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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c), 2018-2019, SISSA (International School for Advanced Studies).
# All rights reserved.
# This file is distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
# See the file 'LICENSE' in the root directory of the present
# distribution, or
# @author Davide Brunato <>
Helper functions for XPath nodes and basic data types.
from collections import namedtuple
from .compat import PY3, urlparse
from .namespaces import XML_BASE, XSI_NIL
from .exceptions import ElementPathValueError
from .datatypes import ncname_validator
# Node types
AttributeNode = namedtuple('Attribute', 'name value')
"""A namedtuple-based type to represent XPath attributes."""
NamespaceNode = namedtuple('Namespace', 'prefix uri')
"""A namedtuple-based type to represent XPath namespaces."""
TypedAttribute = namedtuple('TypedAttribute', 'attr value')
"""A wrapper for processing typed-value attributes."""
TypedElement = namedtuple('TypedElement', 'elem value')
"""A wrapper for processing typed-value elements."""
# Utility functions for ElementTree's Element instances
def is_etree_element(obj):
return hasattr(obj, 'tag') and hasattr(obj, 'attrib') and hasattr(obj, 'text')
def elem_iter_strings(elem):
if isinstance(elem, TypedElement):
elem = elem.elem
for e in elem.iter():
if e.text is not None:
yield e.text
if e.tail is not None and e is not elem:
yield e.tail
# XPath node test functions
# XPath has there are 7 kinds of nodes:
# element, attribute, text, namespace, processing-instruction, comment, document
# Element-like objects are used for representing elements and comments, ElementTree-like objects
# for documents. Generic tuples are used for representing attributes and named-tuples for namespaces.
def is_element_node(obj, tag=None):
Returns `True` if the first argument is an element node matching the tag, `False` otherwise.
Raises a ValueError if the argument tag has to be used but it's in a wrong format.
:param obj: the node to be tested.
:param tag: a fully qualified name, a local name or a wildcard. The accepted wildcard formats \
are '*', '*:*', '*:local-name' and '{namespace}*'.
if isinstance(obj, TypedElement):
obj = obj.elem
elif not is_etree_element(obj) or callable(obj.tag):
return False
if not tag:
return True
elif not obj.tag:
return obj.tag == tag
elif tag == '*' or tag == '*:*':
return obj.tag != ''
elif tag[0] == '*':
_, name = tag.split(':')
except (ValueError, IndexError):
raise ElementPathValueError("unexpected format %r for argument 'tag'" % tag)
return obj.tag.split('}')[1] == name if obj.tag[0] == '{' else obj.tag == name
elif tag[-1] == '*':
if tag[0] != '{' or '}' not in tag:
raise ElementPathValueError("unexpected format %r for argument 'tag'" % tag)
return obj.tag.split('}')[0][1:] == tag.split('}')[0][1:] if obj.tag[0] == '{' else False
return obj.tag == tag
def is_attribute_node(obj, name=None):
Returns `True` if the first argument is an attribute node matching the name, `False` otherwise.
Raises a ValueError if the argument name has to be used but it's in a wrong format.
:param obj: the node to be tested.
:param name: a fully qualified name, a local name or a wildcard. The accepted wildcard formats \
are '*', '*:*', '*:local-name' and '{namespace}*'.
if name is None or name == '*' or name == '*:*':
return isinstance(obj, (AttributeNode, TypedAttribute))
elif not isinstance(obj, (AttributeNode, TypedAttribute)):
return False
elif isinstance(obj, TypedAttribute):
obj = obj.attr
if name[0] == '*':
_, _name = name.split(':')
except (ValueError, IndexError):
raise ElementPathValueError("unexpected format %r for argument 'name'" % name)
return obj[0].split('}')[1] == _name if obj[0][0] == '{' else obj[0] == _name
elif name[-1] == '*':
if name[0] != '{' or '}' not in name:
raise ElementPathValueError("unexpected format %r for argument 'name'" % name)
return obj[0].split('}')[0][1:] == name.split('}')[0][1:] if obj[0][0] == '{' else False
return obj[0] == name
def is_schema_node(obj):
return hasattr(obj, 'name') and hasattr(obj, 'local_name') and hasattr(obj, 'type')
def is_comment_node(obj):
return hasattr(obj, 'tag') and callable(obj.tag) and obj.tag.__name__ == 'Comment'
def is_processing_instruction_node(obj):
return hasattr(obj, 'tag') and callable(obj.tag) and obj.tag.__name__ == 'ProcessingInstruction'
def is_document_node(obj):
return all(hasattr(obj, name) for name in ('getroot', 'iter', 'iterfind', 'parse'))
def is_namespace_node(obj):
return isinstance(obj, NamespaceNode)
if not PY3:
def is_text_node(obj):
return isinstance(obj, (str, unicode))
def is_text_node(obj):
return isinstance(obj, str)
def is_xpath_node(obj):
return isinstance(obj, tuple) or is_etree_element(obj) or is_schema_node(obj) or \
is_document_node(obj) or is_text_node(obj)
# Node accessors: in this implementation node accessors return None instead of empty sequence.
# Ref:
def node_attributes(obj):
if is_element_node(obj):
return obj.attrib
def node_base_uri(obj):
if is_element_node(obj):
return obj.attrib[XML_BASE]
elif is_document_node(obj):
return obj.getroot().attrib[XML_BASE]
except KeyError:
def node_document_uri(obj):
if is_document_node(obj):
uri = obj.getroot().attrib[XML_BASE]
parts = urlparse(uri)
except (KeyError, ValueError):
if parts.scheme and parts.netloc or parts.path.startswith('/'):
return uri
def node_children(obj):
if is_element_node(obj):
return (child for child in obj)
elif is_document_node(obj):
return (child for child in [obj.getroot()])
def node_is_id(obj):
if is_element_node(obj):
return ncname_validator(obj.text)
elif is_attribute_node(obj):
return ncname_validator(obj[1])
def node_is_idrefs(obj):
if is_element_node(obj):
return obj.text is not None and all(ncname_validator(x) for x in obj.text.split())
elif is_attribute_node(obj):
return all(ncname_validator(x) for x in obj[1].split())
def node_nilled(obj):
if is_element_node(obj):
return obj.get(XSI_NIL) in ('true', '1')
def node_kind(obj):
if is_element_node(obj):
return 'element'
elif is_attribute_node(obj):
return 'attribute'
elif is_text_node(obj):
return 'text'
elif is_document_node(obj):
return 'document'
elif is_namespace_node(obj):
return 'namespace'
elif is_comment_node(obj):
return 'comment'
elif is_processing_instruction_node(obj):
return 'processing-instruction'
def node_name(obj):
if is_element_node(obj):
return obj.tag
elif is_attribute_node(obj) or is_namespace_node(obj):
return obj[0]