
103 lines
2.8 KiB

# standard
import cStringIO
import sys
import time
# vendor
from gevent import socket
E_BADSPEC = "bad sink spec %r: %s"
E_SENDFAIL = 'failed to send stats to %s %s: %s'
class Sink(object):
A resource to which stats will be sent.
def error(self, msg):
sys.stderr.write(msg + '\n')
def _parse_hostport(self, spec):
parts = spec.split(':')
if len(parts) == 2:
return (parts[0], int(parts[1]))
if len(parts) == 1:
return ('', int(parts[0]))
except ValueError, ex:
raise ValueError(E_BADSPEC % (spec, ex))
raise ValueError("expected '[host]:port' but got %r" % spec)
class GraphiteSink(Sink):
Sends stats to one or more Graphite servers.
def __init__(self):
self._hosts = []
def add(self, spec):
def send(self, stats):
"Format stats and send to one or more Graphite hosts"
buf = cStringIO.StringIO()
now = int(time.time())
num_stats = 0
# timer stats
pct = stats.percent
timers = stats.timers
for key, vals in timers.iteritems():
if not vals:
# compute statistics
num = len(vals)
vals = sorted(vals)
vmin = vals[0]
vmax = vals[-1]
mean = vmin
max_at_thresh = vmax
if num > 1:
idx = round((pct / 100.0) * num)
tmp = vals[:int(idx)]
if tmp:
max_at_thresh = tmp[-1]
mean = sum(tmp) / idx
key = 'stats.timers.%s' % key
buf.write('%s.mean %f %d\n' % (key, mean, now))
buf.write('%s.upper %f %d\n' % (key, vmax, now))
buf.write('%s.upper_%d %f %d\n' % (key, pct, max_at_thresh, now))
buf.write('%s.lower %f %d\n' % (key, vmin, now))
buf.write('%s.count %d %d\n' % (key, num, now))
num_stats += 1
# counter stats
counts = stats.counts
for key, val in counts.iteritems():
buf.write('stats.%s %f %d\n' % (key, val / stats.interval, now))
buf.write('stats_counts.%s %f %d\n' % (key, val, now))
num_stats += 1
buf.write('statsd.numStats %d %d\n' % (num_stats, now))
# TODO: add support for N retries
for host in self._hosts:
# flush stats to graphite
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
except Exception, ex:
self.error(E_SENDFAIL % ('graphite', host, ex))