
59 lines
1.6 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python
usage: my.pdf
This is only useful when you can cut down sheets of paper to make two
small documents. Works for double-sided only right now.
import sys
import os
import find_pdfrw
from pdfrw import PdfReader, PdfWriter, PdfArray, IndirectPdfDict
def fixpage(page, count=[0]):
count[0] += 1
evenpage = not (count[0] & 1)
# For demo purposes, just go with the MediaBox and toast the others
box = [float(x) for x in page.MediaBox]
assert box[0] == box[1] == 0, "demo won't work on this PDF"
for key, value in sorted(page.iteritems()):
if 'box' in key.lower():
del page[key]
startsize = tuple(box[2:])
finalsize = box[3], 2 * box[2]
page.MediaBox = PdfArray((0, 0) + finalsize)
page.Rotate = (int(page.Rotate or 0) + 90) % 360
contents = page.Contents
if contents is None:
return page
contents = isinstance(contents, dict) and [contents] or contents
prefix = '0 1 -1 0 %s %s cm\n' % (finalsize[0], 0)
if evenpage:
prefix = '1 0 0 1 %s %s cm\n' % (0, finalsize[1]/2) + prefix
first_prefix = 'q\n-1 0 0 -1 %s %s cm\n' % finalsize + prefix
second_prefix = '\nQ\n' + prefix
first_prefix = IndirectPdfDict(stream=first_prefix)
second_prefix = IndirectPdfDict(stream=second_prefix)
contents = PdfArray(([second_prefix] + contents) * 2)
contents[0] = first_prefix
page.Contents = contents
return page
inpfn, = sys.argv[1:]
outfn = 'print_two.' + os.path.basename(inpfn)
pages = PdfReader(inpfn).pages
PdfWriter().addpages(fixpage(x) for x in pages).write(outfn)