
578 lines
19 KiB

import json
import urlparse
from django.http import HttpResponse
from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect, QueryDict
from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _
from django.views.generic.base import TemplateView
from django.core.exceptions import ObjectDoesNotExist
from . import constants, scope
class OAuthError(Exception):
Exception to throw inside any views defined in :attr:`provider.views`.
Any :attr:`OAuthError` thrown will be signalled to the API consumer.
:attr:`OAuthError` expects a dictionary as its first argument outlining the
type of error that occured.
raise OAuthError({'error': 'invalid_request'})
The different types of errors are outlined in :rfc:`` and
class OAuthView(TemplateView):
Base class for any view dealing with the OAuth flow. This class overrides
the dispatch method of :attr:`TemplateView` to add no-caching headers to
every response as outlined in :rfc:`5.1`.
def dispatch(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
response = super(OAuthView, self).dispatch(request, *args, **kwargs)
response['Cache-Control'] = 'no-store'
response['Pragma'] = 'no-cache'
return response
class Mixin(object):
Mixin providing common methods required in the OAuth view defined in
def get_data(self, request, key='params'):
Return stored data from the session store.
:param key: `str` The key under which the data was stored.
return request.session.get('%s:%s' % (constants.SESSION_KEY, key))
def cache_data(self, request, data, key='params'):
Cache data in the session store.
:param request: :attr:`django.http.HttpRequest`
:param data: Arbitrary data to store.
:param key: `str` The key under which to store the data.
request.session['%s:%s' % (constants.SESSION_KEY, key)] = data
def clear_data(self, request):
Clear all OAuth related data from the session store.
for key in request.session.keys():
if key.startswith(constants.SESSION_KEY):
del request.session[key]
def authenticate(self, request):
Authenticate a client against all the backends configured in
for backend in self.authentication:
client = backend().authenticate(request)
if client is not None:
return client
return None
class Capture(OAuthView, Mixin):
As stated in section :rfc:`` this view captures all the request
parameters and redirects to another URL to avoid any leakage of request
parameters to potentially harmful JavaScripts.
This application assumes that whatever web-server is used as front-end will
handle SSL transport.
If you want strict enforcement of secure communication at application
level, set :attr:`settings.OAUTH_ENFORCE_SECURE` to ``True``.
The actual implementation is required to override :meth:`get_redirect_url`.
template_name = 'provider/authorize.html'
def get_redirect_url(self, request):
Return a redirect to a URL where the resource owner (see :rfc:`1`)
authorizes the client (also :rfc:`1`).
:return: :class:`django.http.HttpResponseRedirect`
raise NotImplementedError
def handle(self, request, data):
self.cache_data(request, data)
if constants.ENFORCE_SECURE and not request.is_secure():
return self.render_to_response({'error': 'access_denied',
'error_description': _("A secure connection is required."),
'next': None},
return HttpResponseRedirect(self.get_redirect_url(request))
def get(self, request):
return self.handle(request, request.GET)
def post(self, request):
return self.handle(request, request.POST)
class Authorize(OAuthView, Mixin):
View to handle the client authorization as outlined in :rfc:`4`.
Implementation must override a set of methods:
* :attr:`get_redirect_url`
* :attr:`get_request_form`
* :attr:`get_authorization_form`
* :attr:`get_client`
* :attr:`save_authorization`
:attr:`Authorize` renders the ``provider/authorize.html`` template to
display the authorization form.
On successful authorization, it redirects the user back to the defined
client callback as defined in :rfc:`4.1.2`.
On authorization fail :attr:`Authorize` displays an error message to the
user with a modified redirect URL to the callback including the error
and possibly description of the error as defined in :rfc:``.
template_name = 'provider/authorize.html'
def get_redirect_url(self, request):
:return: ``str`` - The client URL to display in the template after
authorization succeeded or failed.
raise NotImplementedError
def get_request_form(self, client, data):
Return a form that is capable of validating the request data captured
by the :class:`Capture` view.
The form must accept a keyword argument ``client``.
raise NotImplementedError
def get_authorization_form(self, request, client, data, client_data):
Return a form that is capable of authorizing the client to the resource
:return: :attr:`django.forms.Form`
raise NotImplementedError
def get_client(self, client_id):
Return a client object from a given client identifier. Return ``None``
if no client is found. An error will be displayed to the resource owner
and presented to the client upon the final redirect.
raise NotImplementedError
def save_authorization(self, request, client, form, client_data):
Save the authorization that the user granted to the client, involving
the creation of a time limited authorization code as outlined in
Should return ``None`` in case authorization is not granted.
