
622 lines
17 KiB

# coding: utf-8
"""Test the core table functionality."""
from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals
import copy
from django.core.paginator import EmptyPage, PageNotAnInteger, Paginator
import django_tables2 as tables
from django_tables2.tables import DeclarativeColumnsMetaclass
import six
import itertools
import pytest
from .utils import warns
class UnorderedTable(tables.Table):
i = tables.Column()
alpha = tables.Column()
beta = tables.Column()
class OrderedTable(UnorderedTable):
class Meta:
order_by = 'alpha'
{'i': 2, 'alpha': 'b', 'beta': 'b'},
{'i': 1, 'alpha': 'a', 'beta': 'c'},
{'i': 3, 'alpha': 'c', 'beta': 'a'},
def test_declarations():
"""Test defining tables by declaration."""
class GeoAreaTable(tables.Table):
name = tables.Column()
population = tables.Column()
assert len(GeoAreaTable.base_columns) == 2
assert 'name' in GeoAreaTable.base_columns
assert not hasattr(GeoAreaTable, 'name')
class CountryTable(GeoAreaTable):
capital = tables.Column()
assert len(CountryTable.base_columns) == 3
assert 'capital' in CountryTable.base_columns
# multiple inheritance
class AddedMixin(tables.Table):
added = tables.Column()
class CityTable(GeoAreaTable, AddedMixin):
mayor = tables.Column()
assert len(CityTable.base_columns) == 4
assert 'added' in CityTable.base_columns
def test_metaclass_inheritance():
class Tweaker(type):
"""Adds an attribute "tweaked" to all classes"""
def __new__(cls, name, bases, attrs):
attrs['tweaked'] = True
return super(Tweaker, cls).__new__(cls, name, bases, attrs)
class Meta(Tweaker, DeclarativeColumnsMetaclass):
class TweakedTableBase(tables.Table):
__metaclass__ = Meta
name = tables.Column()
# Python 2/3 compatible way to enable the metaclass
TweakedTable = Meta(str('TweakedTable'), (TweakedTableBase, ), {})
table = TweakedTable([])
assert 'name' in table.columns
assert table.tweaked
# now flip the order
class FlippedMeta(DeclarativeColumnsMetaclass, Tweaker):
class FlippedTweakedTableBase(tables.Table):
name = tables.Column()
# Python 2/3 compatible way to enable the metaclass
FlippedTweakedTable = FlippedMeta(str('FlippedTweakedTable'), (FlippedTweakedTableBase, ), {})
table = FlippedTweakedTable([])
assert 'name' in table.columns
assert table.tweaked
def test_attrs():
class TestTable(tables.Table):
class Meta:
attrs = {}
assert {} == TestTable([]).attrs
class TestTable2(tables.Table):
class Meta:
attrs = {"a": "b"}
assert {"a": "b"} == TestTable2([]).attrs
class TestTable3(tables.Table):
assert {} == TestTable3([]).attrs
assert {"a": "b"} == TestTable3([], attrs={"a": "b"}).attrs
class TestTable4(tables.Table):
class Meta:
attrs = {"a": "b"}
assert {"c": "d"} == TestTable4([], attrs={"c": "d"}).attrs
def test_attrs_support_computed_values():
counter = itertools.count()
class TestTable(tables.Table):
class Meta:
attrs = {"id": lambda: "test_table_%d" % next(counter)}
assert {"id": "test_table_0"} == TestTable([]).attrs
assert {"id": "test_table_1"} == TestTable([]).attrs
def test_data_knows_its_name():
table = tables.Table([{}])
assert == "item"
assert == "items"
def test_datasource_untouched():
"""Ensure that data that is provided to the table (the datasource) is not
modified by table operations.
