
331 lines
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from django import forms
from django.contrib.auth import authenticate
from django.utils.encoding import smart_unicode
from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _
from .. import scope
from ..constants import RESPONSE_TYPE_CHOICES, SCOPES
from ..forms import OAuthForm, OAuthValidationError
from ..scope import SCOPE_NAMES
from ..utils import now
from .models import Client, Grant, RefreshToken
class ClientForm(forms.ModelForm):
Form to create new consumers.
class Meta:
model = Client
fields = ('name', 'url', 'redirect_uri', 'client_type')
def save(self, user=None, **kwargs):
self.instance.user = user
return super(ClientForm, self).save(**kwargs)
class ClientAuthForm(forms.Form):
Client authentication form. Required to make sure that we're dealing with a
real client. Form is used in :attr:`provider.oauth2.backends` to validate
the client.
client_id = forms.CharField()
client_secret = forms.CharField()
def clean(self):
data = self.cleaned_data
client = Client.objects.get(client_id=data.get('client_id'),
except Client.DoesNotExist:
raise forms.ValidationError(_("Client could not be validated with "
"key pair."))
data['client'] = client
return data
class ScopeChoiceField(forms.ChoiceField):
Custom form field that seperates values on space as defined in
widget = forms.SelectMultiple
def to_python(self, value):
if not value:
return []
if not isinstance(value, (list, tuple)):
raise OAuthValidationError({'error': 'invalid_request'})
# Split values into list
return u' '.join([smart_unicode(val) for val in value]).split(u' ')
def validate(self, value):
Validates that the input is a list or tuple.
if self.required and not value:
raise OAuthValidationError({'error': 'invalid_request'})
# Validate that each value in the value list is in self.choices.
for val in value:
if not self.valid_value(val):
raise OAuthValidationError({
'error': 'invalid_request',
'error_description': _("'%s' is not a valid scope.") % \
class ScopeMixin(object):
Form mixin to clean scope fields.
def clean_scope(self):
The scope is assembled by combining all the set flags into a single
integer value which we can later check again for set bits.
If *no* scope is set, we return the default scope which is the first
defined scope in :attr:`provider.constants.SCOPES`.
default = SCOPES[0][0]
flags = self.cleaned_data.get('scope', [])
return scope.to_int(default=default, *flags)
class AuthorizationRequestForm(ScopeMixin, OAuthForm):
This form is used to validate the request data that the authorization
endpoint receives from clients.
Included data is specified in :rfc:`4.1.1`.
# Setting all required fields to false to explicitly check by hand
# and use custom error messages that can be reused in the OAuth2
# protocol
response_type = forms.CharField(required=False)
``"code"`` or ``"token"`` depending on the grant type.
redirect_uri = forms.URLField(required=False)
Where the client would like to redirect the user
back to. This has to match whatever value was saved while creating
the client.
state = forms.CharField(required=False)
Opaque - just pass back to the client for validation.
scope = ScopeChoiceField(choices=SCOPE_NAMES, required=False)
The scope that the authorization should include.
def clean_response_type(self):
:rfc:`3.1.1` Lists of values are space delimited.
response_type = self.cleaned_data.get('response_type')
if not response_type:
raise OAuthValidationError({'error': 'invalid_request',
'error_description': "No 'response_type' supplied."})
types = response_type.split(" ")
for type in types:
raise OAuthValidationError({
'error': 'unsupported_response_type',
'error_description': u"'%s' is not a supported response "
"type." % type})
return response_type
def clean_redirect_uri(self):
:rfc:`3.1.2` The redirect value has to match what was saved on the
authorization server.
redirect_uri = self.cleaned_data.get('redirect_uri')
if redirect_uri:
if not redirect_uri == self.client.redirect_uri:
raise OAuthValidationError({
'error': 'invalid_request',
'error_description': _("The requested redirect didn't "
"match the client settings.")})
return redirect_uri
class AuthorizationForm(ScopeMixin, OAuthForm):
A form used to ask the resource owner for authorization of a given client.
