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Using django-tenant-schemas
Supported versions
You can use ``django-tenant-schemas`` with currently maintained versions of Django -- see the `Django's release process <>`_ and the present list of `Supported Versions <>`_.
It is necessary to use a PostgreSQL database. ``django-tenant-schemas`` will ensure compatibility with the minimum required version of the latest Django release. At this time that is PostgreSQL 9.3, the minimum for Django 1.11.
Creating a Tenant
Creating a tenant works just like any other model in Django. The first thing we should do is to create the ``public`` tenant to make our main website available. We'll use the previous model we defined for ``Client``.
.. code-block:: python
from customers.models import Client
# create your public tenant
tenant = Client(domain_url='', # don't add your port or www here! on a local server you'll want to use localhost here
name='Schemas Inc.',
Now we can create our first real tenant.
.. code-block:: python
from customers.models import Client
# create your first real tenant
tenant = Client(domain_url='', # don't add your port or www here!
name='Fonzy Tenant',
on_trial=True) # migrate_schemas automatically called, your tenant is ready to be used!
Because you have the tenant middleware installed, any request made to ```` will now automatically set your PostgreSQL's ``search_path`` to ``tenant1, public``, making shared apps available too. The tenant will be made available at ``request.tenant``. By the way, the current schema is also available at ``connection.schema_name``, which is useful, for example, if you want to hook to any of django's signals.
Any call to the methods ``filter``, ``get``, ``save``, ``delete`` or any other function involving a database connection will now be done at the tenant's schema, so you shouldn't need to change anything at your views.
Management commands
By default, base commands run on the public tenant but you can also own commands that run on a specific tenant by inheriting ``BaseTenantCommand``.
For example, if you have the following ``do_foo`` command in the ``foo`` app:
.. code-block:: python
from import BaseCommand
class Command(BaseCommand):
def handle(self, *args, **options):
You could create a wrapper command by using ``BaseTenantCommand``:
.. code-block:: python
from import BaseTenantCommand
class Command(BaseTenantCommand):
COMMAND_NAME = 'do_foo'
To run the command on a particular schema, there is an optional argument called ``--schema``.
.. code-block:: bash
./ tenant_command do_foo --schema=customer1
If you omit the ``schema`` argument, the interactive shell will ask you to select one.
``migrate_schemas`` is the most important command on this app. The way it works is that it calls Django's ``migrate`` in two different ways. First, it calls ``migrate`` for the ``public`` schema, only syncing the shared apps. Then it runs ``migrate`` for every tenant in the database, this time only syncing the tenant apps.
.. warning::
You should never directly call ``migrate``. We perform some magic in order to make ``migrate`` only migrate the appropriate apps.
.. code-block:: bash
./ migrate_schemas
The options given to ``migrate_schemas`` are also passed to every ``migrate``. Hence you may find handy
.. code-block:: bash
./ migrate_schemas --list
``migrate_schemas`` raises an exception when an tenant schema is missing.
migrate_schemas in parallel
Once the number of tenants grow, migrating all the tenants can become a bottleneck. To speed up this process, you can run tenant migrations in parallel like this:
.. code-block:: bash
python migrate_schemas --executor=parallel
In fact, you can write your own executor which will run tenant migrations in
any way you want, just take a look at ``tenant_schemas/migration_executors``.
The ``parallel`` executor accepts the following settings:
* ``TENANT_PARALLEL_MIGRATION_MAX_PROCESSES`` (default: 2) - maximum number of
processes for migration pool (this is to avoid exhausting the database
connection pool)
* ``TENANT_PARALLEL_MIGRATION_CHUNKS`` (default: 2) - number of migrations to be
sent at once to every worker
To run any command on an individual schema, you can use the special ``tenant_command``, which creates a wrapper around your command so that it only runs on the schema you specify. For example
.. code-block:: bash
./ tenant_command loaddata
If you don't specify a schema, you will be prompted to enter one. Otherwise, you may specify a schema preemptively
.. code-block:: bash
./ tenant_command loaddata --schema=customer1
The command ``createsuperuser`` is already automatically wrapped to have a ``schema`` flag. Create a new super user with
.. code-block:: bash
./ createsuperuser --username=admin --schema=customer1
Prints to standard output a tab separated list of schema:domain_url values for each tenant.
