
169 lines
5.5 KiB

# coding: utf-8
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from collections import Iterable
from functools import wraps
from time import time
from django.db.backends.utils import CursorWrapper
from django.db.models.query import EmptyResultSet
from django.db.models.signals import post_migrate
from django.db.models.sql.compiler import (
SQLCompiler, SQLInsertCompiler, SQLUpdateCompiler, SQLDeleteCompiler,
from django.db.transaction import Atomic, get_connection
from django.utils.six import binary_type
from .api import invalidate
from .cache import cachalot_caches
from .settings import cachalot_settings, ITERABLES
from .utils import (
_get_table_cache_keys, _get_tables_from_sql,
UncachableQuery, is_cachable, filter_cachable,
WRITE_COMPILERS = (SQLInsertCompiler, SQLUpdateCompiler, SQLDeleteCompiler)
def _unset_raw_connection(original):
def inner(compiler, *args, **kwargs):
compiler.connection.raw = False
out = original(compiler, *args, **kwargs)
compiler.connection.raw = True
return out
return inner
def _get_result_or_execute_query(execute_query_func, cache,
cache_key, table_cache_keys):
data = cache.get_many(table_cache_keys + [cache_key])
new_table_cache_keys = set(table_cache_keys)
if new_table_cache_keys:
now = time()
cache.set_many({k: now for k in new_table_cache_keys},
elif cache_key in data:
timestamp, result = data.pop(cache_key)
table_times = data.values()
if table_times and timestamp > max(table_times):
return result
result = execute_query_func()
if result.__class__ not in ITERABLES and isinstance(result, Iterable):
result = list(result)
cache.set(cache_key, (time(), result), cachalot_settings.CACHALOT_TIMEOUT)
return result
def _patch_compiler(original):
def inner(compiler, *args, **kwargs):
execute_query_func = lambda: original(compiler, *args, **kwargs)
db_alias = compiler.using
if not cachalot_settings.CACHALOT_ENABLED \
or db_alias not in cachalot_settings.CACHALOT_DATABASES \
or isinstance(compiler, WRITE_COMPILERS):
return execute_query_func()
cache_key = cachalot_settings.CACHALOT_QUERY_KEYGEN(compiler)
table_cache_keys = _get_table_cache_keys(compiler)
except (EmptyResultSet, UncachableQuery):
return execute_query_func()
return _get_result_or_execute_query(
cache_key, table_cache_keys)
return inner
def _patch_write_compiler(original):
def inner(write_compiler, *args, **kwargs):
db_alias = write_compiler.using
table = write_compiler.query.get_meta().db_table
if is_cachable(table):
invalidate(table, db_alias=db_alias,
return original(write_compiler, *args, **kwargs)
return inner
def _patch_orm():
SQLCompiler.execute_sql = _patch_compiler(SQLCompiler.execute_sql)
for compiler in WRITE_COMPILERS:
compiler.execute_sql = _patch_write_compiler(compiler.execute_sql)
def _patch_cursor():
def _patch_cursor_execute(original):
def inner(cursor, sql, *args, **kwargs):
out = original(cursor, sql, *args, **kwargs)
connection = cursor.db
if getattr(connection, 'raw', True) \
and cachalot_settings.CACHALOT_INVALIDATE_RAW:
if isinstance(sql, binary_type):
sql = sql.decode('utf-8')
sql = sql.lower()
if 'update' in sql or 'insert' in sql or 'delete' in sql \
or 'alter' in sql or 'create' in sql or 'drop' in sql:
tables = filter_cachable(
_get_tables_from_sql(connection, sql))
if tables:
invalidate(*tables, db_alias=connection.alias,
return out
return inner
CursorWrapper.execute = _patch_cursor_execute(CursorWrapper.execute)
CursorWrapper.executemany = _patch_cursor_execute(CursorWrapper.executemany)
def _patch_atomic():
def patch_enter(original):
def inner(self):
return inner
def patch_exit(original):
def inner(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
needs_rollback = get_connection(self.using).needs_rollback
original(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback)
self.using, exc_type is None and not needs_rollback)
return inner
Atomic.__enter__ = patch_enter(Atomic.__enter__)
Atomic.__exit__ = patch_exit(Atomic.__exit__)
def _invalidate_on_migration(sender, **kwargs):
invalidate(*sender.get_models(), db_alias=kwargs['using'],
def patch():