
85 lines
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Admin ui common utilities.
from django.conf import settings
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
from django.utils.text import capfirst
class AppListElementMixin(object):
Mixin class used by both the AppListDashboardModule and the
AppListMenuItem (to honor the DRY concept).
def _check_perms(self, request, model, model_admin):
mod = '%s.%s' % (model.__module__, model.__name__)
# check that the app is not in the exclude list
for pattern in self.exclude_list:
if mod.startswith(pattern):
return False
# check that the app is in the app list (if not empty)
if len(self.include_list):
found = False
for pattern in self.include_list:
if mod.startswith(pattern):
found = True
if not found:
return False
# check that the user has module perms
if not request.user.has_module_perms(model._meta.app_label):
return False
# check whether user has any perm for this module
perms = model_admin.get_model_perms(request)
if True not in perms.values():
return False
return perms
def _get_app_title(self, model):
app_name = model._meta.app_label.title()
model_name = unicode(model._meta.verbose_name_plural)
if app_name.rstrip('s').lower() == model_name.rstrip('s').lower():
return capfirst(model_name)
return '%s > %s' % (app_name, capfirst(model_name))
def _get_admin_change_url(self, model):
app_label = model._meta.app_label
return reverse('admin:%s_%s_changelist' % (app_label,
def _get_admin_add_url(self, model):
app_label = model._meta.app_label
return reverse('admin:%s_%s_add' % (app_label, model.__name__.lower()))
# todo: refactor how menu and dashboard media are rendered
def render_media(type, tpl, obj):
Helper method used by the render_menu_css/js and render_dashboard_css/js
template tags.
p = getattr(settings, 'ADMIN_TOOLS_MEDIA_URL', getattr(settings, 'MEDIA_URL'))
cache = []
def get_css_include(o):
ret = []
for t, f in o.Media.css.items():
if (t,f) not in cache:
ret.append(tpl % (t, p, f))
return ret
def get_js_include(o):
ret = []
for f in o.Media.js:
if f not in cache:
ret.append(tpl % (p, f))
return ret
return "\n".join(locals()['get_%s_include' % type](obj))