Should return a string representing the authorization code grant.
:return: ``None``, ``str``
raise NotImplementedError
def _validate_client(self, request, data):
:return: ``tuple`` - ``(client or False, data or error)``
client = self.get_client(data.get('client_id'))
if client is None:
raise OAuthError({
'error': 'unauthorized_client',
'error_description': _("An unauthorized client tried to access"
" your resources.")
form = self.get_request_form(client, data)
if not form.is_valid():
raise OAuthError(form.errors)
return client, form.cleaned_data
def error_response(self, request, error, **kwargs):
Return an error to be displayed to the resource owner if anything goes
awry. Errors can include invalid clients, authorization denials and
other edge cases such as a wrong ``redirect_uri`` in the authorization
:param request: :attr:`django.http.HttpRequest`
:param error: ``dict``
The different types of errors are outlined in :rfc:``
ctx = {}
# If we got a malicious redirect_uri or client_id, remove all the
# cached data and tell the resource owner. We will *not* redirect back
# to the URL.
if error['error'] in ['redirect_uri', 'unauthorized_client']:
return self.render_to_response(ctx, **kwargs)
return self.render_to_response(ctx, **kwargs)
def handle(self, request, post_data=None):
data = self.get_data(request)
if data is None:
return self.error_response(request, {
'error': 'expired_authorization',
'error_description': _('Authorization session has expired.')})
client, data = self._validate_client(request, data)
except OAuthError, e:
return self.error_response(request, e.args[0], status=400)
authorization_form = self.get_authorization_form(request, client,
post_data, data)
if not authorization_form.is_bound or not authorization_form.is_valid():
return self.render_to_response({
'client': client,
'form': authorization_form,
'oauth_data': data, })
code = self.save_authorization(request, client,
authorization_form, data)
self.cache_data(request, data)
self.cache_data(request, code, "code")
self.cache_data(request, client, "client")
return HttpResponseRedirect(self.get_redirect_url(request))
def get(self, request):
return self.handle(request, None)
def post(self, request):
return self.handle(request, request.POST)
class Redirect(OAuthView, Mixin):
Redirect the user back to the client with the right query parameters set.
This can be either parameters indicating success or parameters indicating
an error.
def get(self, request):
data = self.get_data(request)
code = self.get_data(request, "code")
error = self.get_data(request, "error")
client = self.get_data(request, "client")
redirect_uri = data.get('redirect_uri', None) or client.redirect_uri
parsed = urlparse.urlparse(redirect_uri)
query = QueryDict('', mutable=True)
if 'state' in data:
query['state'] = data['state']
if error is not None:
elif code is None:
query['error'] = 'access_denied'
query['code'] = code
parsed = parsed[:4] + (query.urlencode(), '')
redirect_uri = urlparse.ParseResult(*parsed).geturl()
return HttpResponseRedirect(redirect_uri)
class AccessToken(OAuthView, Mixin):
:attr:`AccessToken` handles creation and refreshing of access tokens.
Implementations must implement a number of methods:
* :attr:`get_authorization_code_grant`
* :attr:`get_refresh_token_grant`
* :attr:`get_password_grant`
* :attr:`get_access_token`
* :attr:`create_access_token`
* :attr:`create_refresh_token`
* :attr:`invalidate_grant`
* :attr:`invalidate_access_token`
* :attr:`invalidate_refresh_token`
The default implementation supports the grant types defined in
According to :rfc:`4.4.2` this endpoint too must support secure
communication. For strict enforcement of secure communication at
application level set :attr:`settings.OAUTH_ENFORCE_SECURE` to ``True``.
According to :rfc:`3.2` we can only accept POST requests.
Returns with a status code of *400* in case of errors. *200* in case of
authentication = ()
Authentication backends used to authenticate a particular client.
grant_types = ['authorization_code', 'refresh_token', 'password']
The default grant types supported by this view.
def get_authorization_code_grant(self, request, data, client):
Return the grant associated with this request or an error dict.
:return: ``tuple`` - ``(True or False, grant or error_dict)``
raise NotImplementedError
def get_refresh_token_grant(self, request, data, client):
Return the refresh token associated with this request or an error dict.
:return: ``tuple`` - ``(True or False, token or error_dict)``
raise NotImplementedError
def get_password_grant(self, request, data, client):
Return a user associated with this request or an error dict.
