
592 lines
22 KiB

# A part of pdfrw (
# Copyright (C) 2006-2015 Patrick Maupin, Austin, Texas
# Copyright (C) 2012-2015 Nerijus Mika
# MIT license -- See LICENSE.txt for details
The PdfReader class reads an entire PDF file into memory and
parses the top-level container objects. (It does not parse
into streams.) The object subclasses PdfDict, and the
document pages are stored in a list in the pages attribute
of the object.
import gc
import binascii
import collections
import itertools
from .errors import PdfParseError, log
from .tokens import PdfTokens
from .objects import PdfDict, PdfArray, PdfName, PdfObject, PdfIndirect
from .uncompress import uncompress
from .py23_diffs import convert_load, iteritems
class PdfReader(PdfDict):
def findindirect(self, objnum, gennum, PdfIndirect=PdfIndirect, int=int):
''' Return a previously loaded indirect object, or create
a placeholder for it.
key = int(objnum), int(gennum)
result = self.indirect_objects.get(key)
if result is None:
self.indirect_objects[key] = result = PdfIndirect(key)
result._loader = self.loadindirect
return result
def readarray(self, source, PdfArray=PdfArray):
''' Found a [ token. Parse the tokens after that.
specialget = self.special.get
result = []
pop = result.pop
append = result.append
for value in source:
if value in ']R':
if value == ']':
generation = pop()
value = self.findindirect(pop(), generation)
func = specialget(value)
if func is not None:
value = func(source)
return PdfArray(result)
def readdict(self, source, PdfDict=PdfDict):
''' Found a << token. Parse the tokens after that.
specialget = self.special.get
result = PdfDict()
next =
tok = next()
while tok != '>>':
if not tok.startswith('/'):
source.error('Expected PDF /name object')
tok = next()
key = tok
value = next()
func = specialget(value)
if func is not None:
value = func(source)
tok = next()
tok = next()
if value.isdigit() and tok.isdigit():
tok2 = next()
if tok2 != 'R':
source.error('Expected "R" following two integers')
tok = tok2
value = self.findindirect(value, tok)
tok = next()
result[key] = value
return result
def empty_obj(self, source, PdfObject=PdfObject):
''' Some silly git put an empty object in the
file. Back up so the caller sees the endobj.
source.floc = source.tokstart
def badtoken(self, source):
''' Didn't see that coming.
source.exception('Unexpected delimiter')
def findstream(self, obj, tok, source, len=len):
''' Figure out if there is a content stream
following an object, and return the start
pointer to the content stream if so.
(We can't read it yet, because we might not
know how long it is, because Length might
be an indirect object.)
fdata = source.fdata
startstream = source.tokstart + len(tok)
gotcr = fdata[startstream] == '\r'
startstream += gotcr
gotlf = fdata[startstream] == '\n'
startstream += gotlf
if not gotlf:
if not gotcr:
source.error(r'stream keyword not followed by \n')
source.warning(r"stream keyword terminated "
r"by \r without \n")
return startstream
def readstream(self, obj, startstream, source, exact_required=False,
streamending='endstream endobj'.split(), int=int):
fdata = source.fdata
length = int(obj.Length)
source.floc = target_endstream = startstream + length
endit = source.multiple(2)
obj._stream = fdata[startstream:target_endstream]
if endit == streamending:
if exact_required:
source.exception('Expected endstream endobj')
# The length attribute does not match the distance between the
# stream and endstream keywords.
# TODO: Extract maxstream from dictionary of object offsets
# and use rfind instead of find.
maxstream = len(fdata) - 20
endstream = fdata.find('endstream', startstream, maxstream)
source.floc = startstream
room = endstream - startstream
if endstream < 0:
source.error('Could not find endstream')
if (length == room + 1 and
fdata[startstream - 2:startstream] == '\r\n'):
source.warning(r"stream keyword terminated by \r without \n")
obj._stream = fdata[startstream - 1:target_endstream - 1]
source.floc = endstream
if length > room:
source.error('stream /Length attribute (%d) appears to '
'be too big (size %d) -- adjusting',
length, room) = fdata[startstream:endstream]
if fdata[target_endstream:endstream].rstrip():
source.error('stream /Length attribute (%d) appears to '
'be too small (size %d) -- adjusting',
length, room) = fdata[startstream:endstream]
endobj = fdata.find('endobj', endstream, maxstream)
if endobj < 0:
source.error('Could not find endobj after endstream')
if fdata[endstream:endobj].rstrip() != 'endstream':
source.error('Unexpected data between endstream and endobj')
source.error('Illegal endstream/endobj combination')
def loadindirect(self, key, PdfDict=PdfDict,
result = self.indirect_objects.get(key)
if not isinstance(result, PdfIndirect):
return result
source = self.source
offset = int(self.source.obj_offsets.get(key, '0'))
if not offset:
source.warning("Did not find PDF object %s", key)
return None
# Read the object header and validate it
objnum, gennum = key
source.floc = offset
objid = source.multiple(3)
ok = len(objid) == 3
ok = ok and objid[0].isdigit() and int(objid[0]) == objnum
ok = ok and objid[1].isdigit() and int(objid[1]) == gennum
ok = ok and objid[2] == 'obj'
if not ok:
source.floc = offset
objheader = '%d %d obj' % (objnum, gennum)
fdata = source.fdata
offset2 = (fdata.find('\n' + objheader) + 1 or
fdata.find('\r' + objheader) + 1)
if (not offset2 or
fdata.find(fdata[offset2 - 1] + objheader, offset2) > 0):
source.warning("Expected indirect object '%s'", objheader)
return None
source.warning("Indirect object %s found at incorrect "
"offset %d (expected offset %d)",
objheader, offset2, offset)
source.floc = offset2 + len(objheader)
# Read the object, and call special code if it starts
# an array or dictionary
obj =
func = self.special.get(obj)
if func is not None:
obj = func(source)
