and then one that references it for
the subpage, on the off-chance that we want multiple
items from the page.
return PdfDict(
stream = '/FullPage Do\n',
Resources = PdfDict(
XObject = PdfDict(
FullPage = _cache_xobj(contents, resources, mbox, mbox, 0)
def pagexobj(page, viewinfo=ViewInfo(), allow_compressed=True):
''' pagexobj creates and returns a Form XObject for
a given view within a page (Defaults to entire page.)
inheritable = page.inheritable
resources = inheritable.Resources
rotation = get_rotation(inheritable.Rotate)
mbox, bbox = getrects(inheritable, viewinfo, rotation)
rotation += get_rotation(viewinfo.rotate)
contents = page.Contents
# Make sure the only attribute is length
# All the filters must have been executed
assert int(contents.Length) == len(
if not allow_compressed:
assert len([x for x in contents.iteritems()]) == 1
return _cache_xobj(contents, resources, mbox, bbox, rotation)
def docxobj(pageinfo, doc=None, allow_compressed=True):
''' docxobj creates and returns an actual Form XObject.
Can work standalone, or in conjunction with
the CacheXObj class (below).
if not isinstance(pageinfo, ViewInfo):
pageinfo = ViewInfo(pageinfo)
# If we're explicitly passed a document,
# make sure we don't have one implicitly as well.
# If no implicit or explicit doc, then read one in
# from the filename.
if doc is not None:
assert pageinfo.doc is None
pageinfo.doc = doc
elif pageinfo.doc is not None:
doc = pageinfo.doc
doc = pageinfo.doc = PdfReader(pageinfo.docname, decompress = not allow_compressed)
assert isinstance(doc, PdfReader)
sourcepage = doc.pages[( or 1) - 1]
return pagexobj(sourcepage, pageinfo, allow_compressed)
class CacheXObj(object):
''' Use to keep from reparsing files over and over,
and to keep from making the output too much
bigger than it ought to be by replicating
unnecessary object copies.
def __init__(self, decompress=False):
''' Set decompress true if you need
the Form XObjects to be decompressed.
Will decompress what it can and scream
about the rest.
self.cached_pdfs = {}
self.decompress = decompress
def load(self, sourcename):
''' Load a Form XObject from a uri
info = ViewInfo(sourcename)
fname = info.docname
pcache = self.cached_pdfs
doc = pcache.get(fname)
if doc is None:
doc = pcache[fname] = PdfReader(fname, decompress=self.decompress)
return docxobj(info, doc, allow_compressed=not self.decompress)