
839 lines
26 KiB

# coding: utf-8
# pylint: disable=R0912,E0102
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from attest import assert_hook, Tests, warns # pylint: disable=W0611
from datetime import date, datetime
from django_attest import settings, TestContext
import django_tables2 as tables
from django_tables2.utils import build_request
from django_tables2 import A, Attrs
from django.db import models
from django.db.models.fields.files import FieldFile
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
from django.core.files.base import ContentFile
from import FileSystemStorage
from django.template import Context, Template
from django.utils.translation import ugettext
from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe, SafeData
from django.utils import timezone
except ImportError:
timezone = None
from os.path import dirname, join
import pytz
from .app.models import Person
from .templates import attrs, parse
booleancolumn = Tests()
def should_be_used_for_booleanfield():
class BoolModel(models.Model):
field = models.BooleanField()
class Table(tables.Table):
class Meta:
model = BoolModel
column = Table.base_columns["field"]
assert type(column) == tables.BooleanColumn
assert column.empty_values != ()
def should_be_used_for_nullbooleanfield():
class NullBoolModel(models.Model):
field = models.NullBooleanField()
class Table(tables.Table):
class Meta:
model = NullBoolModel
column = Table.base_columns["field"]
assert type(column) == tables.BooleanColumn
assert column.empty_values == ()
def treat_none_different_from_false():
class Table(tables.Table):
col = tables.BooleanColumn(null=False, default="---")
table = Table([{"col": None}])
assert table.rows[0]["col"] == "---"
def treat_none_as_false():
class Table(tables.Table):
col = tables.BooleanColumn(null=True)
table = Table([{"col": None}])
assert table.rows[0]["col"] == '<span class="false">✘</span>'
def span_attrs():
class Table(tables.Table):
col = tables.BooleanColumn(attrs={"span": {"key": "value"}})
table = Table([{"col": True}])
assert attrs(table.rows[0]["col"]) == {"class": "true", "key": "value"}
checkboxcolumn = Tests()
def attrs_should_be_translated_for_backwards_compatibility():
with warns(DeprecationWarning):
class TestTable(tables.Table):
col = tables.CheckBoxColumn(header_attrs={"th_key": "th_value"},
attrs={"td_key": "td_value"})
table = TestTable([{"col": "data"}])
assert attrs(table.columns["col"].header) == {"type": "checkbox", "th_key": "th_value"}
assert attrs(table.rows[0]["col"]) == {"type": "checkbox", "td_key": "td_value", "value": "data", "name": "col"}
def new_attrs_should_be_supported():
with warns(DeprecationWarning):
class TestTable(tables.Table):
col1 = tables.CheckBoxColumn(attrs=Attrs(th__input={"th_key": "th_value"},
td__input={"td_key": "td_value"}))
col2 = tables.CheckBoxColumn(attrs=Attrs(input={"key": "value"}))
table = TestTable([{"col1": "data", "col2": "data"}])
assert attrs(table.columns["col1"].header) == {"type": "checkbox", "th_key": "th_value"}
assert attrs(table.rows[0]["col1"]) == {"type": "checkbox", "td_key": "td_value", "value": "data", "name": "col1"}
assert attrs(table.columns["col2"].header) == {"type": "checkbox", "key": "value"}
assert attrs(table.rows[0]["col2"]) == {"type": "checkbox", "key": "value", "value": "data", "name": "col2"}
general = Tests()
def column_render_supports_kwargs():
class TestColumn(tables.Column):
def render(self, **kwargs):
expected = set(("record", "value", "column", "bound_column",
"bound_row", "table"))
actual = set(kwargs.keys())
assert actual == expected
return "success"
class TestTable(tables.Table):
foo = TestColumn()
table = TestTable([{"foo": "bar"}])
assert table.rows[0]["foo"] == "success"
def column_header_should_use_titlised_verbose_name_unless_given_explicitly():
class SimpleTable(tables.Table):
basic = tables.Column()
acronym = tables.Column(verbose_name="has FBI help")
