
145 lines
3.3 KiB

# coding: utf-8
# from attest import assert_hook, raises, Tests
import six
import pytest
from django_tables2.utils import (Accessor, AttributeDict, computed_values,
OrderByTuple, OrderBy, segment)
def test_orderbytuple():
obt = OrderByTuple(('a', 'b', 'c'))
assert obt == (OrderBy('a'), OrderBy('b'), OrderBy('c'))
# indexing
assert obt[0] == OrderBy('a')
assert obt['b'] == OrderBy('b')
with pytest.raises(KeyError):
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
obt[('tuple', )]
# .get
sentinel = object()
assert obt.get('b', sentinel) is obt['b'] # keying
assert obt.get('-', sentinel) is sentinel
assert obt.get(0, sentinel) is obt['a'] # indexing
assert obt.get(3, sentinel) is sentinel
# .opposite
assert OrderByTuple(('a', '-b', 'c')).opposite == ('-a', 'b', '-c')
# in
assert 'a' in obt and '-a' in obt
def test_orderbytuple_sort_key_multiple():
obt = OrderByTuple(('a', '-b'))
items = [
{"a": 1, "b": 2},
{"a": 1, "b": 3},
assert sorted(items, key=obt.key) == [
{"a": 1, "b": 3},
{"a": 1, "b": 2},
def test_orderbytuple_sort_key_empty_comes_first():
obt = OrderByTuple(('a'))
items = [
{"a": 1},
{"a": ""},
{"a": 2},
if six.PY3:
assert sorted(items, key=obt.key) == [
{"a": ""},
{"a": 1},
{"a": 2},
assert sorted(items, key=obt.key) == [
{"a": 1},
{"a": 2},
{"a": ""},
def test_orderby():
a = OrderBy('a')
assert 'a' == a
assert 'a' == a.bare
assert '-a' == a.opposite
assert True == a.is_ascending
assert False == a.is_descending
b = OrderBy('-b')
assert '-b' == b
assert 'b' == b.bare
assert 'b' == b.opposite
assert True == b.is_descending
assert False == b.is_ascending
def test_accessor():
x = Accessor('0')
assert 'B' == x.resolve('Brad')
x = Accessor('1')
assert 'r' == x.resolve('Brad')
x = Accessor('2.upper')
assert 'A' == x.resolve('Brad')
x = Accessor('2.upper.__len__')
assert 1 == x.resolve('Brad')
x = Accessor('')
assert 'Brad' == x.resolve('Brad')
def test_accessor_wont_honors_alters_data():
class Foo(object):
deleted = False
def delete(self):
self.deleted = True
delete.alters_data = True
foo = Foo()
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
assert foo.deleted is False
def test_accessor_can_be_quiet():
foo = {}
assert Accessor("bar").resolve(foo, quiet=True) is None
def test_attribute_dict_handles_escaping():
x = AttributeDict({"x": '"\'x&'})
assert x.as_html() == 'x=""'x&"'
def test_compute_values_supports_shallow_structures():
x = computed_values({"foo": lambda: "bar"})
assert x == {"foo": "bar"}
def test_compute_values_supports_shallow_structures():
x = computed_values({"foo": lambda: {"bar": lambda: "baz"}})
assert x == {"foo": {"bar": "baz"}}
def test_segment_should_return_all_candidates():
assert set(segment(("a", "-b", "c"), {
"x": "a",
"y": ("b", "-c"),
"-z": ("b", "-c"),
})) == {
("x", "-y"),
("x", "z"),