original_data = copy.deepcopy(MEMORY_DATA)
table = UnorderedTable(MEMORY_DATA)
table.order_by = 'i'
assert MEMORY_DATA == original_data
table = UnorderedTable(MEMORY_DATA)
table.order_by = 'beta'
assert MEMORY_DATA == original_data
def test_should_support_tuple_data_source():
class SimpleTable(tables.Table):
name = tables.Column()
table = SimpleTable((
{'name': 'brad'},
{'name': 'davina'},
assert len(table.rows) == 2
@pytest.mark.skipif(six.PY3, reason="Haystack requires Python 2.x")
def test_should_support_haystack_data_source():
from haystack.query import SearchQuerySet
class PersonTable(tables.Table):
first_name = tables.Column()
table = PersonTable(SearchQuerySet().all())
def test_data_validation():
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
table = OrderedTable(None)
class Bad:
def __len__(self):
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
table = OrderedTable(Bad())
class Ok:
def __len__(self):
return 1
def __getitem__(self, pos):
if pos != 0:
raise IndexError()
return {'a': 1}
table = OrderedTable(Ok())
assert len(table.rows) == 1
def test_ordering():
# fallback to Table.Meta
assert ('alpha', ) == OrderedTable([], order_by=None).order_by == OrderedTable([]).order_by
# values of order_by are wrapped in tuples before being returned
assert OrderedTable([], order_by='alpha').order_by == ('alpha', )
assert OrderedTable([], order_by=('beta',)).order_by == ('beta', )
table = OrderedTable([])
table.order_by = []
assert () == table.order_by == OrderedTable([], order_by=[]).order_by
table = OrderedTable([])
table.order_by = ()
assert () == table.order_by == OrderedTable([], order_by=()).order_by
table = OrderedTable([])
table.order_by = ''
assert () == table.order_by == OrderedTable([], order_by='').order_by
# apply an ordering
table = UnorderedTable([])
table.order_by = 'alpha'
assert ('alpha', ) == UnorderedTable([], order_by='alpha').order_by == table.order_by
table = OrderedTable([])
table.order_by = 'alpha'
assert ('alpha', ) == OrderedTable([], order_by='alpha').order_by == table.order_by
# let's check the data
table = OrderedTable(MEMORY_DATA, order_by='beta')
assert 3 == table.rows[0]['i']
table = OrderedTable(MEMORY_DATA, order_by='-beta')
assert 1 == table.rows[0]['i']
# allow fallback to Table.Meta.order_by
table = OrderedTable(MEMORY_DATA)
assert 1 == table.rows[0]['i']
# column's can't be ordered if they're not allowed to be
class TestTable2(tables.Table):
a = tables.Column(orderable=False)
b = tables.Column()
table = TestTable2([], order_by='a')
assert table.order_by == ()
table = TestTable2([], order_by='b')
assert table.order_by == ('b', )
# ordering disabled by default
class TestTable3(tables.Table):
a = tables.Column(orderable=True)
b = tables.Column()
class Meta:
orderable = False
table = TestTable3([], order_by='a')
assert table.order_by == ('a', )
table = TestTable3([], order_by='b')
assert table.order_by == ()
table = TestTable3([], orderable=True, order_by='b')
assert table.order_by == ('b', )
with warns(DeprecationWarning) as captured:
class TestTable4(tables.Table):
class Meta:
sortable = True
class TestTable4(tables.Table):
class Meta:
sortable = False
assert len(captured) == 4
def test_ordering_different_types():
from datetime import datetime
data = [
{'i': 1, 'alpha':, 'beta': [1]},
{'i': {}, 'alpha': None, 'beta': ''},
{'i': 2, 'alpha': None, 'beta': []},
table = OrderedTable(data)
assert "" == table.rows[0]['alpha']
table = OrderedTable(data, order_by='i')
if six.PY3:
assert {} == table.rows[0]['i']
assert 1 == table.rows[0]['i']
table = OrderedTable(data, order_by='beta')
assert [] == table.rows[0]['beta']
def test_multi_column_ordering():
brad = {"first_name": "Bradley", "last_name": "Ayers"}
brad2 = {"first_name": "Bradley", "last_name": "Fake"}
chris = {"first_name": "Chris", "last_name": "Doble"}
davina = {"first_name": "Davina", "last_name": "Adisusila"}
ross = {"first_name": "Ross", "last_name": "Ayers"}
people = [brad, brad2, chris, davina, ross]
class PersonTable(tables.Table):
first_name = tables.Column()
last_name = tables.Column()
table = PersonTable(people, order_by=("first_name", "last_name"))
assert [brad, brad2, chris, davina, ross] == [r.record for r in table.rows]
table = PersonTable(people, order_by=("first_name", "-last_name"))
assert [brad2, brad, chris, davina, ross] == [r.record for r in table.rows]
# let's try column order_by using multiple keys
class PersonTable(tables.Table):
name = tables.Column(order_by=("first_name", "last_name"))
