
337 lines
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This module contains the base classes for the dashboard and dashboard modules.
from django.contrib import admin
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
from django.utils.text import capfirst
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
from admin_tools.utils import AppListElementMixin
class Dashboard(list):
Base class for dashboards.
The Dashboard class is a simple python list that takes three optional
keywords arguments ``title``, ``template`` and ``columns``.
>>> d = Dashboard(template='foo.html', columns=3)
>>> d.template
>>> d.columns
>>> d.append(DashboardModule())
>>> d.append(DashboardModule())
>>> len(d)
>>> d.pop().__class__.__name__
>>> len(d)
class Media:
css = {'all': 'dashboard.css'}
js = (
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
Dashboard constructor, keyword argument:
the title to display for your dashboard.
Default value: 'Dashboard'.
the path to the dashboard template.
Default value: 'dashboard/dashboard.html'.
The number of columns for the dashboard. Default value: 2.
super(Dashboard, self).__init__()
self.title = kwargs.get('title', _('Dashboard'))
self.template = kwargs.get('template', 'dashboard/dashboard.html')
self.columns = kwargs.get('columns', 2)
class DashboardModule(object):
Base class for all dashboard modules.
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
Dashboard module constructor, keywords arguments (all are optional):
Boolean that determines whether the module should be enabled in
the dashboard by default or not. Default value: True.
Boolean that determines whether the module can be draggable or not.
Draggable modules can be re-arranged by users. Default value: True.
Boolean that determines whether the module is collapsible, this
allows users to show/hide module content. Default: True.
Boolean that determines whether the module can be removed from the
dashboard by users or not. Default: True.
String that contains the module title, make sure you use the django
gettext functions if your application is multilingual.
Default value: ''.
String that contains the module title URL. If given the module
title will be a link to this URL. Default value: None.
A list of css classes to be added to the module ``div`` class
attribute. Default value: None.
Text or HTML content to display above the module content.
Default value: None.
The module text or HTML content. Default value: None.
Text or HTML content to display under the module content.
Default value: None.
The template to use to render the module.
Default value: 'dashboard/module.html'.
self.enabled = kwargs.get('enabled', True)
self.draggable = kwargs.get('draggable', True)
self.collapsible = kwargs.get('collapsible', True)
self.deletable = kwargs.get('deletable', True)
self.title = kwargs.get('title', '')
self.title_url = kwargs.get('title_url', None)
self.css_classes = kwargs.get('css_classes', [])
self.pre_content = kwargs.get('pre_content')
self.post_content = kwargs.get('post_content')
self.template = kwargs.get('template', 'dashboard/module.html')
self.entries = []
def render(self, request):
def is_empty(self):
Return True if the module has no content and False otherwise.
>>> mod = DashboardModule()
>>> mod.is_empty()
>>> mod.pre_content = 'foo'
>>> mod.is_empty()
>>> mod.pre_content = None
>>> mod.is_empty()
>>> mod.entries.append('foo')
>>> mod.is_empty()
>>> mod.entries = []
>>> mod.is_empty()
return self.pre_content is None and \
self.post_content is None and \
len(self.entries) == 0
def render_css_classes(self):
Return a string containing the css classes for the module.
>>> mod = DashboardModule(enabled=False, draggable=True,
... collapsible=True, deletable=True)
>>> mod.render_css_classes()
'dashboard-module disabled draggable collapsible deletable'
>>> mod.css_classes.append('foo')
>>> mod.render_css_classes()
'dashboard-module disabled draggable collapsible deletable foo'
>>> mod.enabled = True
>>> mod.render_css_classes()
'dashboard-module draggable collapsible deletable foo'
ret = ['dashboard-module']
if not self.enabled:
if self.draggable:
if self.collapsible:
if self.deletable:
ret += self.css_classes
return ' '.join(ret)
class TextDashboardModule(DashboardModule):
Dashboard module that displays a list of links.
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(TextDashboardModule, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.entries.append(kwargs.get('text', ''))
class LinkListDashboardModule(DashboardModule):
Dashboard module that displays a list of links.
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(LinkListDashboardModule, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.title = kwargs.get('title', _('Links'))
self.template = kwargs.get('template',
self.layout = kwargs.get('layout', 'stacked')
self.entries = kwargs.get('link_list', [])
class AppListDashboardModule(DashboardModule, AppListElementMixin):
Class that represents a dashboard module that lists installed apps.
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(AppListDashboardModule, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.title = kwargs.get('title', _('Applications'))
self.include_list = kwargs.get('include_list', [])
self.exclude_list = kwargs.get('exclude_list', [])
self.template = kwargs.get('template',
def render(self, request):
apps = {}
for model, model_admin in
perms = self._check_perms(request, model, model_admin)
if not perms:
app_label = model._meta.app_label
if app_label not in apps:
apps[app_label] = {
'title': capfirst(app_label.title()),
'url': reverse('admin:app_list', args=(app_label,)),
'models': []
model_dict = {}
model_dict['title'] = capfirst(model._meta.verbose_name_plural)
if perms['change']:
model_dict['change_url'] = self._get_admin_change_url(model)
if perms['add']:
model_dict['add_url'] = self._get_admin_add_url(model)
apps_sorted = apps.keys()
for app in apps_sorted:
# sort model list alphabetically
apps[app]['models'].sort(lambda x, y: cmp(x['title'], y['title']))
class ModelListDashboardModule(DashboardModule, AppListElementMixin):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(ModelListDashboardModule, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.title = kwargs.get('title', '')
self.include_list = kwargs.get('include_list', [])
self.exclude_list = kwargs.get('exclude_list', [])
self.template = kwargs.get('template',
def render(self, request):
for model, model_admin in
perms = self._check_perms(request, model, model_admin)
if not perms:
model_dict = {}
model_dict['title'] = capfirst(model._meta.verbose_name_plural)
if perms['change']:
model_dict['change_url'] = self._get_admin_change_url(model)
if perms['add']:
model_dict['add_url'] = self._get_admin_add_url(model)
# sort model list alphabetically
self.entries.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(x['title'], y['title']))
class RecentActionsDashboardModule(DashboardModule):
Module that lists the recent actions for the current user.
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(RecentActionsDashboardModule, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.title = kwargs.get('title', _('Recent Actions'))
self.include_list = kwargs.get('include_list', [])
self.exclude_list = kwargs.get('exclude_list', [])
self.limit = kwargs.get('limit', [])
self.template = kwargs.get('template',
def render(self, request):
from django.contrib.admin.models import LogEntry
if request.user is None:
qs = LogEntry.objects.all()
qs = LogEntry.objects.filter(
# todo: RecentActionsDashboardModule: filter by contenttype
if self.include_list:
if self.exclude_list:
self.entries = qs.select_related('content_type', 'user')[:self.limit]
class FeedDashboardModule(DashboardModule):
Class that represents a feed dashboard module.
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(FeedDashboardModule, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.title = kwargs.get('title', _('RSS Feed'))
self.template = kwargs.get('template', 'dashboard/modules/feed.html')
self.feed_url = kwargs.get('feed_url')
self.limit = kwargs.get('limit')
def render(self, request):
import datetime
if self.feed_url is None:
raise ValueError('You must provide a valid feed URL')
import feedparser
except ImportError:
raise ImportError('You must install the feedparser python module')
feed = feedparser.parse(self.feed_url)
if self.limit is not None:
entries = feed['entries'][:self.limit]
entries = feed['entries']
for entry in entries:
entry.url =
try: =*entry.updated_parsed[0:3])
# no date for certain feeds