
730 lines
25 KiB

Module where admin tools dashboard modules classes are defined.
from django.utils.text import capfirst
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType
from django.forms.util import flatatt
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
from django.utils.itercompat import is_iterable
from admin_tools.utils import AppListElementMixin, uniquify
class DashboardModule(object):
Base class for all dashboard modules.
Dashboard modules have the following properties:
Boolean that determines whether the module should be enabled in
the dashboard by default or not. Default value: ``True``.
Boolean that determines whether the module can be draggable or not.
Draggable modules can be re-arranged by users. Default value: ``True``.
Boolean that determines whether the module is collapsible, this
allows users to show/hide module content. Default: ``True``.
Boolean that determines whether the module can be removed from the
dashboard by users or not. Default: ``True``.
String that contains the module title, make sure you use the django
gettext functions if your application is multilingual.
Default value: ''.
String that contains the module title URL. If given the module
title will be a link to this URL. Default value: ``None``.
A list of css classes to be added to the module ``div`` class
attribute. Default value: ``None``.
Text or HTML content to display above the module content.
Default value: ``None``.
The module text or HTML content. Default value: ``None``.
Text or HTML content to display under the module content.
Default value: ``None``.
The template to use to render the module.
Default value: 'admin_tools/dashboard/module.html'.
template = 'admin_tools/dashboard/module.html'
enabled = True
draggable = True
collapsible = True
deletable = True
show_title = True
title = ''
title_url = None
css_classes = None
pre_content = None
post_content = None
children = None
id = None
def __init__(self, title=None, **kwargs):
if title is not None:
self.title = title
for key in kwargs:
if hasattr(self.__class__, key):
setattr(self, key, kwargs[key])
self.children = self.children or []
self.css_classes = self.css_classes or []
# boolean flag to ensure that the module is initialized only once
self._initialized = False
def init_with_context(self, context):
Like for the :class:`~admin_tools.dashboard.Dashboard` class, dashboard
modules have a ``init_with_context`` method that is called with a
``django.template.RequestContext`` instance as unique argument.
This gives you enough flexibility to build complex modules, for
example, let's build a "history" dashboard module, that will list the
last ten visited pages::
from admin_tools.dashboard import modules
class HistoryDashboardModule(modules.LinkList):
title = 'History'
def init_with_context(self, context):
request = context['request']
# we use sessions to store the visited pages stack
history = request.session.get('history', [])
for item in history:
# add the current page to the history
history.insert(0, {
'title': context['title'],
'url': request.META['PATH_INFO']
if len(history) > 10:
history = history[:10]
request.session['history'] = history
Here's a screenshot of our history item:
.. image:: images/history_dashboard_module.png
def is_empty(self):
Return True if the module has no content and False otherwise.
>>> mod = DashboardModule()
>>> mod.is_empty()
>>> mod.pre_content = 'foo'
>>> mod.is_empty()
>>> mod.pre_content = None
>>> mod.is_empty()
>>> mod.children.append('foo')
>>> mod.is_empty()
>>> mod.children = []
>>> mod.is_empty()
return self.pre_content is None and \
self.post_content is None and \
len(self.children) == 0
def render_css_classes(self):
Return a string containing the css classes for the module.
>>> mod = DashboardModule(enabled=False, draggable=True,
... collapsible=True, deletable=True)
>>> mod.render_css_classes()
'dashboard-module disabled draggable collapsible deletable'
>>> mod.css_classes.append('foo')
>>> mod.render_css_classes()
'dashboard-module disabled draggable collapsible deletable foo'
>>> mod.enabled = True
>>> mod.render_css_classes()
'dashboard-module draggable collapsible deletable foo'
ret = ['dashboard-module']
if not self.enabled:
if self.draggable:
if self.collapsible:
if self.deletable:
ret += self.css_classes
return ' '.join(ret)
def _prepare_children(self):
class Group(DashboardModule):
Represents a group of modules, the group can be displayed in tabs,
accordion, or just stacked (default).
As well as the :class:`~admin_tools.dashboard.modules.DashboardModule`
properties, the :class:`~admin_tools.dashboard.modules.Group`
has two extra properties:
A string determining how the group should be rendered, this can be one
of the following values: 'tabs' (default), 'accordion' or 'stacked'.
