
153 lines
6.5 KiB
Executable File

#! /usr/bin/python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2017-2020 Alexis de Lattre <>
from optparse import OptionParser
import sys
from facturx import generate_facturx_from_file
from facturx.facturx import logger
import logging
from os.path import isfile, isdir, basename
__author__ = "Alexis de Lattre <>"
__date__ = "January 2020"
__version__ = "0.5"
options = [
{'names': ('-l', '--log-level'), 'dest': 'log_level',
'action': 'store', 'default': 'info',
'help': "Set log level. Possible values: debug, info, warn, error. "
"Default value: info."},
{'names': ('-d', '--disable-xsd-check'), 'dest': 'disable_xsd_check',
'action': 'store_true', 'default': False,
'help': "De-activate XML Schema Definition check on Factur-X XML file "
"(the check is enabled by default)"},
{'names': ('-n', '--facturx-level'), 'dest': 'facturx_level',
'action': 'store', 'default': 'autodetect',
'help': "Specify the Factur-X level of the XML file. "
"Default: autodetect. If you specify a particular level instead of "
"using autodetection, you will win a very small amount of time "
"(less than 1 millisecond). "
"Possible values: minimum, basicwl, basic, en16931."},
{'names': ('-a', '--meta-author'), 'dest': 'meta_author',
'action': 'store', 'default': False,
'help': "Specify the author for PDF metadata. Default: use the vendor "
"name extracted from the Factur-X XML file."},
{'names': ('-k', '--meta-keywords'), 'dest': 'meta_keywords',
'action': 'store', 'default': False,
'help': "Specify the keywords for PDF metadata. "
"Default: 'Invoice, Factur-X'."},
{'names': ('-t', '--meta-title'), 'dest': 'meta_title',
'action': 'store', 'default': False,
'help': "Specify the title of PDF metadata. "
"Default: generic English title with information extracted from "
"the Factur-X XML file such as: 'Akretion: Invoice I1242'"},
{'names': ('-s', '--meta-subject'), 'dest': 'meta_subject',
'action': 'store', 'default': False,
'help': "Specify the subject of PDF metadata. "
"Default: generic English subject with information extracted from the "
"Factur-X XML file such as: "
"'Factur-X invoice I1242 dated 2017-08-17 issued by Akretion'"},
{'names': ('-w', '--overwrite'), 'dest': 'overwrite',
'action': 'store_true', 'default': False,
'help': "Overwrite Factur-X invoice file if it already exists."},
def main(options, arguments):
if options.log_level:
log_level = options.log_level.lower()
log_map = {
'debug': logging.DEBUG,
'info': logging.INFO,
'warn': logging.WARN,
'error': logging.ERROR,
if log_level in log_map:
'Wrong value for log level (%s). Possible values: %s',
log_level, ', '.join(log_map.keys()))
if len(arguments) < 3:
'This command requires at least 3 arguments (%d used). '
'Use --help to get the details.', len(arguments))
pdf_filename = arguments[0]
xml_filename = arguments[1]
facturx_pdf_filename = arguments[2]
additional_attachment_filenames = arguments[3:]
for filename in [pdf_filename, xml_filename] + additional_attachment_filenames:
if not isfile(filename):
logger.error('Argument %s is not a filename', filename)
if isdir(facturx_pdf_filename):
'3rd argument %s is a directory name (should be a the '
'Factur-X PDF filename)', facturx_pdf_filename)
xml_file = open(xml_filename, 'rb')
check_xsd = True
if options.disable_xsd_check:
check_xsd = False
pdf_metadata = None
if (
options.meta_author or
options.meta_keywords or
options.meta_title or
pdf_metadata = {
'author': options.meta_author,
'keywords': options.meta_keywords,
'title': options.meta_title,
'subject': options.meta_subject,
if isfile(facturx_pdf_filename):
if options.overwrite:
'File %s already exists. Overwriting it.',
'File %s already exists. Exit.', facturx_pdf_filename)
attachments = {}
for additional_attachment_filename in additional_attachment_filenames:
attachments[basename(additional_attachment_filename)] = {
'filepath': additional_attachment_filename}
# The important line of code is below !
pdf_filename, xml_file, check_xsd=check_xsd,
facturx_level=options.facturx_level, pdf_metadata=pdf_metadata,
output_pdf_file=facturx_pdf_filename, attachments=attachments)
except Exception as e:
logger.error('Factur-x lib call failed. Error: %s', e)
if __name__ == '__main__':
usage = "Usage: facturx-pdfgen <regular_invoice.pdf> <factur-x_xml.xml> "\
"<facturx_invoice.pdf> <> "\
"<> [...]\n"\
"\nIf you use one of the --meta-* arguments, you should specify "\
"all the meta-* arguments because the default values for "\
"metadata only apply if none of the meta-* arguments are used."
epilog = "Author: %s\n\nVersion: %s" % (__author__, __version__)
description = "This script generate a Factur-X PDF invoice from a "\
"regular PDF/A invoice and a Factur-X XML file. "\
"It can also include additional embedded files in the PDF. "\
"To generate a valid PDF/A-3 invoice as requested by the "\
"Factur-X standard, you need to give a valid PDF/A "\
"regular invoice as input."
parser = OptionParser(usage=usage, epilog=epilog, description=description)
for option in options:
param = option['names']
del option['names']
parser.add_option(*param, **option)
options, arguments = parser.parse_args()
sys.argv[:] = arguments
main(options, arguments)