
67 lines
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.. _template_tags:
Template tags
.. _template-tags.render_table:
Renders a `~django_tables2.tables.Table` object to HTML and enables as
many features in the output as possible.
.. sourcecode:: django
{% load django_tables2 %}
{% render_table table %}
{# Alternatively a specific template can be used #}
{% render_table table "path/to/custom_table_template.html" %}
If the second argument (template path) is given, the template will be rendered
with a `.RequestContext` and the table will be in the variable ``table``.
.. note::
This tag temporarily modifies the `.Table` object during rendering. A
``context`` attribute is added to the table, providing columns with access
to the current context for their own rendering (e.g. `.TemplateColumn`).
This tag requires that the template in which it's rendered contains the
`~.http.HttpRequest` inside a ``request`` variable. This can be achieved by
ensuring the ``TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS`` setting contains
``"django.core.context_processors.request"``. By default it is not included,
and the setting itself is not even defined within your project's
````. To resolve this add the following to your ````:
.. sourcecode:: python
from django.conf.global_settings import TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS
TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS += ('django.core.context_processors.request',)
.. _template-tags.querystring:
A utility that allows you to update a portion of the query-string without
overwriting the entire thing.
Let's assume we have the querystring ``?search=pirates&sort=name&page=5`` and
we want to update the ``sort`` parameter:
.. sourcecode:: django
{% querystring "sort"="dob" %} # ?search=pirates&sort=dob&page=5
{% querystring "sort"="" %} # ?search=pirates&page=5
{% querystring "sort"="" "search"="" %} # ?page=5
{% with "search" as key %} # supports variables as keys
{% querystring key="robots" %} # ?search=robots&page=5
{% endwith %}
This tag requires the ``django.core.context_processors.request`` context
processor, see :ref:`template-tags.render_table`.