self.indirect_objects[key] = obj
# Mark the object as indirect, and
# just return it if it is a simple object.
obj.indirect = key
tok =
if tok == 'endobj':
return obj
# Should be a stream. Either that or it's broken.
isdict = isinstance(obj, PdfDict)
if isdict and tok == 'stream':
self.readstream(obj, self.findstream(obj, tok, source), source)
return obj
# Houston, we have a problem, but let's see if it
# is easily fixable. Leaving out a space before endobj
# is apparently an easy mistake to make on generation
# (Because it won't be noticed unless you are specifically
# generating an indirect object that doesn't end with any
# sort of delimiter.) It is so common that things like
# okular just handle it.
if isinstance(obj, PdfObject) and obj.endswith('endobj'):
source.error('No space or delimiter before endobj')
obj = PdfObject(obj[:-6])
source.error("Expected 'endobj'%s token",
isdict and " or 'stream'" or '')
obj = PdfObject('')
obj.indirect = key
self.indirect_objects[key] = obj
return obj
def read_all(self):
deferred = self.deferred_objects
prev = set()
while 1:
new = deferred - prev
if not new:
prev |= deferred
for key in new:
def uncompress(self):
def load_stream_objects(self, object_streams):
# read object streams
objs = []
for num in object_streams:
obj = self.findindirect(num, 0).real_value()
assert obj.Type == '/ObjStm'
# read objects from stream
if objs:
for obj in objs:
objsource = PdfTokens(, 0, False)
snext =
offsets = {}
firstoffset = int(obj.First)
num = snext()
while num.isdigit():
offset = int(snext())
offsets[int(num)] = firstoffset + offset
num = snext()
for num, offset in iteritems(offsets):
# Read the object, and call special code if it starts
# an array or dictionary
objsource.floc = offset
sobj = snext()
func = self.special.get(sobj)
if func is not None:
sobj = func(objsource)
key = (num, 0)
self.indirect_objects[key] = sobj
if key in self.deferred_objects:
# Mark the object as indirect, and
# add it to the list of streams if it starts a stream
sobj.indirect = key
def findxref(self, fdata):
''' Find the cross reference section at the end of a file
startloc = fdata.rfind('startxref')
if startloc < 0:
raise PdfParseError('Did not find "startxref" at end of file')
source = PdfTokens(fdata, startloc, False, self.verbose)
tok =
assert tok == 'startxref' # (We just checked this...)
tableloc = source.next_default()
if not tableloc.isdigit():
source.exception('Expected table location')
if source.next_default().rstrip().lstrip('%') != 'EOF':
source.exception('Expected %%EOF')
return startloc, PdfTokens(fdata, int(tableloc), True, self.verbose)
def parse_xref_stream(self, source, int=int, range=range,
enumerate=enumerate, islice=itertools.islice,
''' Parse (one of) the cross-reference file section(s)
def readint(s, lengths):
lengths = itertools.cycle(lengths)
offset = 0
for length in itertools.cycle(lengths):
next = offset + length
yield int(hexlify(s[offset:next]), 16) if length else None
offset = next
setdefault = source.obj_offsets.setdefault
next =
# check for xref stream object
objid = source.multiple(3)
ok = len(objid) == 3
ok = ok and objid[0].isdigit()
ok = ok and objid[1] == 'obj'
ok = ok and objid[2] == '<<'
if not ok:
source.exception('Expected xref stream start')
obj = self.readdict(source)
if obj.Type != PdfName.XRef:
source.exception('Expected dict type of /XRef')
tok = next()
self.readstream(obj, self.findstream(obj, tok, source), source, True)
if not uncompress([obj], True):
source.exception('Could not decompress Xref stream')
num_pairs = obj.Index or PdfArray(['0', obj.Size])
num_pairs = [int(x) for x in num_pairs]
num_pairs = zip(num_pairs[0::2], num_pairs[1::2])
entry_sizes = [int(x) for x in obj.W]
if len(entry_sizes) != 3:
source.exception('Invalid entry size')
object_streams = defaultdict(list)
get = readint(, entry_sizes)
for objnum, size in num_pairs:
for cnt in range(size):
xtype, p1, p2 = islice(get, 3)
if xtype in (1, None):
if p1:
setdefault((objnum, p2 or 0), p1)
elif xtype == 2:
object_streams[p1].append((objnum, p2))
objnum += 1
obj.private.object_streams = object_streams
return obj
def parse_xref_table(self, source, int=int, range=range):
''' Parse (one of) the cross-reference file section(s)
setdefault = source.obj_offsets.setdefault
next =
# plain xref table
start = source.floc
while 1:
tok = next()
if tok == 'trailer':
startobj = int(tok)
for objnum in range(startobj, startobj + int(next())):
offset = int(next())
generation = int(next())
inuse = next()
if inuse == 'n':
if offset != 0:
setdefault((objnum, generation), offset)
elif inuse != 'f':