table = SimpleTable([])
assert table.columns["basic"].header == "Basic"
assert table.columns["acronym"].header == "has FBI help"
def should_support_safe_verbose_name():
class SimpleTable(tables.Table):
safe = tables.Column(verbose_name=mark_safe("<b>Safe</b>"))
table = SimpleTable([])
assert isinstance(table.columns["safe"].header, SafeData)
def should_support_safe_verbose_name_via_model():
class PersonTable(tables.Table):
safe = tables.Column()
table = PersonTable(Person.objects.all())
assert isinstance(table.columns["safe"].header, SafeData)
def sortable_backwards_compatibility():
# Table.Meta.sortable (not set)
class SimpleTable(tables.Table):
name = tables.Column()
table = SimpleTable([])
with warns(DeprecationWarning):
assert table.columns['name'].sortable is True
# Table.Meta.sortable = False
with warns(DeprecationWarning):
class SimpleTable(tables.Table):
name = tables.Column()
class Meta:
sortable = False
table = SimpleTable([])
with warns(DeprecationWarning):
assert table.columns['name'].sortable is False # backwards compatible
assert table.columns['name'].orderable is False
# Table.Meta.sortable = True
with warns(DeprecationWarning):
class SimpleTable(tables.Table):
name = tables.Column()
class Meta:
sortable = True
table = SimpleTable([])
with warns(DeprecationWarning):
assert table.columns['name'].sortable is True # backwards compatible
assert table.columns['name'].orderable is True
def orderable():
# Table.Meta.orderable = False
class SimpleTable(tables.Table):
name = tables.Column()
table = SimpleTable([])
assert table.columns['name'].orderable is True
# Table.Meta.orderable = False
class SimpleTable(tables.Table):
name = tables.Column()
class Meta:
orderable = False
table = SimpleTable([])
assert table.columns['name'].orderable is False
with warns(DeprecationWarning):
assert table.columns['name'].sortable is False # backwards compatible
# Table.Meta.orderable = True
class SimpleTable(tables.Table):
name = tables.Column()
class Meta:
orderable = True
table = SimpleTable([])
with warns(DeprecationWarning):
assert table.columns['name'].sortable is True # backwards compatible
assert table.columns['name'].orderable is True
def order_by_defaults_to_accessor():
class SimpleTable(tables.Table):
foo = tables.Column(accessor="bar")
table = SimpleTable([])
assert table.columns["foo"].order_by == ("bar", )
def supports_order_by():
class SimpleTable(tables.Table):
name = tables.Column(order_by=("last_name", "-first_name"))
age = tables.Column()
table = SimpleTable([], order_by=("-age", ))
# alias
assert table.columns["name"].order_by_alias == "name"
assert table.columns["age"].order_by_alias == "-age"
# order by
assert table.columns["name"].order_by == ("last_name", "-first_name")
assert table.columns["age"].order_by == ("-age", )
# now try with name ordered
table = SimpleTable([], order_by=("-name", ))
# alias
assert table.columns["name"].order_by_alias == "-name"
assert table.columns["age"].order_by_alias == "age"
# alias next
assert table.columns["name"] == "name"
assert table.columns["age"] == "age"
# order by
assert table.columns["name"].order_by == ("-last_name", "first_name")
assert table.columns["age"].order_by == ("age", )
def supports_is_ordered():
class SimpleTable(tables.Table):
name = tables.Column()
# sorted
table = SimpleTable([], order_by='name')
assert table.columns["name"].is_ordered
# unsorted
table = SimpleTable([])
assert not table.columns["name"].is_ordered
def translation():
Tests different types of values for the ``verbose_name`` property of a
class TranslationTable(tables.Table):
normal = tables.Column(verbose_name=ugettext("Normal"))
lazy = tables.Column(verbose_name=ugettext("Lazy"))
table = TranslationTable([])
assert "Normal" == table.columns["normal"].header
assert "Lazy" == table.columns["lazy"].header
def sequence():
Ensures that the sequence of columns is configurable.