Default behaviour for Group module is to force children to always show
the title if Group has ``display`` = ``stacked``. If this flag is set
to ``False``, children title is shown according to their``show_title``
property. Note that in this case is children responsibility to have
meaningful content if no title is shown.
Here's an example of modules group::
from admin_tools.dashboard import modules, Dashboard
class MyDashboard(Dashboard):
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
Dashboard.__init__(self, **kwargs)
title="My group",
The screenshot of what this code produces:
.. image:: images/dashboard_module_group.png
force_show_title = True
template = 'admin_tools/dashboard/modules/group.html'
display = 'tabs'
def init_with_context(self, context):
if self._initialized:
for module in self.children:
# to simplify the whole stuff, modules have some limitations,
# they cannot be dragged, collapsed or closed
module.collapsible = False
module.draggable = False
module.deletable = False
if self.force_show_title:
module.show_title = (self.display == 'stacked')
self._initialized = True
def is_empty(self):
A group of modules is considered empty if it has no children or if
all its children are empty.
>>> from admin_tools.dashboard.modules import DashboardModule, LinkList
>>> mod = Group()
>>> mod.is_empty()
>>> mod.children.append(DashboardModule())
>>> mod.is_empty()
>>> mod.children.append(LinkList('links', children=[
... {'title': 'example1', 'url': ''},
... {'title': 'example2', 'url': ''},
... ]))
>>> mod.is_empty()
if super(Group, self).is_empty():
return True
for child in self.children:
if not child.is_empty():
return False
return True
def _prepare_children(self):
# computes ids for children: generates them if they are not set
# and then prepends them with this group's id
seen = set()
for id, module in enumerate(self.children):
proposed_id = "%s_%s" % (, or id+1) = uniquify(proposed_id, seen)
class LinkList(DashboardModule):
A module that displays a list of links.
As well as the :class:`~admin_tools.dashboard.modules.DashboardModule`
properties, the :class:`~admin_tools.dashboard.modules.LinkList` takes
an extra keyword argument:
The layout of the list, possible values are ``stacked`` and ``inline``.
The default value is ``stacked``.
Link list modules children are simple python dictionaries that can have the
following keys:
The link title.
The link URL.
Boolean that indicates whether the link is an external one or not.
A string describing the link, it will be the ``title`` attribute of
the html ``a`` tag.
Hash comprising attributes of the html ``a`` tag.
Children can also be iterables (lists or tuples) of length 2, 3, 4 or 5.
Here's a small example of building a link list module::
from admin_tools.dashboard import modules, Dashboard
class MyDashboard(Dashboard):
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
Dashboard.__init__(self, **kwargs)
'title': 'Python website',
'url': '',
'external': True,
'description': 'Python programming language rocks !',
'attrs': {'target': '_blank'},
['Django website', '', True],
['Some internal link', '/some/internal/link/'],
The screenshot of what this code produces:
.. image:: images/linklist_dashboard_module.png
title = _('Links')
template = 'admin_tools/dashboard/modules/link_list.html'
layout = 'stacked'
def init_with_context(self, context):
if self._initialized:
new_children = []
for link in self.children:
if isinstance(link, (tuple, list,)):
link_dict = {'title': link[0], 'url': link[1]}
if len(link) >= 3:
link_dict['external'] = link[2]
if len(link) >= 4:
link_dict['description'] = link[3]
if len(link) >= 5:
link_dict['attrs'] = link[4]
link = link_dict
if 'attrs' not in link:
link['attrs'] = {}
link['attrs']['href'] = link['url']
if link.get('description', ''):
link['attrs']['title'] = link['description']
if link.get('external', False):
link['attrs']['class'] = ' '.join(['external-link']
+ link['attrs'].get('class', '').split(' ')).strip()
link['attrs'] = flatatt(link['attrs'])
self.children = new_children
self._initialized = True
class AppList(DashboardModule, AppListElementMixin):
Module that lists installed apps and their models.
As well as the :class:`~admin_tools.dashboard.modules.DashboardModule`
properties, the :class:`~admin_tools.dashboard.modules.AppList`
has two extra properties:
A list of models to include, only models whose name (e.g.