raise ValueError
# Table formatted incorrectly.
# See if we can figure it out anyway.
end = source.fdata.rindex('trailer', start)
table = source.fdata[start:end].splitlines()
for line in table:
tokens = line.split()
if len(tokens) == 2:
objnum = int(tokens[0])
elif len(tokens) == 3:
offset, generation, inuse = (int(tokens[0]),
int(tokens[1]), tokens[2])
if offset != 0 and inuse == 'n':
setdefault((objnum, generation), offset)
objnum += 1
elif tokens:
log.error('Invalid line in xref table: %s' %
raise ValueError
log.warning('Badly formatted xref table')
source.floc = end
source.floc = start
source.exception('Invalid table format')
def parsexref(self, source):
''' Parse (one of) the cross-reference file section(s)
next =
tok = next()
if tok.isdigit():
return self.parse_xref_stream(source), True
elif tok == 'xref':
tok = next()
if tok != '<<':
source.exception('Expected "<<" starting catalog')
return self.readdict(source), False
source.exception('Expected "xref" keyword or xref stream object')
def readpages(self, node):
pagename = PdfName.Page
pagesname = PdfName.Pages
catalogname = PdfName.Catalog
typename = PdfName.Type
kidname = PdfName.Kids
# PDFs can have arbitrarily nested Pages/Page
# dictionary structures.
def readnode(node):
nodetype = node[typename]
if nodetype == pagename:
yield node
elif nodetype == pagesname:
for node in node[kidname]:
for node in readnode(node):
yield node
elif nodetype == catalogname:
for node in readnode(node[pagesname]):
yield node
log.error('Expected /Page or /Pages dictionary, got %s' %
return list(readnode(node))
except (AttributeError, TypeError) as s:
log.error('Invalid page tree: %s' % s)
return []
def __init__(self, fname=None, fdata=None, decompress=False,
disable_gc=True, verbose=True):
self.private.verbose = verbose
# Runs a lot faster with GC off.
disable_gc = disable_gc and gc.isenabled()
if disable_gc:
if fname is not None:
assert fdata is None
# Allow reading preexisting streams like pyPdf
if hasattr(fname, 'read'):
fdata =
f = open(fname, 'rb')
fdata =
except IOError:
raise PdfParseError('Could not read PDF file %s' %
fdata = convert_load(fdata)
assert fdata is not None
if not fdata.startswith('%PDF-'):
startloc = fdata.find('%PDF-')
if startloc >= 0:
log.warning('PDF header not at beginning of file')
lines = fdata.lstrip().splitlines()
if not lines:
raise PdfParseError('Empty PDF file!')
raise PdfParseError('Invalid PDF header: %s' %
self.private.version = fdata[5:8]
endloc = fdata.rfind('%EOF')
if endloc < 0:
raise PdfParseError('EOF mark not found: %s' %
endloc += 6
junk = fdata[endloc:]
fdata = fdata[:endloc]
if junk.rstrip('\00').strip():
log.warning('Extra data at end of file')
private = self.private
private.indirect_objects = {}
private.deferred_objects = set()
private.special = {'<<': self.readdict,
'[': self.readarray,
'endobj': self.empty_obj,
for tok in r'\ ( ) < > { } ] >> %'.split():
self.special[tok] = self.badtoken
startloc, source = self.findxref(fdata)
private.source = source
# Find all the xref tables/streams, and
# then deal with them backwards.
xref_list = []
while 1:
source.obj_offsets = {}
trailer, is_stream = self.parsexref(source)
prev = trailer.Prev
if prev is None:
token =
if token != 'startxref' and not xref_list:
source.warning('Expected "startxref" '
'at end of xref table')
xref_list.append((source.obj_offsets, trailer, is_stream))
source.floc = int(prev)
if is_stream:
while xref_list:
later_offsets, later_trailer, is_stream = xref_list.pop()
if is_stream:
trailer = later_trailer
trailer.Prev = None
if (trailer.Version and
float(trailer.Version) > float(self.version)):
self.private.version = trailer.Version
if is_stream:
self.Root = trailer.Root
self.Info = trailer.Info
self.ID = trailer.ID
self.Size = trailer.Size
self.Encrypt = trailer.Encrypt
# self.read_all_indirect(source)
private.pages = self.readpages(self.Root)
if decompress:
# For compatibility with pyPdf
private.numPages = len(self.pages)
if disable_gc:
# For compatibility with pyPdf
def getPage(self, pagenum):
return self.pages[pagenum]