
561 lines
21 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# combo - content management system
# Copyright (C) 2014-2015 Entr'ouvert
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published
# by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
import copy
import logging
from django import template
from django.conf import settings
from django.db import models
from django.forms import models as model_forms
from django.forms import Select
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
from jsonfield import JSONField
from import CellBase
from import register_cell_class
from combo.utils import requests
from .utils import get_wcs_json, is_wcs_enabled, get_wcs_services
class WcsFormCell(CellBase):
template_name = 'combo/wcs/form.html'
formdef_reference = models.CharField(_('Form'), max_length=150)
cached_title = models.CharField(_('Title'), max_length=150)
cached_url = models.URLField(_('URL'))
cached_json = JSONField(blank=True)
is_enabled = classmethod(is_wcs_enabled)
class Meta:
verbose_name = _('Form Link')
def get_default_form_class(self):
from .forms import WcsFormCellForm
return WcsFormCellForm
def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
if self.formdef_reference:
wcs_key, form_slug = self.formdef_reference.split(':')
wcs_site = get_wcs_services().get(wcs_key)
forms_response_json = get_wcs_json(wcs_site, 'api/formdefs/')
if isinstance(forms_response_json, dict):
# forward compability with future w.c.s. API
forms_response_json = forms_response_json.get('data')
for form in forms_response_json:
slug = form.get('slug')
if slug == form_slug:
self.cached_title = form.get('title')
self.cached_url = form.get('url')
self.cached_json = form
return super(WcsFormCell, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
def get_cell_extra_context(self, context):
context = super(WcsFormCell, self).get_cell_extra_context(context)
context['slug'] = self.formdef_reference.split(':')[-1]
context['title'] = self.cached_title
context['url'] = self.cached_url
if self.cached_json:
for attribute in self.cached_json:
if not attribute in context:
context[attribute] = self.cached_json.get(attribute)
return context
def get_additional_label(self):
if not self.cached_title:
return self.cached_title
def render_for_search(self):
return ''
def get_external_links_data(self):
if not (self.cached_url and self.cached_title):
return []
text = ''
if self.cached_json:
text = ' '.join([self.cached_json.get('description', ''),
' '.join(self.cached_json.get('keywords', []))]).strip()
return [{
'url': self.cached_url,
'title': self.cached_title,
'text': text,
def get_asset_slots(self):
slots = {}
for slot_template_key, slot_template_data in settings.WCS_FORM_ASSET_SLOTS.items():
suffix = ''
if slot_template_data.get('suffix'):
suffix = ' (%s)' % slot_template_data['suffix']
slot_key = 'wcs:form:%s:%s' % (slot_template_key, self.formdef_reference)
slots[slot_key] = {
'label': u'%(prefix)s%(label)s%(suffix)s' % {
'prefix': slot_template_data['prefix'],
'label': self.cached_title,
'suffix': suffix}}
return slots
class WcsCommonCategoryCell(CellBase):
is_enabled = classmethod(is_wcs_enabled)
category_reference = models.CharField(_('Category'), max_length=150)
cached_title = models.CharField(_('Title'), max_length=150)
cached_description = models.TextField(_('Description'), blank=True)
cached_url = models.URLField(_('Cached URL'))
class Meta:
abstract = True
def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
if self.category_reference:
wcs_key, category_slug = self.category_reference.split(':')
wcs_site = get_wcs_services().get(wcs_key)
categories_response_json = get_wcs_json(wcs_site, 'api/categories/')
for category in categories_response_json.get('data'):
slug = category.get('slug')
if slug == category_slug:
self.cached_title = category.get('title')
self.cached_description = category.get('description') or ''
self.cached_url = category.get('url')
return super(WcsCommonCategoryCell, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
