
674 lines
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"""Adapters for registering models with django-watson."""
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import json
import sys
from itertools import chain, islice
from threading import local
from functools import wraps
from weakref import WeakValueDictionary
from django.conf import settings
from django.core.signals import request_finished
from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured, ObjectDoesNotExist
from django.db import models
from django.db.models import Q
from django.db.models.query import QuerySet
from django.db.models.signals import post_save, pre_delete
from django.utils.encoding import force_text
from django.utils.html import strip_tags
from django.core.serializers.json import DjangoJSONEncoder
from importlib import import_module
except ImportError:
from django.utils.importlib import import_module
class SearchAdapterError(Exception):
"""Something went wrong with a search adapter."""
class SearchAdapter(object):
"""An adapter for performing a full-text search on a model."""
# Use to specify the fields that should be included in the search.
fields = ()
# Use to exclude fields from the search.
exclude = ()
# Use to specify object properties to be stored in the search index.
store = ()
def __init__(self, model):
"""Initializes the search adapter."""
self.model = model
def _resolve_field(self, obj, name):
"""Resolves the content of the given model field."""
name_parts = name.split("__", 1)
prefix = name_parts[0]
# If we're at the end of the resolve chain, return.
if obj is None:
return ""
# Try to get the attribute from the object.
value = getattr(obj, prefix)
except ObjectDoesNotExist:
return ""
except AttributeError:
# Try to get the attribute from the search adapter.
value = getattr(self, prefix)
except AttributeError:
raise SearchAdapterError(
"Could not find a property called {name!r}"
" on either {obj!r} or {search_adapter!r}".format(
# Run the attribute on the search adapter, if it's callable.
if not isinstance(value, (QuerySet, models.Manager)):
if callable(value):
value = value(obj)
# Run the attribute on the object, if it's callable.
if not isinstance(value, (QuerySet, models.Manager)):
if callable(value):
value = value()
# Look up recursive fields.
if len(name_parts) == 2:
if isinstance(value, (QuerySet, models.Manager)):
return " ".join(force_text(self._resolve_field(obj, name_parts[1])) for obj in value.all())
return self._resolve_field(value, name_parts[1])
# Resolve querysets.
if isinstance(value, (QuerySet, models.Manager)):
value = " ".join(force_text(related) for related in value.all())
# Resolution complete!
return value
def prepare_content(self, content):
"""Sanitizes the given content string for better parsing by the search engine."""
# Strip out HTML tags.
content = strip_tags(content)
return content
def get_title(self, obj):
Returns the title of this search result.
This is given high priority in search result ranking.
You can access the title of the search entry as `entry.title` in your search results.
The default implementation returns `force_text(obj)` truncated to 1000 characters.
return force_text(obj)[:1000]
def get_description(self, obj):
Returns the description of this search result.
This is given medium priority in search result ranking.
You can access the description of the search entry as `entry.description`
in your search results. Since this should contains a short description of the search entry,
it's excellent for providing a summary in your search results.
The default implementation returns `""`.
return ""
def get_content(self, obj):
Returns the content of this search result.
This is given low priority in search result ranking.
You can access the content of the search entry as `entry.content` in your search results,
although this field generally contains a big mess of search data so is less suitable
for frontend display.
The default implementation returns all the registered fields in your model joined together.
# Get the field names to look up.
field_names = self.fields or ( for field in self.model._meta.fields if
isinstance(field, (models.CharField, models.TextField))
# Exclude named fields.
field_names = (field_name for field_name in field_names if field_name not in self.exclude)
# Create the text.
return self.prepare_content(" ".join(
force_text(self._resolve_field(obj, field_name))
for field_name in field_names
def get_url(self, obj):
"""Return the URL of the given obj."""
if hasattr(obj, "get_absolute_url"):
return obj.get_absolute_url()
return ""
def get_meta(self, obj):
"""Returns a dictionary of meta information about the given obj."""
return dict(
(field_name, self._resolve_field(obj, field_name))
for field_name in
def serialize_meta(self, obj):
"""serialise meta ready to be saved in "meta_encoded"."""
meta_obj = self.get_meta(obj)
return json.dumps(meta_obj, cls=DjangoJSONEncoder)
def deserialize_meta(self, meta_encoded):
deserialize the encoded meta string for use in views etc., this is
used by SearchEntry's _deserialize_meta method to create the "meta" property
return json.loads(meta_encoded)
def get_live_queryset(self):
Returns the queryset of objects that should be considered live.