.. code-block:: bash
for t in $(./ list_tenants | cut -f1);
./ tenant_command dumpdata --schema=$t --indent=2 auth.user > ${t}_users.json;
The :mod:`` API will not isolate media per tenant. Your ``MEDIA_ROOT`` will be a shared space between all tenants.
To avoid this you should configure a tenant aware storage backend - you will be warned if this is not the case.
.. code-block:: python
MEDIA_ROOT = '/data/media'
MEDIA_URL = '/media/'
We provide :class:`` which can be added to any third-party storage backend.
In your reverse proxy configuration you will need to capture use a regular expression to identify the ``domain_url`` to serve content from the appropriate directory.
.. code-block:: text
# illustrative /etc/nginx/cond.d/tenant.conf
upstream web {
server localhost:8080 fail_timeout=5s;
server {
listen 80;
server_name ~^(www\.)?(.+)$;
location / {
proxy_pass http://web;
proxy_redirect off;
proxy_set_header Host $host;
location /media/ {
alias /data/media/$2/;
There are several utils available in `tenant_schemas.utils` that can help you in writing more complicated applications.
.. function:: schema_context(schema_name)
This is a context manager. Database queries performed inside it will be executed in against the passed ``schema_name``.
.. code-block:: python
from tenant_schemas.utils import schema_context
with schema_context(schema_name):
# All comands here are ran under the schema `schema_name`
# Restores the `SEARCH_PATH` to its original value
.. function:: tenant_context(tenant_object)
This context manager is very similiar to the ``schema_context`` function,
but it takes a tenant model object as the argument instead.
.. code-block:: python
from tenant_schemas.utils import tenant_context
with tenant_context(tenant):
# All commands here are ran under the schema from the `tenant` object
# Restores the `SEARCH_PATH` to its original value
.. function:: schema_exists(schema_name)
Returns ``True`` if a schema exists in the current database.
.. code-block:: python
from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError
from django.utils.text import slugify
from tenant_schemas.utils import schema_exists
class TenantModelForm:
# ...
def clean_schema_name(self)
schema_name = self.cleaned_data["schema_name"]
schema_name = slugify(schema_name).replace("-", "")
if schema_exists(schema_name):
raise ValidationError("A schema with this name already exists in the database")
return schema_name
.. function:: get_tenant_model()
Returns the class of the tenant model.
.. function:: get_public_schema_name()
Returns the name of the public schema (from settings or the default ``public``).
.. function:: get_limit_set_calls()
Returns the ``TENANT_LIMIT_SET_CALLS`` setting or the default (``False``). See below.
The optional ``TenantContextFilter`` can be included in ``settings.LOGGING`` to add the current ``schema_name`` and ``domain_url`` to the logging context.
.. code-block:: python
'filters': {
'tenant_context': {
'()': 'tenant_schemas.log.TenantContextFilter'
'formatters': {
'tenant_context': {
'format': '[%(schema_name)s:%(domain_url)s] '
'%(levelname)-7s %(asctime)s %(message)s',
'handlers': {
'console': {
'filters': ['tenant_context'],
This will result in logging output that looks similar to:
.. code-block:: text
[] DEBUG 13:29 django.db.backends: (0.001) SELECT ...
Performance Considerations
The hook for ensuring the ``search_path`` is set properly happens inside the ``DatabaseWrapper`` method ``_cursor()``, which sets the path on every database operation. However, in a high volume environment, this can take considerable time. A flag, ``TENANT_LIMIT_SET_CALLS``, is available to keep the number of calls to a minimum. The flag may be set in ```` as follows:
.. code-block:: python
When set, ``django-tenant-schemas`` will set the search path only once per request. The default is ``False``.
Third Party Apps
Support for Celery is available at `tenant-schemas-celery <>`_.
`django-debug-toolbar <>`_ routes need to be added to ```` (both public and tenant) manually.
.. code-block:: python
from django.conf import settings
from django.conf.urls import include
if settings.DEBUG:
import debug_toolbar
urlpatterns += patterns(
url(r'^__debug__/', include(debug_toolbar.urls)),