# add 'name' key for each person.
for person in people:
person['name'] = "{p[first_name]} {p[last_name]}".format(p=person)
assert brad['name'] == "Bradley Ayers"
table = PersonTable(people, order_by="name")
assert [brad, brad2, chris, davina, ross] == [r.record for r in table.rows]
table = PersonTable(people, order_by="-name")
assert [ross, davina, chris, brad2, brad] == [r.record for r in table.rows]
def test_column_count():
class SimpleTable(tables.Table):
visible = tables.Column(visible=True)
hidden = tables.Column(visible=False)
# The columns container supports the len() builtin
assert len(SimpleTable([]).columns) == 1
def test_column_accessor():
class SimpleTable(UnorderedTable):
col1 = tables.Column(accessor='alpha.upper.isupper')
col2 = tables.Column(accessor='alpha.upper')
table = SimpleTable(MEMORY_DATA)
row = table.rows[0]
assert row['col1'] is True
assert row['col2'] == 'B'
def test_exclude_columns():
Defining ``Table.Meta.exclude`` or providing an ``exclude`` argument when
instantiating a table should have the same effect -- exclude those columns
from the table. It should have the same effect as not defining the
columns originally.
# Table(..., exclude=...)
table = UnorderedTable([], exclude=("i"))
assert [ for c in table.columns] == ["alpha", "beta"]
# Table.Meta: exclude=...
class PartialTable(UnorderedTable):
class Meta:
exclude = ("alpha", )
table = PartialTable([])
assert [ for c in table.columns] == ["i", "beta"]
# Inheritence -- exclude in parent, add in child
class AddonTable(PartialTable):
added = tables.Column()
table = AddonTable([])
assert [ for c in table.columns] == ["i", "beta", "added"]
# Inheritence -- exclude in child
class ExcludeTable(UnorderedTable):
added = tables.Column()
class Meta:
exclude = ("beta", )
table = ExcludeTable([])
assert [ for c in table.columns] == ["i", "alpha", "added"]
def test_table_exclude_property_should_override_constructor_argument():
class SimpleTable(tables.Table):
a = tables.Column()
b = tables.Column()
table = SimpleTable([], exclude=('b', ))
assert [ for c in table.columns] == ['a']
table.exclude = ('a', )
assert [ for c in table.columns] == ['b']
def test_pagination():
class BookTable(tables.Table):
name = tables.Column()
# create some sample data
data = []
for i in range(100):
data.append({"name": "Book No. %d" % i})
books = BookTable(data)
# external paginator
paginator = Paginator(books.rows, 10)
assert paginator.num_pages == 10
page =
assert page.has_previous() is False
assert page.has_next() is True
# integrated paginator
assert hasattr(books, "page") is True
books.paginate(page=1, per_page=10)
assert len(list( == 10
# new attributes
assert books.paginator.num_pages == 10
assert is False
assert is True
# accessing a non-existant page raises 404
with pytest.raises(EmptyPage):
books.paginate(Paginator, page=9999, per_page=10)
with pytest.raises(PageNotAnInteger):
books.paginate(Paginator, page='abc', per_page=10)
def test_pagination_shouldnt_prevent_multiple_rendering():
class SimpleTable(tables.Table):
name = tables.Column()
table = SimpleTable([{'name': 'brad'}])
assert table.as_html() == table.as_html()
def test_empty_text():
class TestTable(tables.Table):
a = tables.Column()
table = TestTable([])
assert table.empty_text is None
class TestTable2(tables.Table):
a = tables.Column()
class Meta:
empty_text = 'nothing here'
table = TestTable2([])
assert table.empty_text == 'nothing here'
table = TestTable2([], empty_text='still nothing')
