
353 lines
12 KiB

from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe
from django.utils.text import capfirst
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
from admin_tools.utils import AppListElementMixin
class MenuItem(object):
This is the base class for custom menu items.
A menu item can have the following properties:
String that contains the menu item title, make sure you use the
django gettext functions if your application is multilingual.
Default value: 'Untitled menu item'.
String that contains the menu item URL.
Default value: '#'.
A list of css classes to be added to the menu item ``li`` class
attribute. Default value: [].
The menu item accesskey. Default value: None.
An optional string that will be used as the ``title`` attribute of
the menu-item ``a`` tag. Default value: None.
Boolean that determines whether the menu item is enabled or not.
Disabled items are displayed but are not clickable.
Default value: True.
The template to use to render the menu item.
Default value: 'admin_tools/menu/item.html'.
A list of children menu items. All children items must be instances of
the ``MenuItem`` class.
title = 'Untitled menu item'
url = '#'
css_classes = None
accesskey = None
description = None
enabled = True
template = 'admin_tools/menu/item.html'
children = None
def __init__(self, title=None, url=None, **kwargs):
if title is not None:
self.title = title
if url is not None:
self.url = url
for key in kwargs:
if hasattr(self.__class__, key):
setattr(self, key, kwargs[key])
self.children = self.children or []
self.css_classes = self.css_classes or []
def init_with_context(self, context):
Like for menus, menu items have a ``init_with_context`` method that is
called with a ``django.template.RequestContext`` instance as unique
This gives you enough flexibility to build complex items, for example,
let's build a "history" menu item, that will list the last ten visited
from import MenuItem
class HistoryMenuItem(MenuItem):
title = 'History'
def init_with_context(self, context):
request = context['request']
# we use sessions to store the visited pages stack
history = request.session.get('history', [])
for item in history:
# add the current page to the history
history.insert(0, {
'title': context['title'],
'url': request.META['PATH_INFO']
if len(history) > 10:
history = history[:10]
request.session['history'] = history
Here's a screenshot of our history item:
.. image:: images/history_menu_item.png
def is_selected(self, request):
Helper method that returns ``True`` if the menu item is active.
A menu item is considered as active if it's URL or one of its
descendants URL is equals to the current URL.
current_url = request.get_full_path()
return self.url == current_url or \
len([c for c in self.children if c.is_selected(request)]) > 0
def is_empty(self):
Helper method that returns ``True`` if the menu item is empty.
This method always returns ``False`` for basic items, but can return
``True`` if the item is an AppList.
return False
class AppList(MenuItem, AppListElementMixin):
A menu item that lists installed apps an their models.
In addition to the parent :class:``
properties, the ``AppList`` has two extra properties:
A list of models to include, only models whose name (e.g.
"blog.comments.Comment") match one of the strings (e.g. "blog.*")
in the models list will appear in the menu item.
A list of models to exclude, if a model name (e.g.
"blog.comments.Comment") match an element of this list (e.g.
"blog.comments.*") it won't appear in the menu item.
If no models/exclude list is provided, **all apps** are shown.
Here's a small example of building an app list menu item::
from import items, Menu
class MyMenu(Menu):
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
super(MyMenu, self).__init__(**kwargs)
The screenshot of what this code produces:
.. image:: images/applist_menu_item.png
.. note::
Note that this menu takes into account user permissions, as a
consequence, if a user has no rights to change or add a ``Group`` for
example, the ``django.contrib.auth.Group model`` child item won't be
displayed in the menu.
def __init__(self, title=None, **kwargs):
``AppListMenuItem`` constructor.
self.models = list(kwargs.pop('models', []))
self.exclude = list(kwargs.pop('exclude', []))
self.include_list = kwargs.pop('include_list', []) # deprecated
self.exclude_list = kwargs.pop('exclude_list', []) # deprecated
super(AppList, self).__init__(title, **kwargs)
def init_with_context(self, context):
Please refer to the :meth:``
documentation from :class:`` class.