class TestTable(tables.Table):
a = tables.Column()
b = tables.Column()
c = tables.Column()
assert ["a", "b", "c"] == TestTable([]).columns.names()
assert ["b", "a", "c"] == TestTable([], sequence=("b", "a", "c")).columns.names()
class TestTable2(TestTable):
class Meta:
sequence = ("b", "a", "c")
assert ["b", "a", "c"] == TestTable2([]).columns.names()
assert ["a", "b", "c"] == TestTable2([], sequence=("a", "b", "c")).columns.names()
class TestTable3(TestTable):
class Meta:
sequence = ("c", )
assert ["c", "a", "b"] == TestTable3([]).columns.names()
assert ["c", "a", "b"] == TestTable([], sequence=("c", )).columns.names()
class TestTable4(TestTable):
class Meta:
sequence = ("...", )
assert ["a", "b", "c"] == TestTable4([]).columns.names()
assert ["a", "b", "c"] == TestTable([], sequence=("...", )).columns.names()
class TestTable5(TestTable):
class Meta:
sequence = ("b", "...")
assert ["b", "a", "c"] == TestTable5([]).columns.names()
assert ["b", "a", "c"] == TestTable([], sequence=("b", "...")).columns.names()
class TestTable6(TestTable):
class Meta:
sequence = ("...", "b")
assert ["a", "c", "b"] == TestTable6([]).columns.names()
assert ["a", "c", "b"] == TestTable([], sequence=("...", "b")).columns.names()
class TestTable7(TestTable):
class Meta:
sequence = ("b", "...", "a")
assert ["b", "c", "a"] == TestTable7([]).columns.names()
assert ["b", "c", "a"] == TestTable([], sequence=("b", "...", "a")).columns.names()
# Let's test inheritence
class TestTable8(TestTable):
d = tables.Column()
e = tables.Column()
f = tables.Column()
class Meta:
sequence = ("d", "...")
class TestTable9(TestTable):
d = tables.Column()
e = tables.Column()
f = tables.Column()
assert ["d", "a", "b", "c", "e", "f"] == TestTable8([]).columns.names()
assert ["d", "a", "b", "c", "e", "f"] == TestTable9([], sequence=("d", "...")).columns.names()
def should_support_both_meta_sequence_and_constructor_exclude():
Issue #32 describes a problem when both ``Meta.sequence`` and
``Table(..., exclude=...)`` are used on a single table. The bug caused an
exception to be raised when the table was iterated.
class SequencedTable(tables.Table):
a = tables.Column()
b = tables.Column()
c = tables.Column()
class Meta:
sequence = ('a', '...')