assert table.empty_text == 'still nothing'
def test_prefix():
"""Test that table prefixes affect the names of querystring parameters"""
class TableA(tables.Table):
name = tables.Column()
class Meta:
prefix = "x"
assert "x" == TableA([]).prefix
class TableB(tables.Table):
name = tables.Column()
assert "" == TableB([]).prefix
assert "x" == TableB([], prefix="x").prefix
table = TableB([])
table.prefix = "x"
assert "x" == table.prefix
def test_field_names():
class TableA(tables.Table):
class Meta:
order_by_field = "abc"
page_field = "def"
per_page_field = "ghi"
table = TableA([])
assert "abc" == table.order_by_field
assert "def" == table.page_field
assert "ghi" == table.per_page_field
def test_field_names_with_prefix():
class TableA(tables.Table):
class Meta:
order_by_field = "sort"
page_field = "page"
per_page_field = "per_page"
prefix = "1-"
table = TableA([])
assert "1-sort" == table.prefixed_order_by_field
assert "1-page" == table.prefixed_page_field
assert "1-per_page" == table.prefixed_per_page_field
class TableB(tables.Table):
class Meta:
order_by_field = "sort"
page_field = "page"
per_page_field = "per_page"
table = TableB([], prefix="1-")
assert "1-sort" == table.prefixed_order_by_field
assert "1-page" == table.prefixed_page_field
assert "1-per_page" == table.prefixed_per_page_field
table = TableB([])
table.prefix = "1-"
assert "1-sort" == table.prefixed_order_by_field
assert "1-page" == table.prefixed_page_field
assert "1-per_page" == table.prefixed_per_page_field
def test_should_support_a_template_to_be_specified():
class ConstructorSpecifiedTemplateTable(tables.Table):
name = tables.Column()
table = ConstructorSpecifiedTemplateTable([], template="dummy.html")
assert table.template == "dummy.html"
class PropertySpecifiedTemplateTable(tables.Table):
name = tables.Column()
table = PropertySpecifiedTemplateTable([])
table.template = "dummy.html"
assert table.template == "dummy.html"
class DefaultTable(tables.Table):
table = DefaultTable([])
assert table.template == "django_tables2/table.html"
def test_template_in_meta_class_declaration_should_be_honored():
class MetaDeclarationSpecifiedTemplateTable(tables.Table):
name = tables.Column()
class Meta:
template = "dummy.html"
table = MetaDeclarationSpecifiedTemplateTable([])
assert table.template == "dummy.html"
assert table.as_html() == "dummy template contents\n"
def test_should_support_rendering_multiple_times():
class MultiRenderTable(tables.Table):
name = tables.Column()
# test list data
table = MultiRenderTable([{'name': 'brad'}])
assert table.as_html() == table.as_html()
def test_column_defaults_are_honored():
class Table(tables.Table):
name = tables.Column(default="abcd")
class Meta:
default = "efgh"
table = Table([{}], default="ijkl")
assert table.rows[0]['name'] == "abcd"
def test_table_meta_defaults_are_honored():
class Table(tables.Table):
name = tables.Column()
class Meta:
default = "abcd"
table = Table([{}])
assert table.rows[0]['name'] == "abcd"
def test_table_defaults_are_honored():
class Table(tables.Table):
name = tables.Column()
table = Table([{}], default="abcd")
assert table.rows[0]['name'] == "abcd"
table = Table([{}], default="abcd")
table.default = "efgh"
assert table.rows[0]['name'] == "efgh"
def test_list_table_data_supports_ordering():
class Table(tables.Table):
name = tables.Column()
data = [
{"name": "Bradley"},
{"name": "Davina"},
table = Table(data)
assert table.rows[0]["name"] == "Bradley"
table.order_by = "-name"
assert table.rows[0]["name"] == "Davina"