items = self._visible_models(context['request'])
apps = {}
for model, perms in items:
if not perms['change']:
app_label = model._meta.app_label
if app_label not in apps:
apps[app_label] = {
'title': capfirst(app_label.title()),
'url': self._get_admin_app_list_url(model, context),
'models': []
'title': capfirst(model._meta.verbose_name_plural),
'url': self._get_admin_change_url(model, context)
for app in sorted(apps.keys()):
app_dict = apps[app]
item = MenuItem(title=app_dict['title'], url=app_dict['url'])
# sort model list alphabetically
apps[app]['models'].sort(key=lambda x: x['title'])
for model_dict in apps[app]['models']:
def is_empty(self):
Helper method that returns ``True`` if the applist menu item has no
>>> from import MenuItem, AppList
>>> item = AppList(title='My menu item')
>>> item.is_empty()
>>> item.children.append(MenuItem(title='foo'))
>>> item.is_empty()
>>> item.children = []
>>> item.is_empty()
return len(self.children) == 0
class ModelList(MenuItem, AppListElementMixin):
A menu item that lists a set of models.
In addition to the parent :class:``
properties, the ``ModelList`` has two extra properties:
A list of models to include, only models whose name (e.g.
"blog.comments.Comment") match one of the strings (e.g. "blog.*")
in the include list will appear in the dashboard module.
A list of models to exclude, if a model name (e.g.
"blog.comments.Comment" match an element of this list (e.g.
"blog.comments.*") it won't appear in the dashboard module.
Here's a small example of building a model list menu item::
from import items, Menu
class MyMenu(Menu):
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
super(MyMenu, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self.children += [
items.ModelList('Authentication', ['django.contrib.auth.*',])
.. note::
Note that this menu takes into account user permissions, as a
consequence, if a user has no rights to change or add a ``Group`` for
example, the ``django.contrib.auth.Group model`` item won't be
displayed in the menu.
def __init__(self, title=None, models=None, exclude=None, **kwargs):
``ModelList`` constructor.
self.models = list(models or [])
self.exclude = list(exclude or [])
self.include_list = kwargs.pop('include_list', []) # deprecated
self.exclude_list = kwargs.pop('exclude_list', []) # deprecated
super(ModelList, self).__init__(title, **kwargs)
def init_with_context(self, context):
Please refer to the :meth:``
documentation from :class:`` class.
items = self._visible_models(context['request'])
for model, perms in items:
if not perms['change']:
title = capfirst(model._meta.verbose_name_plural)
url = self._get_admin_change_url(model, context)
item = MenuItem(title=title, url=url)
def is_empty(self):
Helper method that returns ``True`` if the modellist menu item has no
>>> from import MenuItem, ModelList
>>> item = ModelList(title='My menu item')
>>> item.is_empty()
>>> item.children.append(MenuItem(title='foo'))
>>> item.is_empty()
>>> item.children = []
>>> item.is_empty()
return len(self.children) == 0
class Bookmarks(MenuItem, AppListElementMixin):
A menu item that lists pages bookmarked by the user. This menu item also
adds an extra button to the menu that allows the user to bookmark or
un-bookmark the current page.
Here's a small example of adding a bookmark menu item::
from import items, Menu
class MyMenu(Menu):
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
super(MyMenu, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self.children.append(items.Bookmarks('My bookmarks'))
title = _('Bookmarks')
def __init__(self, title=None, **kwargs):
super(Bookmarks, self).__init__(title, **kwargs)
if 'bookmark' not in self.css_classes:
def init_with_context(self, context):
Please refer to the :meth:``
documentation from :class:`` class.
from import Bookmark
for b in Bookmark.objects.filter(user=context['request'].user):
self.children.append(MenuItem(mark_safe(b.title), b.url))
if not len(self.children):
self.enabled = False
def is_selected(self, request):
A bookmark menu item is never considered as active, the real item is.
return False