If this returns None, then all objects should be considered live, which is more efficient.
return None
class SearchEngineError(Exception):
"""Something went wrong with a search engine."""
class RegistrationError(SearchEngineError):
"""Something went wrong when registering a model with a search engine."""
class SearchContextError(Exception):
"""Something went wrong with the search context management."""
def _bulk_save_search_entries(search_entries, batch_size=100):
"""Creates the given search entry data in the most efficient way possible."""
from watson.models import SearchEntry
if search_entries:
search_entries = iter(search_entries)
while True:
search_entry_batch = list(islice(search_entries, 0, batch_size))
if not search_entry_batch:
class SearchContextManager(local):
"""A thread-local context manager used to manage saving search data."""
def __init__(self):
"""Initializes the search context."""
self._stack = []
# Connect to the signalling framework.
def is_active(self):
"""Checks that this search context is active."""
return bool(self._stack)
def _assert_active(self):
"""Ensures that the search context is active."""
if not self.is_active():
raise SearchContextError("The search context is not active.")
def start(self):
"""Starts a level in the search context."""
self._stack.append((set(), False))
def add_to_context(self, engine, obj):
"""Adds an object to the current context, if active."""
objects, _ = self._stack[-1]
objects.add((engine, obj))
def invalidate(self):
"""Marks this search context as broken, so should not be commited."""
objects, _ = self._stack[-1]
self._stack[-1] = (objects, True)
def is_invalid(self):
"""Checks whether this search context is invalid."""
_, is_invalid = self._stack[-1]
return is_invalid
def end(self):
"""Ends a level in the search context."""
# Save all the models.
tasks, is_invalid = self._stack.pop()
if not is_invalid:
for engine, obj in tasks)
# Context management.
def update_index(self):
Marks up a block of code as requiring the search indexes to be updated.
The returned context manager can also be used as a decorator.
return SearchContext(self)
def skip_index_update(self):
Marks up a block of code as not requiring a search index update.
Like update_index, the returned context manager can also be used as a decorator.
return SkipSearchContext(self)
# Signalling hooks.
def _request_finished_receiver(self, **kwargs):
Called at the end of a request, ensuring that any open contexts
are closed. Not closing all active contexts can cause memory leaks
and weird behaviour.
while self.is_active():
class SearchContext(object):
"""An individual context for a search index update."""
def __init__(self, context_manager):
"""Initializes the search index context."""
self._context_manager = context_manager
def __enter__(self):
"""Enters a block of search index management."""
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
"""Leaves a block of search index management."""
if exc_type is not None:
def __call__(self, func):
"""Allows this search index context to be used as a decorator."""
def do_search_context(*args, **kwargs):
exception = False
return func(*args, **kwargs)
exception = True
if not self.__exit__(*sys.exc_info()):
if not exception:
self.__exit__(None, None, None)
return do_search_context
class SkipSearchContext(SearchContext):
"""A context that skips over index updating"""
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
"""Mark it as invalid and exit"""
# The shared, thread-safe search context manager.
search_context_manager = SearchContextManager()
class SearchEngine(object):
"""A search engine capable of performing multi-table searches."""
_created_engines = WeakValueDictionary()
def get_created_engines(cls):
"""Returns all created search engines."""
return list(cls._created_engines.items())
def __init__(self, engine_slug, search_context_manager=search_context_manager):
"""Initializes the search engine."""
