
242 lines
7.7 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import time
import unittest
from threading import Lock, Thread
from freezegun import freeze_time
import cached_property
def CheckFactory(cached_property_decorator, threadsafe=False):
Create dynamically a Check class whose add_cached method is decorated by
the cached_property_decorator.
class Check(object):
def __init__(self):
self.control_total = 0
self.cached_total = 0
self.lock = Lock()
def add_control(self):
self.control_total += 1
return self.control_total
def add_cached(self):
if threadsafe:
# Need to guard this since += isn't atomic.
with self.lock:
self.cached_total += 1
self.cached_total += 1
return self.cached_total
def run_threads(self, num_threads):
threads = []
for _ in range(num_threads):
thread = Thread(target=lambda: self.add_cached)
for thread in threads:
return Check
class TestCachedProperty(unittest.TestCase):
"""Tests for cached_property"""
cached_property_factory = cached_property.cached_property
def assert_control(self, check, expected):
Assert that both `add_control` and 'control_total` equal `expected`
self.assertEqual(check.add_control, expected)
self.assertEqual(check.control_total, expected)
def assert_cached(self, check, expected):
Assert that both `add_cached` and 'cached_total` equal `expected`
self.assertEqual(check.add_cached, expected)
self.assertEqual(check.cached_total, expected)
def test_cached_property(self):
Check = CheckFactory(self.cached_property_factory)
check = Check()
# The control shows that we can continue to add 1
self.assert_control(check, 1)
self.assert_control(check, 2)
# The cached version demonstrates how nothing is added after the first
self.assert_cached(check, 1)
self.assert_cached(check, 1)
# The cache does not expire
with freeze_time("9999-01-01"):
self.assert_cached(check, 1)
# Typically descriptors return themselves if accessed though the class
# rather than through an instance.
def test_reset_cached_property(self):
Check = CheckFactory(self.cached_property_factory)
check = Check()
# Run standard cache assertion
self.assert_cached(check, 1)
self.assert_cached(check, 1)
# Clear the cache
del check.add_cached
# Value is cached again after the next access
self.assert_cached(check, 2)
self.assert_cached(check, 2)
def test_none_cached_property(self):
class Check(object):
def __init__(self):
self.cached_total = None
def add_cached(self):
return self.cached_total
self.assert_cached(Check(), None)
def test_set_cached_property(self):
Check = CheckFactory(self.cached_property_factory)
check = Check()
check.add_cached = 'foo'
self.assertEqual(check.add_cached, 'foo')
self.assertEqual(check.cached_total, 0)
def test_threads(self):
Check = CheckFactory(self.cached_property_factory, threadsafe=True)
check = Check()
num_threads = 5
# cached_property_with_ttl is *not* thread-safe!
# This assertion hinges on the fact the system executing the test can
# spawn and start running num_threads threads within the sleep period
# (defined in the Check class as 1 second). If num_threads were to be
# massively increased (try 10000), the actual value returned would be
# between 1 and num_threads, depending on thread scheduling and
# preemption.
self.assert_cached(check, num_threads)
self.assert_cached(check, num_threads)
# The cache does not expire
with freeze_time("9999-01-01"):
self.assert_cached(check, num_threads)
self.assert_cached(check, num_threads)
class TestThreadedCachedProperty(TestCachedProperty):
"""Tests for threaded_cached_property"""
cached_property_factory = cached_property.threaded_cached_property
def test_threads(self):
Check = CheckFactory(self.cached_property_factory, threadsafe=True)
check = Check()
num_threads = 5
# threaded_cached_property_with_ttl is thread-safe
self.assert_cached(check, 1)
self.assert_cached(check, 1)
# The cache does not expire
with freeze_time("9999-01-01"):
self.assert_cached(check, 1)
self.assert_cached(check, 1)
class TestCachedPropertyWithTTL(TestCachedProperty):
"""Tests for cached_property_with_ttl"""
cached_property_factory = cached_property.cached_property_with_ttl
def test_ttl_expiry(self):
Check = CheckFactory(self.cached_property_factory(ttl=100000))
check = Check()
# Run standard cache assertion
self.assert_cached(check, 1)
self.assert_cached(check, 1)
# The cache expires in the future
with freeze_time("9999-01-01"):
self.assert_cached(check, 2)
self.assert_cached(check, 2)
# Things are not reverted when we are back to the present
self.assert_cached(check, 2)
self.assert_cached(check, 2)
def test_threads_ttl_expiry(self):
Check = CheckFactory(self.cached_property_factory(ttl=100000),
check = Check()
num_threads = 5
# Same as in test_threads
self.assert_cached(check, num_threads)
self.assert_cached(check, num_threads)
# The cache expires in the future
with freeze_time("9999-01-01"):
self.assert_cached(check, 2 * num_threads)
self.assert_cached(check, 2 * num_threads)
# Things are not reverted when we are back to the present
self.assert_cached(check, 2 * num_threads)
self.assert_cached(check, 2 * num_threads)
class TestThreadedCachedPropertyWithTTL(TestThreadedCachedProperty,
"""Tests for threaded_cached_property_with_ttl"""
cached_property_factory = cached_property.threaded_cached_property_with_ttl
def test_threads_ttl_expiry(self):
Check = CheckFactory(self.cached_property_factory(ttl=100000),
check = Check()
num_threads = 5
# Same as in test_threads
self.assert_cached(check, 1)
self.assert_cached(check, 1)
# The cache expires in the future
with freeze_time("9999-01-01"):
self.assert_cached(check, 2)
self.assert_cached(check, 2)
# Things are not reverted when we are back to the present
self.assert_cached(check, 2)
self.assert_cached(check, 2)