
82 lines
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# coding: utf-8
# pylint: disable=R0912,E0102
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from datetime import datetime
from django.db import models
import django_tables2 as tables
from django.utils import timezone
except ImportError:
timezone = None
import pytz
import pytest
# Format string:
# D -- Day of the week, textual, 3 letters -- 'Fri'
# b -- Month, textual, 3 letters, lowercase -- 'jan'
# Y -- Year, 4 digits. -- '1999'
# A -- 'AM' or 'PM'. -- 'AM'
# f -- Time, in 12-hour hours[:minutes] -- '1', '1:30'
def dt():
dt = datetime(2012, 9, 11, 12, 30, 0)
if timezone:
# If the version of Django has timezone support, convert from naive to
# UTC, the test project uses Australia/Brisbane so regardless the
# output from the column should be the same.
dt = pytz.timezone("Australia/Brisbane").localize(dt)
yield dt
def test_should_handle_explicit_format(dt):
class TestTable(tables.Table):
date = tables.DateTimeColumn(format="D b Y")
class Meta:
default = ""
table = TestTable([{"date": dt}, {"date": None}])
assert table.rows[0]["date"] == "Tue sep 2012"
assert table.rows[1]["date"] == ""
def test_should_handle_long_format(dt, settings):
class TestTable(tables.Table):
date = tables.DateTimeColumn(short=False)
class Meta:
default = ""
settings.DATETIME_FORMAT = "D Y b A f"
table = TestTable([{"date": dt}, {"date": None}])
assert table.rows[0]["date"] == "Tue 2012 sep PM 12:30"
assert table.rows[1]["date"] == ""
def test_should_handle_short_format(dt, settings):
class TestTable(tables.Table):
date = tables.DateTimeColumn(short=True)
class Meta:
default = ""
settings.SHORT_DATETIME_FORMAT = "b Y D A f"
table = TestTable([{"date": dt}, {"date": None}])
assert table.rows[0]["date"] == "sep 2012 Tue PM 12:30"
assert table.rows[1]["date"] == ""
def test_should_be_used_for_datetimefields():
class DateTimeModel(models.Model):
field = models.DateTimeField()
class Table(tables.Table):
class Meta:
model = DateTimeModel
assert type(Table.base_columns["field"]) == tables.DateTimeColumn