table = SequencedTable([], exclude=('c', ))
def bound_columns_should_support_indexing():
class SimpleTable(tables.Table):
a = tables.Column()
b = tables.Column()
table = SimpleTable([])
assert 'b' == table.columns[1].name
assert 'b' == table.columns['b'].name
def cell_attrs_applies_to_td_and_th():
class SimpleTable(tables.Table):
a = tables.Column(attrs={"cell": {"key": "value"}})
# providing data ensures 1 row is rendered
table = SimpleTable([{"a": "value"}])
root = parse(table.as_html())
assert root.findall('.//thead/tr/th')[0].attrib == {"key": "value", "class": "a orderable sortable"}
assert root.findall('.//tbody/tr/td')[0].attrib == {"key": "value", "class": "a"}
def cells_are_automatically_given_column_name_as_class():
class SimpleTable(tables.Table):
a = tables.Column()
table = SimpleTable([{"a": "value"}])
root = parse(table.as_html())
assert root.findall('.//thead/tr/th')[0].attrib == {"class": "a orderable sortable"}
assert root.findall('.//tbody/tr/td')[0].attrib == {"class": "a"}
def th_are_given_sortable_class_if_column_is_orderable():
class SimpleTable(tables.Table):
a = tables.Column()
b = tables.Column(orderable=False)
table = SimpleTable([{"a": "value"}])
root = parse(table.as_html())
# return classes of an element as a set
classes = lambda x: set(x.attrib["class"].split())
assert "sortable" in classes(root.findall('.//thead/tr/th')[0])
assert "sortable" not in classes(root.findall('.//thead/tr/th')[1])
# Now try with an ordered table
table = SimpleTable([], order_by="a")
root = parse(table.as_html())
# return classes of an element as a set
assert "sortable" in classes(root.findall('.//thead/tr/th')[0])
assert "asc" in classes(root.findall('.//thead/tr/th')[0])
assert "sortable" not in classes(root.findall('.//thead/tr/th')[1])
def empty_values_triggers_default():
class Table(tables.Table):
a = tables.Column(empty_values=(1, 2), default="--")
table = Table([{"a": 1}, {"a": 2}, {"a": 3}, {"a": 4}])
assert [x["a"] for x in table.rows] == ["--", "--", 3, 4]
linkcolumn = Tests()
def unicode():
"""Test LinkColumn"""
# test unicode values + headings
class UnicodeTable(tables.Table):
first_name = tables.LinkColumn('person', args=[A('pk')])
last_name = tables.LinkColumn('person', args=[A('pk')], verbose_name='äÚ¨´ˆÁ˜¨ˆ˜˘Ú…Ò˚ˆπ∆ˆ´')
dataset = [
{'pk': 1, 'first_name': 'Brädley', 'last_name': '∆yers'},
{'pk': 2, 'first_name': 'Chr…s', 'last_name': 'DÒble'},
table = UnicodeTable(dataset)
request = build_request('/some-url/')
template = Template('{% load django_tables2 %}{% render_table table %}')
html = template.render(Context({'request': request, 'table': table}))
assert 'Brädley' in html
assert '∆yers' in html
assert 'Chr…s' in html
assert 'DÒble' in html
def null_foreign_key():
class PersonTable(tables.Table):
first_name = tables.Column()
last_name = tables.Column()
occupation = tables.LinkColumn('occupation', args=[A('')])
Person.objects.create(first_name='bradley', last_name='ayers')
table = PersonTable(Person.objects.all())
def kwargs():
class PersonTable(tables.Table):
a = tables.LinkColumn('occupation', kwargs={"pk": A('a')})
html = PersonTable([{"a": 0}, {"a": 1}]).as_html()
assert reverse("occupation", kwargs={"pk": 0}) in html
assert reverse("occupation", kwargs={"pk": 1}) in html
def html_escape_value():
class PersonTable(tables.Table):
name = tables.LinkColumn("escaping", kwargs={"pk": A("pk")})
table = PersonTable([{"name": "<brad>", "pk": 1}])
assert table.rows[0]["name"] == '<a href="/&amp;&#39;%22/1/">&lt;brad&gt;</a>'
def old_style_attrs_should_still_work():
with warns(DeprecationWarning):
class TestTable(tables.Table):
col = tables.LinkColumn('occupation', kwargs={"pk": A('col')},
attrs={"title": "Occupation Title"})
table = TestTable([{"col": 0}])
assert attrs(table.rows[0]["col"]) == {"href": reverse("occupation", kwargs={"pk": 0}),
"title": "Occupation Title"}
def a_attrs_should_be_supported():
class TestTable(tables.Table):