# Check the slug is unique for this project.
if engine_slug in SearchEngine._created_engines:
raise SearchEngineError(
"A search engine has already been created with the slug {engine_slug!r}".format(
# Initialize thie engine.
self._registered_models = {}
self._engine_slug = engine_slug
# Store the search context.
self._search_context_manager = search_context_manager
# Store a reference to this engine.
self.__class__._created_engines[engine_slug] = self
def is_registered(self, model):
"""Checks whether the given model is registered with this search engine."""
return model in self._registered_models
def register(self, model, adapter_cls=SearchAdapter, **field_overrides):
Registers the given model with this search engine.
If the given model is already registered with this search engine, a
RegistrationError will be raised.
# Add in custom live filters.
if isinstance(model, QuerySet):
live_queryset = model
model = model.model
field_overrides["get_live_queryset"] = lambda self_: live_queryset.all()
# Check for existing registration.
if self.is_registered(model):
raise RegistrationError(
"{model!r} is already registered with this search engine".format(
# Perform any customization.
if field_overrides:
# Conversion to str is needed because Python 2 doesn't accept unicode for class name
adapter_cls = type(
str("Custom") + adapter_cls.__name__, (adapter_cls,), field_overrides
# Perform the registration.
adapter_obj = adapter_cls(model)
self._registered_models[model] = adapter_obj
# Connect to the signalling framework.
post_save.connect(self._post_save_receiver, model)
pre_delete.connect(self._pre_delete_receiver, model)
def unregister(self, model):
Unregisters the given model with this search engine.
If the given model is not registered with this search engine, a RegistrationError
will be raised.
# Add in custom live filters.
if isinstance(model, QuerySet):
model = model.model
# Check for registration.
if not self.is_registered(model):
raise RegistrationError("{model!r} is not registered with this search engine".format(
# Perform the unregistration.
del self._registered_models[model]
# Disconnect from the signalling framework.
post_save.disconnect(self._post_save_receiver, model)
pre_delete.disconnect(self._pre_delete_receiver, model)
def get_registered_models(self):
"""Returns a sequence of models that have been registered with this search engine."""
return list(self._registered_models.keys())
def get_adapter(self, model):
"""Returns the adapter associated with the given model."""
if self.is_registered(model):
return self._registered_models[model]
raise RegistrationError("{model!r} is not registered with this search engine".format(
def _get_entries_for_obj(self, obj):
"""Returns a queryset of entries associate with the given obj."""
from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType
from watson.models import SearchEntry, has_int_pk
model = obj.__class__
content_type = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(model)
object_id = force_text(
# Get the basic list of search entries.
search_entries = SearchEntry.objects.filter(
if has_int_pk(model):
# Do a fast indexed lookup.
object_id_int = int(
search_entries = search_entries.filter(
# Alas, have to do a slow unindexed lookup.
object_id_int = None
search_entries = search_entries.filter(
return object_id_int, search_entries
def _update_obj_index_iter(self, obj):
"""Either updates the given object index, or yields an unsaved search entry."""
from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType
from watson.models import SearchEntry
model = obj.__class__
adapter = self.get_adapter(model)
content_type = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(model)
object_id = force_text(
# Create the search entry data.
search_entry_data = {
"engine_slug": self._engine_slug,
"title": adapter.get_title(obj),
"description": adapter.get_description(obj),
"content": adapter.get_content(obj),
"url": adapter.get_url(obj),
"meta_encoded": adapter.serialize_meta(obj),
# Try to get the existing search entry.
object_id_int, search_entries = self._get_entries_for_obj(obj)
# Attempt to update the search entries.
update_count = search_entries.update(**search_entry_data)
if update_count == 0:
# This is the first time the entry was created.
("content_type", content_type),
("object_id", object_id),
("object_id_int", object_id_int),
yield SearchEntry(**search_entry_data)
elif update_count > 1:
# Oh no! Somehow we've got duplicated search entries!
def update_obj_index(self, obj):
"""Updates the search index for the given obj."""
# Signalling hooks.
def _post_save_receiver(self, instance, **kwargs):
"""Signal handler for when a registered model has been saved."""
if self._search_context_manager.is_active():
self._search_context_manager.add_to_context(self, instance)
def _pre_delete_receiver(self, instance, **kwargs):
"""Signal handler for when a registered model has been deleted."""