:return: ``tuple`` - ``(True or False, user or error_dict)``
raise NotImplementedError
def get_access_token(self, request, user, scope, client):
Override to handle fetching of an existing access token.
:return: ``object`` - Access token
raise NotImplementedError
def create_access_token(self, request, user, scope, client):
Override to handle access token creation.
:return: ``object`` - Access token
raise NotImplementedError
def create_refresh_token(self, request, user, scope, access_token, client):
Override to handle refresh token creation.
:return: ``object`` - Refresh token
raise NotImplementedError
def invalidate_grant(self, grant):
Override to handle grant invalidation. A grant is invalidated right
after creating an access token from it.
:return None:
raise NotImplementedError
def invalidate_refresh_token(self, refresh_token):
Override to handle refresh token invalidation. When requesting a new
access token from a refresh token, the old one is *always* invalidated.
:return None:
raise NotImplementedError
def invalidate_access_token(self, access_token):
Override to handle access token invalidation. When a new access token
is created from a refresh token, the old one is *always* invalidated.
:return None:
raise NotImplementedError
def error_response(self, error, mimetype='application/json', status=400,
Return an error response to the client with default status code of
*400* stating the error as outlined in :rfc:`5.2`.
return HttpResponse(json.dumps(error), mimetype=mimetype,
status=status, **kwargs)
def access_token_response(self, access_token):
Returns a successful response after creating the access token
as defined in :rfc:`5.1`.
response_data = {
'access_token': access_token.token,
'token_type': constants.TOKEN_TYPE,
'expires_in': access_token.get_expire_delta(),
'scope': ' '.join(scope.names(access_token.scope)),
# Not all access_tokens are given a refresh_token
# (for example, public clients doing password auth)
rt = access_token.refresh_token
response_data['refresh_token'] = rt.token
except ObjectDoesNotExist:
return HttpResponse(
json.dumps(response_data), mimetype='application/json'
def authorization_code(self, request, data, client):
Handle ``grant_type=authorization_code`` requests as defined in
grant = self.get_authorization_code_grant(request, request.POST,
at = self.get_access_token(request, grant.user, grant.scope, client)
at = self.create_access_token(request, grant.user, grant.scope, client)
rt = self.create_refresh_token(request, grant.user, grant.scope, at,
return self.access_token_response(at)
def refresh_token(self, request, data, client):
Handle ``grant_type=refresh_token`` requests as defined in :rfc:`6`.
rt = self.get_refresh_token_grant(request, data, client)
# this must be called first in case we need to purge expired tokens
at = self.create_access_token(request, rt.user, rt.access_token.scope,
rt = self.create_refresh_token(request, at.user, at.scope, at, client)
return self.access_token_response(at)
def password(self, request, data, client):
Handle ``grant_type=password`` requests as defined in :rfc:`4.3`.
data = self.get_password_grant(request, data, client)
user = data.get('user')
scope = data.get('scope')
at = self.get_access_token(request, user, scope, client)
at = self.create_access_token(request, user, scope, client)
# Public clients don't get refresh tokens
if client.client_type != 1:
rt = self.create_refresh_token(request, user, scope, at, client)
return self.access_token_response(at)
def get_handler(self, grant_type):
Return a function or method that is capable handling the ``grant_type``
requested by the client or return ``None`` to indicate that this type
of grant type is not supported, resulting in an error response.
if grant_type == 'authorization_code':
return self.authorization_code
elif grant_type == 'refresh_token':
return self.refresh_token
elif grant_type == 'password':
return self.password
return None
def get(self, request):
As per :rfc:`3.2` the token endpoint *only* supports POST requests.
Returns an error response.
return self.error_response({
'error': 'invalid_request',
'error_description': _("Only POST requests allowed.")})
def post(self, request):
As per :rfc:`3.2` the token endpoint *only* supports POST requests.
if constants.ENFORCE_SECURE and not request.is_secure():
return self.error_response({
'error': 'invalid_request',
'error_description': _("A secure connection is required.")})
if not 'grant_type' in request.POST:
return self.error_response({
'error': 'invalid_request',
'error_description': _("No 'grant_type' included in the "
grant_type = request.POST['grant_type']
if grant_type not in self.grant_types:
return self.error_response({'error': 'unsupported_grant_type'})
client = self.authenticate(request)
if client is None:
return self.error_response({'error': 'invalid_client'})
handler = self.get_handler(grant_type)
return handler(request, request.POST, client)
except OAuthError, e:
return self.error_response(e.args[0])