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Django CKEditor
**File storage, Django 1.6 compatible fork available on pypi as django-ckeditor-updated**
**Django admin CKEditor integration.**
Note that this fork has different configuration as the source django-ckeditor.
Provides a ``RichTextField`` and ``CKEditorWidget`` utilizing CKEditor with image upload and browsing support included.
* This version also includes:
#. support to django-storages (works with S3)
#. updated ckeditor to version 4.2.1
#. included all ckeditor language files to made everyone happy!
.. contents:: Contents
:depth: 5
#. Install or add django-ckeditor-updated to your python path. Note: You may not have the original django-ckeditor and django-ckeditor-updated installed at the same time.
#. Add ``ckeditor`` to your ``INSTALLED_APPS`` setting.
#. Run the ``collectstatic`` management command: ``$ / collectstatic``. This'll copy static CKEditor require media resources into the directory given by the ``STATIC_ROOT`` setting. See `Django's documentation on managing static files <>`_ for more info.
#. Add a CKEDITOR_UPLOAD_PATH setting to the project's ```` file. This setting specifies an relative path to your CKEditor media upload directory. CKEditor uses Django storage API. By default Django uses file system storage backend (it will use your MEDIA_ROOT and MEDIA_URL) and if you don't use different backend you have to have write permissions for the CKEDITOR_UPLOAD_PATH path within MEDIA_ROOT, i.e.::
For the default file system storage images will be uploaded to "uploads" folder in your MEDIA_ROOT and urls will be created against MEDIA_URL (/media/uploads/image.jpg).
CKEditor has been tested with django FileSystemStorage and S3BotoStorage.
There are issues using S3Storage from django-storages.
#. Add CKEditor URL include to your project's ```` file::
(r'^ckeditor/', include('ckeditor.urls')),
#. Set ``CKEDITOR_IMAGE_BACKEND`` to one of supported backends to enable thumbnails in ckeditor gallery. By default no thumbnails are created and full size images are used as preview. Supported backends:
- ``pillow``: uses PIL or Pillow
#. All uploaded files are slugified by defaults, to disable this feature set ``CKEDITOR_SLUGIFY_FILENAME`` to ``False``
#. Set the CKEDITOR_RESTRICT_BY_USER setting to ``True`` in the project's ```` file (default ``False``). This restricts access to uploaded images to the uploading user (e.g. each user only sees and uploads their own images). Superusers can still see all images. **NOTE**: This restriction is only enforced within the CKEditor media browser.
#. Add a CKEDITOR_CONFIGS setting to the project's ```` file. This specifies sets of CKEditor settings that are passed to CKEditor (see CKEditor's `Setting Configurations <>`_), i.e.::
'awesome_ckeditor': {
'toolbar': 'Basic',
The name of the settings can be referenced when instantiating a RichTextField::
content = RichTextField(config_name='awesome_ckeditor')
The name of the settings can be referenced when instantiating a CKEditorWidget::
widget = CKEditorWidget(config_name='awesome_ckeditor')
By specifying a set named ``default`` you'll be applying its settings to all RichTextField and CKEditorWidget objects for which ``config_name`` has not been explicitly defined ::
'default': {
'toolbar': 'Full',
'height': 300,
'width': 300,
The quickest way to add rich text editing capabilities to your models is to use the included ``RichTextField`` model field type. A CKEditor widget is rendered as the form field but in all other regards the field behaves as the standard Django ``TextField``. For example::
from django.db import models
from ckeditor.fields import RichTextField
class Post(models.Model):
content = RichTextField()
Alernatively you can use the included ``CKEditorWidget`` as the widget for a formfield. For example::
from django import forms
from django.contrib import admin
from ckeditor.widgets import CKEditorWidget
from post.models import Post
class PostAdminForm(forms.ModelForm):
content = forms.CharField(widget=CKEditorWidget())
class Meta:
model = Post
class PostAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
form = PostAdminForm, PostAdmin)
Managment Commands
Included is a management command to create thumbnails for images already contained in ``CKEDITOR_UPLOAD_PATH``. This is useful to create thumbnails when starting to use django-ckeditor with existing images. Issue the command as follows::
$ ./ generateckeditorthumbnails
**NOTE**: If you're using custom views remember to include ckeditor.js in your form's media either through ``{{ }}`` or through a ``<script>`` tag. Admin will do this for you automatically. See `Django's Form Media docs <>`_ for more info.
Using S3
If you want to use allowedContent
To allowedContent works, disable **stylesheetparser** plugin.
So included this on your
"default": {
"removePlugins": "stylesheetparser",
Demo / Test application
If you clone the repository you will be able to run the ``ckeditor_demo`` application.
#. ``pip install -r ckeditor_demo_requirements.txt``
#. Run `` syncdb``
#. Create a superuser if you want to test the widget in the admin panel
#. Start the development server.
There is a forms.Form on main page (/) and a model in admin that uses the widget for a model field.
Database is set to sqlite3 and STATIC/MEDIA_ROOT to folders in temporary directory.
Running selenium test
You can run the test with ``python test ckeditor_demo`` (for repo checkout only) or with ``tox`` which is configured to run with Python 2.7 and 3.3.
(You may have to fix some imports in selenium webdriver for Python 3.3).