
186 lines
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"""Compute things from a NASA SPICE binary PCK kernel file.
from numpy import array, empty, empty_like, rollaxis
from .daf import DAF
from .names import target_names
T0 = 2451545.0
S_PER_DAY = 86400.0
def jd(seconds):
"""Convert a number of seconds since J2000 to a Julian Date."""
return T0 + seconds / S_PER_DAY
class PCK(object):
"""A JPL binary PCK (extension ``.bcp``) kernel.
You can load a binary PCK file by specifying its filename::
kernel ='moon_pa_de421_1900-2050.bpc')
Run ``print(kernel)`` see which segments are inside and iterate
across ``kernel.segments`` to access them each in turn.
To see the text comments, call ``kernel.comments()``.
def __init__(self, daf):
self.daf = daf
self.segments = [Segment(self.daf, source, descriptor)
for source, descriptor in self.daf.summaries()]
def open(cls, path):
"""Open the file at `path` and return a binary PCK instance."""
return cls(DAF(open(path, 'rb')))
def close(self):
"""Close this file."""
for segment in self.segments:
if hasattr(segment, '_data'):
del segment._data # TODO: explicitly close each memory map
def __str__(self):
daf = self.daf
d = lambda b: b.decode('latin-1')
lines = (str(segment) for segment in self.segments)
return 'File type {0} and format {1} with {2} segments:\n{3}'.format(
d(daf.locidw), d(daf.locfmt), len(self.segments), '\n'.join(lines))
def comments(self):
"""Return the file comments, as a string."""
return self.daf.comments()
class Segment(object):
"""A single segment of a binary PCK file.
There are several items of information about each segment that are
loaded from the underlying PCK file, and made available as object
segment.source - official ephemeris name, like 'DE-0430LE-0430'
segment.initial_second - initial epoch, as seconds from J2000
segment.final_second - final epoch, as seconds from J2000
segment.body - integer body identifier
segment.frame - integer frame identifier
segment.data_type - integer data type identifier
segment.start_i - index where segment starts
segment.end_i - index where segment ends
def __init__(self, daf, source, descriptor):
self.daf = daf
self.source = source
(self.initial_second, self.final_second, self.body, self.frame,
self.data_type, self.start_i, self.end_i) = descriptor
self.initial_jd = jd(self.initial_second)
self.final_jd = jd(self.final_second)
self._data = None
def __str__(self):
return self.describe(verbose=False)
def describe(self, verbose=True):
"""Return a textual description of the segment."""
body = titlecase(target_names.get(self.body, 'Unknown body'))
text = ('{0.initial_jd:.2f}..{0.final_jd:.2f} frame={0.frame}'
' {1} ({0.body})'.format(self, body))
if verbose:
text += ('\n data_type={0.data_type} source={1}'
.format(self, self.source.decode('ascii')))
return text
def _load(self):
"""Map the coefficients into memory using a NumPy array.
if self.data_type == 2:
component_count = 3
raise ValueError('only binary PCK data type 2 is supported')
init, intlen, rsize, n = self.daf.read_array(self.end_i - 3, self.end_i)
coefficient_count = int(rsize - 2) // component_count
coefficients = self.daf.map_array(self.start_i, self.end_i - 4)
coefficients.shape = (int(n), int(rsize))
coefficients = coefficients[:,2:] # ignore MID and RADIUS elements
coefficients.shape = (int(n), component_count, coefficient_count)
coefficients = rollaxis(coefficients, 1)
return init, intlen, coefficients
def compute(self, tdb, tdb2, derivative=True):
"""Generate angles and derivatives for time `tdb` plus `tdb2`.
If ``derivative`` is true, return a tuple containing both the
angle and its derivative; otherwise simply return the angles.
scalar = not getattr(tdb, 'shape', 0) and not getattr(tdb2, 'shape', 0)
if scalar:
tdb = array((tdb,))
data = self._data
if data is None:
self._data = data = self._load()
init, intlen, coefficients = data
component_count, n, coefficient_count = coefficients.shape
seconds = (tdb - T0) * S_PER_DAY - init + tdb2 * S_PER_DAY
index, offset = divmod(seconds, intlen)
index = index.astype(int)
if (index < 0).any() or (index > n).any():
final_epoch = init + intlen * n
raise ValueError('segment only covers dates %.1f through %.1f'
% (init, final_epoch))
omegas = (index == n)
index[omegas] -= 1
offset[omegas] += intlen
coefficients = coefficients[:,index]
# Chebyshev polynomial.
T = empty((coefficient_count, len(index)))
T[0] = 1.0
T[1] = t1 = 2.0 * offset / intlen - 1.0
twot1 = t1 + t1
for i in range(2, coefficient_count):
T[i] = twot1 * T[i-1] - T[i-2]
components = (T.T * coefficients).sum(axis=2)
if scalar:
components = components[:,0]
if not derivative:
return components
# Chebyshev differentiation.
dT = empty_like(T)
dT[0] = 0.0
dT[1] = 1.0
if coefficient_count > 2:
dT[2] = twot1 + twot1
for i in range(3, coefficient_count):
dT[i] = twot1 * dT[i-1] - dT[i-2] + T[i-1] + T[i-1]
dT *= 2.0
dT /= intlen
rates = (dT.T * coefficients).sum(axis=2)
if scalar:
rates = rates[:,0]
return components, rates
def titlecase(name):
"""Title-case body `name` if it looks safe to do so."""
return name if name.startswith(('1', 'C/', 'DSS-')) else name.title()