col = tables.LinkColumn('occupation', kwargs={"pk": A('col')},
attrs={"a": {"title": "Occupation Title"}})
table = TestTable([{"col": 0}])
assert attrs(table.rows[0]["col"]) == {"href": reverse("occupation", kwargs={"pk": 0}),
"title": "Occupation Title"}
def defaults():
class Table(tables.Table):
link = tables.LinkColumn('occupation', kwargs={"pk": 1}, default="xyz")
table = Table([{}])
assert table.rows[0]['link'] == 'xyz'
templatecolumn = Tests()
def should_handle_context_on_table():
class TestTable(tables.Table):
col_code = tables.TemplateColumn(template_code="code:{{ record.col }}{{ STATIC_URL }}")
col_name = tables.TemplateColumn(template_name="test_template_column.html")
table = TestTable([{"col": "brad"}])
assert table.rows[0]["col_code"] == "code:brad"
assert table.rows[0]["col_name"] == "name:brad"
table.context = Context({"STATIC_URL": "/static/"})
assert table.rows[0]["col_code"] == "code:brad/static/"
assert table.rows[0]["col_name"] == "name:brad/static/"
def should_support_default():
class Table(tables.Table):
foo = tables.TemplateColumn("default={{ default }}", default="bar")
table = Table([{}])
assert table.rows[0]["foo"] == "default=bar"
def should_support_value():
class Table(tables.Table):
foo = tables.TemplateColumn("value={{ value }}")
table = Table([{"foo": "bar"}])
assert table.rows[0]["foo"] == "value=bar"
urlcolumn = Tests()
def should_turn_url_into_hyperlink():
class TestTable(tables.Table):
url = tables.URLColumn()
table = TestTable([{"url": ""}])
assert table.rows[0]["url"] == '<a href=""></a>'
def should_be_used_for_urlfields():
class URLModel(models.Model):
field = models.URLField()
class Table(tables.Table):
class Meta:
model = URLModel
assert type(Table.base_columns["field"]) == tables.URLColumn
emailcolumn = Tests()
def should_turn_email_address_into_hyperlink():
class Table(tables.Table):
email = tables.EmailColumn()
table = Table([{"email": ""}])
assert table.rows[0]["email"] == '<a href=""></a>'
def should_render_default_for_blank():
class Table(tables.Table):
email = tables.EmailColumn(default="---")
table = Table([{"email": ""}])
assert table.rows[0]["email"] == '---'
def should_be_used_for_datetimefields():
class EmailModel(models.Model):
field = models.EmailField()
class Table(tables.Table):
class Meta:
model = EmailModel
assert type(Table.base_columns["field"]) == tables.EmailColumn
datecolumn = Tests()
# Format string:
# D -- Day of the week, textual, 3 letters -- 'Fri'
# b -- Month, textual, 3 letters, lowercase -- 'jan'
# Y -- Year, 4 digits. -- '1999'
def should_handle_explicit_format():
class TestTable(tables.Table):
date = tables.DateColumn(format="D b Y")
class Meta:
default = ""
table = TestTable([{"date": date(2012, 9, 11)},
{"date": None}])
assert table.rows[0]["date"] == "Tue sep 2012"
assert table.rows[1]["date"] == ""
def should_handle_long_format():
with settings(DATE_FORMAT="D Y b"):
class TestTable(tables.Table):
date = tables.DateColumn(short=False)
class Meta:
default = ""
table = TestTable([{"date": date(2012, 9, 11)},
{"date": None}])
assert table.rows[0]["date"] == "Tue 2012 sep"
assert table.rows[1]["date"] == ""
def should_handle_short_format():
with settings(SHORT_DATE_FORMAT="b Y D"):
class TestTable(tables.Table):
date = tables.DateColumn(short=True)
class Meta:
default = ""
table = TestTable([{"date": date(2012, 9, 11)},
{"date": None}])
assert table.rows[0]["date"] == "sep 2012 Tue"
assert table.rows[1]["date"] == ""
def should_be_used_for_datefields():
class DateModel(models.Model):
field = models.DateField()
class Table(tables.Table):
class Meta:
model = DateModel
assert type(Table.base_columns["field"]) == tables.DateColumn
datetimecolumn = Tests()
# Format string:
# D -- Day of the week, textual, 3 letters -- 'Fri'
# b -- Month, textual, 3 letters, lowercase -- 'jan'
# Y -- Year, 4 digits. -- '1999'
# A -- 'AM' or 'PM'. -- 'AM'
# f -- Time, in 12-hour hours[:minutes] -- '1', '1:30'
def dt():
dt = datetime(2012, 9, 11, 12, 30, 0)
if timezone:
# If the version of Django has timezone support, convert from naive to
# UTC, the test project uses Australia/Brisbane so regardless the
# output from the column should be the same.
dt = pytz.timezone("Australia/Brisbane").localize(dt)
yield dt
def should_handle_explicit_format(dt):
class TestTable(tables.Table):
date = tables.DateTimeColumn(format="D b Y")
class Meta:
default = ""
table = TestTable([{"date": dt}, {"date": None}])
assert table.rows[0]["date"] == "Tue sep 2012"
assert table.rows[1]["date"] == ""
def should_handle_long_format(dt):
class TestTable(tables.Table):
date = tables.DateTimeColumn(short=False)
class Meta:
default = ""
with settings(DATETIME_FORMAT="D Y b A f"):
table = TestTable([{"date": dt}, {"date": None}])
assert table.rows[0]["date"] == "Tue 2012 sep PM 12:30"
assert table.rows[1]["date"] == ""
def should_handle_short_format(dt):
class TestTable(tables.Table):
date = tables.DateTimeColumn(short=True)
class Meta:
default = ""
with settings(SHORT_DATETIME_FORMAT="b Y D A f"):
table = TestTable([{"date": dt}, {"date": None}])
assert table.rows[0]["date"] == "sep 2012 Tue PM 12:30"
assert table.rows[1]["date"] == ""
def should_be_used_for_datetimefields():
class DateTimeModel(models.Model):
field = models.DateTimeField()
class Table(tables.Table):
class Meta:
model = DateTimeModel
assert type(Table.base_columns["field"]) == tables.DateTimeColumn
filecolumn = Tests()
def template_storage_and_column():
"""Provide a storage that exposes the test templates"""
root = join(dirname(__file__), "app", "templates")
storage = FileSystemStorage(location=root, base_url="/baseurl/")
column = tables.FileColumn(attrs={"span": {"class": "span"},
"a": {"class": "a"}})
yield column, storage
def should_be_used_for_filefields():
class FileModel(models.Model):
field = models.FileField()
class Table(tables.Table):
class Meta:
model = FileModel
assert type(Table.base_columns["field"]) == tables.FileColumn
def filecolumn_supports_storage_file(column, storage):
file_ ="child/foo.html")
root = parse(column.render(value=file_))
path =
assert root.tag == "span"
assert root.attrib == {"class": "span exists", "title": path}
assert root.text == "foo.html"
def filecolumn_supports_contentfile(column):
name = "foobar.html"
file_ = ContentFile('') = name # Django <1.4 compatible
root = parse(column.render(value=file_))
assert root.tag == "span"
assert root.attrib == {"title": name, "class": "span"}
assert root.text == "foobar.html"
def filecolumn_supports_fieldfile(column, storage):
field = models.FileField(storage=storage)
name = "child/foo.html"
fieldfile = FieldFile(instance=None, field=field, name=name)
root = parse(column.render(value=fieldfile))
assert root.tag == "a"
assert root.attrib == {"class": "a exists", "title": name,
"href": "/baseurl/child/foo.html"}
assert root.text == "foo.html"
# Now try a file that doesn't exist
name = "child/does_not_exist.html"
fieldfile = FieldFile(instance=None, field=field, name=name)
html = column.render(value=fieldfile)
root = parse(html)
assert root.tag == "a"
assert root.attrib == {"class": "a missing", "title": name,
"href": "/baseurl/child/does_not_exist.html"}
assert root.text == "does_not_exist.html"
columns = Tests([booleancolumn, checkboxcolumn, datecolumn, datetimecolumn,
emailcolumn, filecolumn, general, linkcolumn, templatecolumn,