"blog.comments.models.Comment") match one of the strings (e.g. "blog.*")
in the models list will appear in the dashboard module.
A list of models to exclude, if a model name (e.g.
"blog.comments.models.Comment") match an element of this list (e.g.
"blog.comments.*") it won't appear in the dashboard module.
If no models/exclude list is provided, **all apps** are shown.
Here's a small example of building an app list module::
from admin_tools.dashboard import modules, Dashboard
class MyDashboard(Dashboard):
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
Dashboard.__init__(self, **kwargs)
# will only list the django.contrib apps
# will list all apps except the django.contrib ones
The screenshot of what this code produces:
.. image:: images/applist_dashboard_module.png
.. note::
Note that this module takes into account user permissions, for
example, if a user has no rights to change or add a ``Group``, then
the django.contrib.auth.Group model line will not be displayed.
title = _('Applications')
template = 'admin_tools/dashboard/modules/app_list.html'
models = None
exclude = None
include_list = None
exclude_list = None
def __init__(self, title=None, **kwargs):
self.models = list(kwargs.pop('models', []))
self.exclude = list(kwargs.pop('exclude', []))
self.include_list = kwargs.pop('include_list', []) # deprecated
self.exclude_list = kwargs.pop('exclude_list', []) # deprecated
super(AppList, self).__init__(title, **kwargs)
def init_with_context(self, context):
if self._initialized:
items = self._visible_models(context['request'])
apps = {}
for model, perms in items:
app_label = model._meta.app_label
if app_label not in apps:
apps[app_label] = {
'title': capfirst(app_label.title()),
'url': self._get_admin_app_list_url(model, context),
'models': []
model_dict = {}
model_dict['title'] = capfirst(model._meta.verbose_name_plural)
if perms['change']:
model_dict['change_url'] = self._get_admin_change_url(model, context)
if perms['add']:
model_dict['add_url'] = self._get_admin_add_url(model, context)
for app in sorted(apps.keys()):
# sort model list alphabetically
apps[app]['models'].sort(key=lambda x: x['title'])
self._initialized = True
class ModelList(DashboardModule, AppListElementMixin):
Module that lists a set of models.
As well as the :class:`~admin_tools.dashboard.modules.DashboardModule`
properties, the :class:`~admin_tools.dashboard.modules.ModelList` takes
two extra arguments:
A list of models to include, only models whose name (e.g.
"blog.comments.models.Comment") match one of the strings (e.g. "blog.*")
in the models list will appear in the dashboard module.
A list of models to exclude, if a model name (e.g.
"blog.comments.models.Comment") match an element of this list (e.g.
"blog.comments.*") it won't appear in the dashboard module.
Here's a small example of building a model list module::
from admin_tools.dashboard import modules, Dashboard
class MyDashboard(Dashboard):
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
Dashboard.__init__(self, **kwargs)
# will only list the django.contrib.auth models
self.children += [
The screenshot of what this code produces:
.. image:: images/modellist_dashboard_module.png
.. note::
Note that this module takes into account user permissions, for
example, if a user has no rights to change or add a ``Group``, then
the django.contrib.auth.Group model line will not be displayed.
template = 'admin_tools/dashboard/modules/model_list.html'
models = None
exclude = None
include_list = None
exclude_list = None
def __init__(self, title=None, models=None, exclude=None, **kwargs):
self.models = list(models or [])
self.exclude = list(exclude or [])
self.include_list = kwargs.pop('include_list', []) # deprecated
self.exclude_list = kwargs.pop('exclude_list', []) # deprecated
if 'extra' in kwargs:
self.extra = kwargs.pop('extra')
self.extra = []
super(ModelList, self).__init__(title, **kwargs)
def init_with_context(self, context):
if self._initialized:
items = self._visible_models(context['request'])
if not items:
for model, perms in items:
model_dict = {}
model_dict['title'] = capfirst(model._meta.verbose_name_plural)
if perms['change']:
model_dict['change_url'] = self._get_admin_change_url(model, context)
if perms['add']:
model_dict['add_url'] = self._get_admin_add_url(model, context)
if self.extra:
# TODO - permissions support
for extra_url in self.extra:
model_dict = {}
model_dict['title'] = extra_url['title']
model_dict['change_url'] = extra_url['change_url']
model_dict['add_url'] = extra_url.get('add_url', None)
self._initialized = True
class RecentActions(DashboardModule):
Module that lists the recent actions for the current user.