_, search_entries = self._get_entries_for_obj(instance)
# Searching.
def _create_model_filter(self, models):
"""Creates a filter for the given model/queryset list."""
from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType
from watson.models import has_int_pk
filters = Q()
for model in models:
filter = Q()
# Process querysets.
if isinstance(model, QuerySet):
sub_queryset = model
model = model.model
queryset = sub_queryset.values_list("pk", flat=True)
if has_int_pk(model):
filter &= Q(
live_ids = list(queryset)
if live_ids:
filter &= Q(
# HACK: There is a bug in Django
# (
# that messes up __in queries when the iterable is empty.
# This bit of nonsense ensures that this aspect of the query
# will be impossible to fulfill.
filter &= Q(
content_type=ContentType.objects.get_for_model(model).id + 1,
# Add the model to the filter.
content_type = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(model)
filter &= Q(
# Combine with the other filters.
filters |= filter
return filters
def _get_included_models(self, models):
"""Returns an iterable of models and querysets that should be included
in the search query."""
for model in models or self.get_registered_models():
if isinstance(model, QuerySet):
yield model
adaptor = self.get_adapter(model)
queryset = adaptor.get_live_queryset()
if queryset is None:
yield model
yield queryset.all()
def search(self, search_text, models=(), exclude=(), ranking=True, backend_name=None):
"""Performs a search using the given text, returning a queryset of SearchEntry."""
from watson.models import SearchEntry
# Check for blank search text.
search_text = search_text.strip()
if not search_text:
return SearchEntry.objects.none()
# Get the initial queryset.
queryset = SearchEntry.objects.filter(
# Process the allowed models.
queryset = queryset.filter(
# Perform the backend-specific full text match.
backend = get_backend(backend_name=backend_name)
queryset = backend.do_search(self._engine_slug, queryset, search_text)
# Perform the backend-specific full-text ranking.
if ranking:
queryset = backend.do_search_ranking(self._engine_slug, queryset, search_text)
# Return the complete queryset.
return queryset
def filter(self, queryset, search_text, ranking=True, backend_name=None):
Filters the given model or queryset using the given text, returning the
modified queryset.
# If the queryset is a model, get all of them.
if isinstance(queryset, type) and issubclass(queryset, models.Model):
queryset = queryset._default_manager.all()
# Check for blank search text.
search_text = search_text.strip()
if not search_text:
return queryset
# Perform the backend-specific full text match.
backend = get_backend(backend_name=backend_name)
queryset = backend.do_filter(self._engine_slug, queryset, search_text)
# Perform the backend-specific full-text ranking.
if ranking:
queryset = backend.do_filter_ranking(self._engine_slug, queryset, search_text)
# Return the complete queryset.
return queryset
# The default search engine.
default_search_engine = SearchEngine("default")
# The cache for the initialized backend.
_backends_cache = {}
def get_backend(backend_name=None):
"""Initializes and returns the search backend."""
global _backends_cache
# Try to use the cached backend.
if backend_name in _backends_cache:
return _backends_cache[backend_name]
# Load the backend class.
if not backend_name:
backend_name = getattr(settings, "WATSON_BACKEND", "watson.backends.AdaptiveSearchBackend")
backend_module_name, backend_cls_name = backend_name.rsplit(".", 1)
backend_module = import_module(backend_module_name)
backend_cls = getattr(backend_module, backend_cls_name)
except AttributeError:
raise ImproperlyConfigured(
"Could not find a class named {backend_module_name!r} in {backend_cls_name!r}".format(
# Initialize the backend.
backend = backend_cls()
_backends_cache[backend_name] = backend
return backend
# The main search methods.
search =
filter = default_search_engine.filter
# Easy registration.
register = default_search_engine.register
unregister = default_search_engine.unregister
is_registered = default_search_engine.is_registered
get_registered_models = default_search_engine.get_registered_models
get_adapter = default_search_engine.get_adapter
# Easy context management.
update_index = search_context_manager.update_index
skip_index_update = search_context_manager.skip_index_update