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Primary Authors:
* Daniel Lindsley
* Matt Croydon (some documentation, sanity checks and the sweet name)
* Travis Cline (the original SQ implementation, improvements to ModelSearchIndex)
* David Sauve (notanumber) for the Xapian backend, the simple backend and various patches.
* Jannis Leidel (jezdez)
* Chris Adams (acdha)
* Justin Caratzas (bigjust)
* Andrew Schoen (andrewschoen)
* Dan Watson (dcwatson)
* Matt Woodward (mpwoodward)
* Alex Vidal (avidal)
* Zach Smith (zmsmith)
* Stefan Wehrmeyer (stefanw)
* George Hickman (ghickman)
* Ben Spaulding (benspaulding)
Thanks to
* Jacob Kaplan-Moss & Joseph Kocherhans for the original implementation of
djangosearch, of which portions were used, as well as basic API feedback.
* Christian Metts for designing the logo and building a better site.
* Nathan Borror for testing and advanced form usage.
* Malcolm Tredinnick for API feedback.
* Mediaphormedia for funding the development on More Like This and faceting.
* Travis Cline for API feedback, Git help and improvements to the reindex command.
* Brian Rosner for various patches.
* Richard Boulton for feedback and suggestions.
* Cyberdelia for feedback and patches.
* Ask Solem for for patching the
* Ben Spaulding for feedback and documentation patches.
* smulloni for various patches.
* JoeGermuska for various patches.
* SmileyChris for various patches.
* sk1p for various patches.
* Ryszard Szopa (ryszard) for various patches.
* Patryk Zawadzki (patrys) for various patches and feedback.
* Frank Wiles for documentation patches.
* Chris Adams (acdha) for various patches.
* Kyle MacFarlane for various patches.
* Alex Gaynor (alex) for help with handling deferred models with More Like This.
* RobertGawron for a patch to the Highlighter.
* Simon Willison (simonw) for various proposals and patches.
* Ben Firshman (bfirsh) for faceting improvements and suggestions.
* Peter Bengtsson for a patch regarding passing a customized site.
* Sam Bull (osirius) for a patch regarding initial data on SearchForms.
* slai for a patch regarding Whoosh and fetching all documents of a certain model type.
* alanwj for a patch regarding Whoosh and empty MultiValueFields.
* alanzoppa for a patch regarding highlighting.
* piquadrat for a patch regarding the more_like_this template tag.
* dedsm for a patch regarding the pickling of SearchResult objects.
* EmilStenstrom for a patch to the Highlighter.
* symroe for a patch regarding the more_like_this template tag.
* ghostrocket for a patch regarding the simple backend.
* Rob Hudson (robhudson) for improvements to the admin search.
* apollo13 for simplifying ``SearchForm.__init__``.
* Carl Meyer (carljm) for a patch regarding character primary keys.
* oyiptong for a patch regarding pickling.
* alfredo for a patch to generate epub docs.
* Luke Hatcher (lukeman) for documentation patches.
* Trey Hunner (treyhunner) for a Whoosh field boosting patch.
* Kent Gormat of Retail Catalyst for funding the development of multiple index support.
* Gidsy for funding the initial geospatial implementation
* CMGdigital for funding the development on:
* a multiprocessing-enabled version of ``update_index``.
* the addition of ``--start/--end`` options in ``update_index``.
* the ability to specify both apps & models to ``update_index``.
* A significant portion of the geospatial feature.
* A significant portion of the input types feature.
* Aram Dulyan (Aramgutang) for fixing the included admin class to be Django 1.4 compatible.
* Honza Kral (HonzaKral) for various Elasticsearch tweaks & testing.
* Alex Vidal (avidal) for a patch allowing developers to override the queryset used for update operations.
* Igor Támara (ikks) for a patch related to Unicode ``verbose_name_plural``.
* Dan Helfman (witten) for a patch related to highlighting.
* Matt DeBoard for refactor of ```` method to allow simpler extension of the class.
* Rodrigo Guzman (rz) for a fix to query handling in the ``simple`` backend.
* Martin J. Laubach (mjl) for fixing the logic used when combining querysets
* Eric Holscher (ericholscher) for a docs fix.
* Erik Rose (erikrose) for a quick pyelasticsearch-compatibility patch
* Stefan Wehrmeyer (stefanw) for a simple search filter fix
* Dan Watson (dcwatson) for various patches.
* Andrew Schoen (andrewschoen) for the addition of ``HAYSTACK_IDENTIFIER_METHOD``
* Pablo SEMINARIO (pabluk) for a docs fix, and a fix in the ElasticSearch backend.
* Eric Thurgood (ethurgood) for a import fix in the Elasticssearch backend.
* Revolution Systems & The Python Software Foundation for funding a significant portion of the port to Python 3!
* Artem Kostiuk (postatum) for patch allowing to search for slash character in ElasticSearch since Lucene 4.0.
* Luis Barrueco (luisbarrueco) for a simple fix regarding updating indexes using multiple backends.
* Szymon Teżewski (jasisz) for an update to the bounding-box calculation for spatial queries
* Chris Wilson (qris) and Orlando Fiol (overflow) for an update allowing the use of multiple order_by()
fields with Whoosh as long as they share a consistent sort direction
* Steven Skoczen (@skoczen) for an ElasticSearch bug fix
* @Xaroth for updating the app loader to be compatible with Django 1.7
* Jaroslav Gorjatsev (jarig) for a bugfix with index_fieldname
* Dirk Eschler (@deschler) for app loader Django 1.7 compatibility fixes
* Wictor (wicol) for a patch improving the error message given when model_attr references a non-existent
* Pierre Dulac (dulaccc) for a patch updating distance filters for ElasticSearch 1.x
* Andrei Fokau (andreif) for adding support for ``SQ`` in ``SearchQuerySet.narrow()``
* Phill Tornroth (phill-tornroth) for several patches improving UnifiedIndex and ElasticSearch support
* Philippe Luickx (philippeluickx) for documenting how to provide backend-specific facet options
* Felipe Prenholato (@chronossc) for a patch making it easy to exclude documents from indexing using custom logic
* Alfredo Armanini (@phingage) for a patch fixing compatibility with database API changes in Django 1.8
* Ben Spaulding (@benspaulding) for many updates for Django 1.8 support
* Troy Grosfield (@troygrosfield) for fixing the test runner for Django 1.8
* Ilan Steemers (@Koed00) for fixing Django 1.9 deprecation warnings