As well as the :class:`~admin_tools.dashboard.modules.DashboardModule`
properties, the :class:`~admin_tools.dashboard.modules.RecentActions`
takes three extra keyword arguments:
A list of contenttypes (e.g. "" or "") to include,
only recent actions that match the given contenttypes will be
A list of contenttypes (e.g. "" or "") to exclude,
recent actions that match the given contenttypes will not be
The maximum number of children to display. Default value: 10.
Here's a small example of building a recent actions module::
from admin_tools.dashboard import modules, Dashboard
class MyDashboard(Dashboard):
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
Dashboard.__init__(self, **kwargs)
# will only list the django.contrib apps
title='Django CMS recent actions',
include_list=('', 'cms.cmsplugin',)
The screenshot of what this code produces:
.. image:: images/recentactions_dashboard_module.png
title = _('Recent Actions')
template = 'admin_tools/dashboard/modules/recent_actions.html'
limit = 10
include_list = None
exclude_list = None
def __init__(self, title=None, limit=10, include_list=None,
exclude_list=None, **kwargs):
self.include_list = include_list or []
self.exclude_list = exclude_list or []
kwargs.update({'limit': limit})
super(RecentActions, self).__init__(title, **kwargs)
def init_with_context(self, context):
if self._initialized:
from django.db.models import Q
from django.contrib.admin.models import LogEntry
request = context['request']
def get_qset(list):
qset = None
for contenttype in list:
if isinstance(contenttype, ContentType):
current_qset = Q(
app_label, model = contenttype.split('.')
raise ValueError('Invalid contenttype: "%s"' % contenttype)
current_qset = Q(
if qset is None:
qset = current_qset
qset = qset | current_qset
return qset
if request.user is None:
qs = LogEntry.objects.all()
qs = LogEntry.objects.filter(
if self.include_list:
qs = qs.filter(get_qset(self.include_list))
if self.exclude_list:
qs = qs.exclude(get_qset(self.exclude_list))
self.children = qs.select_related('content_type', 'user')[:self.limit]
if not len(self.children):
self.pre_content = _('No recent actions.')
self._initialized = True
class Feed(DashboardModule):
Class that represents a feed dashboard module.
.. important::
This class uses the
`Universal Feed Parser module <>`_ to parse
the feeds, so you'll need to install it, all feeds supported by
FeedParser are thus supported by the Feed
As well as the :class:`~admin_tools.dashboard.modules.DashboardModule`
properties, the :class:`~admin_tools.dashboard.modules.Feed` takes two
extra keyword arguments:
The URL of the feed.
The maximum number of feed children to display. Default value: None,
which means that all children are displayed.
Here's a small example of building a recent actions module::
from admin_tools.dashboard import modules, Dashboard
class MyDashboard(Dashboard):
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
Dashboard.__init__(self, **kwargs)
# will only list the django.contrib apps
title=_('Latest Django News'),
The screenshot of what this code produces:
.. image:: images/feed_dashboard_module.png
title = _('RSS Feed')
template = 'admin_tools/dashboard/modules/feed.html'
feed_url = None
limit = None
def __init__(self, title=None, feed_url=None, limit=None, **kwargs):
kwargs.update({'feed_url': feed_url, 'limit': limit})
super(Feed, self).__init__(title, **kwargs)
def init_with_context(self, context):
if self._initialized:
import datetime
if self.feed_url is None:
raise ValueError('You must provide a valid feed URL')
import feedparser
except ImportError:
'title': ('You must install the FeedParser python module'),
'warning': True,
feed = feedparser.parse(self.feed_url)
if self.limit is not None:
entries = feed['entries'][:self.limit]
entries = feed['entries']
for entry in entries:
entry.url =
try: =*entry.updated_parsed[0:3])
# no date for certain feeds
self._initialized = True