
323 lines
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API Reference
`.Accessor` (`.A`)
.. autoclass:: django_tables2.utils.Accessor
.. autoclass:: django_tables2.config.RequestConfig
.. autoclass:: django_tables2.tables.Table
:members: paginate, as_html
.. class:: Table.Meta
Provides a way to define *global* settings for table, as opposed to
defining them for each instance.
.. attribute:: attrs
Allows custom HTML attributes to be specified which will be added to
the ``<table>`` tag of any table rendered via
:meth:`.Table.as_html` or the
:ref:`template-tags.render_table` template tag.
:type: `dict`
:default: ``{}``
This is typically used to enable a theme for a table (which is done by
adding a CSS class to the ``<table>`` element). i.e.::
class SimpleTable(tables.Table):
name = tables.Column()
class Meta:
attrs = {"class": "paleblue"}
.. versionadded:: 0.15.0
It's possible to use callables to create *dynamic* values. A few caveats:
- It's not supported for ``dict`` keys, i.e. only values.
- All values will be resolved on table instantiation.
Consider this example where a unique ``id`` is given to each instance
of the table::
import itertools
counter = itertools.count()
class UniqueIdTable(tables.Table):
name = tables.Column()
class Meta:
attrs = {"id": lambda: "table_%d" % next(counter)}
.. note::
This functionality is also available via the ``attrs`` keyword
argument to a table's constructor.
.. attribute:: empty_text
Defines the text to display when the table has no rows.
:type: `unicode`
:default: `None`
If the table is empty and ``bool(empty_text)`` is `True`, a row is
displayed containing ``empty_text``. This is allows a message such as
*There are currently no FOO.* to be displayed.
.. note::
This functionality is also available via the ``empty_text`` keyword
argument to a table's constructor.
.. attribute:: exclude
Defines which columns should be excluded from the table. This is useful
in subclasses to exclude columns in a parent.
:type: tuple of `unicode`
:default: ``()``
>>> class Person(tables.Table):
... first_name = tables.Column()
... last_name = tables.Column()
>>> Person.base_columns
{'first_name': <django_tables2.columns.Column object at 0x10046df10>,
'last_name': <django_tables2.columns.Column object at 0x10046d8d0>}
>>> class ForgetfulPerson(Person):
... class Meta:
... exclude = ("last_name", )
>>> ForgetfulPerson.base_columns
{'first_name': <django_tables2.columns.Column object at 0x10046df10>}
.. note::
This functionality is also available via the ``exclude`` keyword
argument to a table's constructor.
However, unlike some of the other `.Table.Meta` options, providing the
``exclude`` keyword to a table's constructor **won't override** the
`.Meta.exclude`. Instead, it will be effectively be *added*
to it. i.e. you can't use the constructor's ``exclude`` argument to
*undo* an exclusion.
.. attribute:: fields
Used in conjunction with `~.Table.Meta.model`, specifies which fields
should have columns in the table.
:type: tuple of `unicode` or `None`
:default: `None`
If `None`, all fields are used, otherwise only those named.
class Person(models.Model):
first_name = models.CharField(max_length=200)
last_name = models.CharField(max_length=200)
class PersonTable(tables.Table):
class Meta:
model = Person
fields = ("first_name", )
.. attribute:: model
A model to inspect and automatically create corresponding columns.
:type: Django model
:default: `None`
This option allows a Django model to be specified to cause the table to
automatically generate columns that correspond to the fields in a
.. attribute:: order_by
The default ordering. e.g. ``('name', '-age')``. A hyphen ``-`` can be
used to prefix a column name to indicate *descending* order.
:type: `tuple`
:default: ``()``
.. note::
This functionality is also available via the ``order_by`` keyword
argument to a table's constructor.
.. attribute:: sequence
The sequence of the table columns. This allows the default order of
columns (the order they were defined in the Table) to be overridden.
:type: any iterable (e.g. `tuple` or `list`)
:default: ``()``
The special item ``"..."`` can be used as a placeholder that will be
replaced with all the columns that weren't explicitly listed. This
allows you to add columns to the front or back when using inheritence.
>>> class Person(tables.Table):
... first_name = tables.Column()
... last_name = tables.Column()
... class Meta:
... sequence = ("last_name", "...")
>>> Person.base_columns.keys()
['last_name', 'first_name']
The ``"..."`` item can be used at most once in the sequence value. If
it's not used, every column *must* be explicitly included. e.g. in the
above example, ``sequence = ("last_name", )`` would be **invalid**
because neither ``"..."`` or ``"first_name"`` were included.
.. note::
This functionality is also available via the ``sequence`` keyword
argument to a table's constructor.
.. attribute:: orderable
Default value for column's *orderable* attribute.
:type: `bool`
:default: `True`
If the table and column don't specify a value, a column's
``orderable`` value will fallback to this. object specify. This
provides an easy mechanism to disable ordering on an entire table,
without adding ``orderable=False`` to each column in a table.
.. note::
This functionality is also available via the ``orderable`` keyword
argument to a table's constructor.
.. attribute:: template
The default template to use when rendering the table.
:type: `unicode`
:default: ``"django_tables2/table.html"``
.. note::
This functionality is also available via the *template* keyword
argument to a table's constructor.
.. attribute:: localize
Specifies which fields should be localized in the table.
Read :ref:`localization-control` for more information.
:type: tuple of `unicode`
:default: empty tuple
.. attribute:: unlocalize
Specifies which fields should be unlocalized in the table.
Read :ref:`localization-control` for more information.
:type: tuple of `unicode`
:default: empty tuple
.. autoclass:: django_tables2.columns.BooleanColumn
.. autoclass:: django_tables2.columns.Column
.. autoclass:: django_tables2.columns.CheckBoxColumn
.. autoclass:: django_tables2.columns.DateColumn
.. autoclass:: django_tables2.columns.DateTimeColumn
.. autoclass:: django_tables2.columns.EmailColumn
.. autoclass:: django_tables2.columns.FileColumn
.. autoclass:: django_tables2.columns.LinkColumn
.. autoclass:: django_tables2.columns.TemplateColumn
.. autoclass:: django_tables2.columns.URLColumn
See :doc:`internal` for internal classes.