
140 lines
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# coding: utf-8
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from hashlib import sha1
from time import time
from django.db import connections
from django.db.models.sql.where import ExtraWhere, SubqueryConstraint
from django.utils.module_loading import import_string
from django.utils.six import PY3
from .settings import cachalot_settings
# The only cache backend with a key length limit is memcached (limited to
# 255 characters). However, we hash keys on other backends as well to avoid
# unnecessary huge communication between processes.
# We set the limit to something smaller than 255 because a prefix might be
# added by Django.
def get_query_cache_key(compiler):
Generates a cache key from a SQLCompiler.
This cache key is specific to the SQL query and its context
(which database is used). The same query in the same context
(= the same database) must generate the same cache key.
:arg compiler: A SQLCompiler that will generate the SQL query
:type compiler: django.db.models.sql.compiler.SQLCompiler
:return: A cache key
:rtype: str
sql, params = compiler.as_sql()
cache_key = '%s:%s:%s' % (compiler.using, sql, params)
# We always hash queries since they are nearly always longer than
return sha1(cache_key.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
def get_table_cache_key(db_alias, table):
Generates a cache key from a SQL table.
:arg db_alias: Alias of the used database
:type db_alias: str or unicode
:arg table: Name of the SQL table
:type table: str or unicode
:return: A cache key
:rtype: str
cache_key = '%s:%s' % (db_alias, table)
# We check if we have to hash the key since it should nearly never be
# necessary.
if len(cache_key) > MAX_CACHE_KEY_LENGTH:
return sha1(cache_key.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
# Because of a bug in python-memcached3, we have to encode
# cache keys to bytes or it fails with this backend.
if PY3:
return cache_key.encode()
return cache_key
def _get_query_cache_key(compiler):
return import_string(cachalot_settings.CACHALOT_QUERY_KEYGEN)(compiler)
def _get_table_cache_key(db_alias, table):
return import_string(cachalot_settings.CACHALOT_TABLE_KEYGEN)(db_alias, table)
def _get_tables_from_sql(connection, lowercased_sql):
return [t for t in connection.introspection.django_table_names()
if t in lowercased_sql]
def _find_subqueries(children):
for child in children:
if isinstance(child, SubqueryConstraint):
yield child.query_object.query
rhs = None
if hasattr(child, 'rhs'):
rhs = child.rhs
elif isinstance(child, tuple):
rhs = child[-1]
if hasattr(rhs, 'query'):
yield rhs.query
if hasattr(child, 'children'):
for grand_child in _find_subqueries(child.children):
yield grand_child
def _get_tables(query, db_alias):
tables = set(query.table_map)
subquery_constraints = _find_subqueries(query.where.children
+ query.having.children)
for subquery in subquery_constraints:
tables.update(_get_tables(subquery, db_alias))
if query.extra_select or hasattr(query, 'subquery') \
or any(isinstance(c, ExtraWhere) for c in query.where.children):
sql = query.get_compiler(db_alias).as_sql()[0].lower()
additional_tables = _get_tables_from_sql(connections[db_alias], sql)
return tables
def _get_table_cache_keys(compiler):
Returns a ``list`` of cache keys for all the SQL tables used
by ``compiler``.
:arg compiler: A SQLCompiler that will generate the SQL query
:type compiler: django.db.models.sql.compiler.SQLCompiler
:return: Cache keys for the SQL tables used
:rtype: list
db_alias = compiler.using
tables = _get_tables(compiler.query, db_alias)
return [_get_table_cache_key(db_alias, t) for t in tables]
def _invalidate_table_cache_keys(cache, table_cache_keys):
if hasattr(cache, 'to_be_invalidated'):
now = time()
d = {}
for k in table_cache_keys:
d[k] = now
cache.set_many(d, None)
def _invalidate_tables(cache, compiler):
table_cache_keys = _get_table_cache_keys(compiler)
_invalidate_table_cache_keys(cache, table_cache_keys)