authorize = forms.BooleanField(required=False)
scope = ScopeChoiceField(choices=SCOPE_NAMES, required=False)
def save(self, **kwargs):
authorize = self.cleaned_data.get('authorize')
if not authorize:
return None
grant = Grant()
grant.scope = self.cleaned_data.get('scope')
return grant
class RefreshTokenGrantForm(ScopeMixin, OAuthForm):
Checks and returns a refresh token.
refresh_token = forms.CharField(required=False)
scope = ScopeChoiceField(choices=SCOPE_NAMES, required=False)
def clean_refresh_token(self):
token = self.cleaned_data.get('refresh_token')
if not token:
raise OAuthValidationError({'error': 'invalid_request'})
token = RefreshToken.objects.get(token=token,
expired=False, client=self.client)
except RefreshToken.DoesNotExist:
raise OAuthValidationError({'error': 'invalid_grant'})
return token
def clean(self):
Make sure that the scope is less or equal to the previous scope!
data = self.cleaned_data
want_scope = data.get('scope') or 0
refresh_token = data.get('refresh_token')
access_token = getattr(refresh_token, 'access_token', None) if \
refresh_token else \
has_scope = access_token.scope if access_token else 0
# Only check if we've actually got a scope in the data
# (read: All fields have been cleaned)
if want_scope is not 0 and not scope.check(want_scope, has_scope):
raise OAuthValidationError({'error': 'invalid_scope'})
return data
class AuthorizationCodeGrantForm(ScopeMixin, OAuthForm):
Check and return an authorization grant.
code = forms.CharField(required=False)
scope = ScopeChoiceField(choices=SCOPE_NAMES, required=False)
def clean_code(self):
code = self.cleaned_data.get('code')
if not code:
raise OAuthValidationError({'error': 'invalid_request'})
self.cleaned_data['grant'] = Grant.objects.get(
code=code, client=self.client, expires__gt=now())
except Grant.DoesNotExist:
raise OAuthValidationError({'error': 'invalid_grant'})
return code
def clean(self):
Make sure that the scope is less or equal to the scope allowed on the
data = self.cleaned_data
want_scope = data.get('scope') or 0
grant = data.get('grant')
has_scope = grant.scope if grant else 0
# Only check if we've actually got a scope in the data
# (read: All fields have been cleaned)
if want_scope is not 0 and not scope.check(want_scope, has_scope):
raise OAuthValidationError({'error': 'invalid_scope'})
return data
class PasswordGrantForm(ScopeMixin, OAuthForm):
Validate the password of a user on a password grant request.
username = forms.CharField(required=False)
password = forms.CharField(required=False)
scope = ScopeChoiceField(choices=SCOPE_NAMES, required=False)
def clean_username(self):
username = self.cleaned_data.get('username')
if not username:
raise OAuthValidationError({'error': 'invalid_request'})
return username
def clean_password(self):
password = self.cleaned_data.get('password')
if not password:
raise OAuthValidationError({'error': 'invalid_request'})
return password
def clean(self):
data = self.cleaned_data
user = authenticate(username=data.get('username'),
if user is None:
raise OAuthValidationError({'error': 'invalid_grant'})
data['user'] = user
return data
class PublicPasswordGrantForm(PasswordGrantForm):
client_id = forms.CharField(required=True)
grant_type = forms.CharField(required=True)
def clean_grant_type(self):
grant_type = self.cleaned_data.get('grant_type')
if grant_type != 'password':
raise OAuthValidationError({'error': 'invalid_grant'})
return grant_type
def clean(self):
data = super(PublicPasswordGrantForm, self).clean()
client = Client.objects.get(client_id=data.get('client_id'))
except Client.DoesNotExist:
raise OAuthValidationError({'error': 'invalid_client'})
if client.client_type != 1: # public
raise OAuthValidationError({'error': 'invalid_client'})
data['client'] = client
return data