def get_additional_label(self):
if not self.cached_title:
return self.cached_title
def get_asset_slots(self):
slots = {}
for slot_template_key, slot_template_data in settings.WCS_CATEGORY_ASSET_SLOTS.items():
suffix = ''
if slot_template_data.get('suffix'):
suffix = ' (%s)' % slot_template_data['suffix']
slot_key = 'wcs:category:%s:%s' % (slot_template_key, self.category_reference)
slots[slot_key] = {
'label': u'%(prefix)s%(label)s%(suffix)s' % {
'prefix': slot_template_data['prefix'],
'label': self.cached_title,
'suffix': suffix}}
return slots
class WcsCategoryCell(WcsCommonCategoryCell):
template_name = 'combo/wcs/category.html'
class Meta:
verbose_name = _('Category Link')
def get_default_form_class(self):
from .forms import WcsCategoryCellForm
return WcsCategoryCellForm
def get_cell_extra_context(self, context):
context = super(WcsCategoryCell, self).get_cell_extra_context(context)
if not self.category_reference:
return context
context['slug'] = self.category_reference.split(':')[-1]
context['title'] = self.cached_title
context['description'] = self.cached_description
context['url'] = self.cached_url
return context
class WcsBlurpMixin(object):
is_enabled = classmethod(is_wcs_enabled)
cache_duration = 5
api_url = None
warn_on_404 = True
def get_api_url(self, context):
return self.api_url
def get_data(self, context):
if context.get('placeholder_search_mode'):
# don't call webservices when we're just looking for placeholders
return {}
if self.wcs_site:
wcs_sites = {self.wcs_site: get_wcs_services()[self.wcs_site]}
except KeyError:
# in case of the site disappeared from settings
return {}
wcs_sites = get_wcs_services()
wcs_sites = copy.deepcopy(wcs_sites)
returns = set([])
api_url = self.get_api_url(context)
for wcs_slug, wcs_site in wcs_sites.items():
url = wcs_site.get('url')
if not url.endswith('/'):
url += '/'
wcs_site['base_url'] = url
wcs_site['slug'] = wcs_slug
response = requests.get(
user=getattr(context.get('request'), 'user', None),
if response.status_code == 200:
json_response = response.json()
if isinstance(json_response, list):
# backward compat with older w.c.s.
wcs_site['data'] = json_response
elif json_response.get('err', 0) == 0:
wcs_site['data'] = json_response['data']
# skip errors
# and mark all items with the site info
for item in wcs_site['data']:
item['site_slug'] = wcs_slug
if not 200 in returns: # not a single valid answer
if returns != set([404]) or self.warn_on_404:
logging.error('failed to get data from any %s (%r)', api_url, returns)
return wcs_sites
def get_cell_extra_context(self, context):
return {self.variable_name: self.get_data(context)}
class WcsDataBaseCell(CellBase, WcsBlurpMixin):
is_enabled = classmethod(is_wcs_enabled)
wcs_site = models.CharField(_('Site'), max_length=50, blank=True)
class Meta:
abstract = True
def get_additional_label(self):
wcs_sites = dict([(x, y.get('title')) for x, y in get_wcs_services().items()])
if len(wcs_sites.keys()) < 2:
return ''
if self.wcs_site in wcs_sites:
return wcs_sites[self.wcs_site]
return _('All Sites')
def get_form_fields(self):
if len(get_wcs_services()) == 1:
return []
return ['wcs_site']
def get_form_widgets(self):
if len(get_wcs_services()) == 1:
return {}
combo_wcs_sites = [('', _('All'))]
wcs_sites = [(x, y.get('title')) for x, y in get_wcs_services().items()]
wcs_sites.sort(key=lambda x: x[1])
return {'wcs_site': Select(choices=combo_wcs_sites)}
def get_default_form_class(self):
return model_forms.modelform_factory(self.__class__,
def get_cell_extra_context(self, context):
extra_context = super(WcsDataBaseCell, self).get_cell_extra_context(context)
extra_context.update(WcsBlurpMixin.get_cell_extra_context(self, context))
return extra_context
class WcsUserDataBaseCell(WcsDataBaseCell):
warn_on_404 = False
class Meta:
abstract = True
def is_visible(self, user=None):
if not user or user.is_anonymous():
return False
return super(WcsUserDataBaseCell, self).is_visible(user)
class WcsCurrentFormsCell(WcsUserDataBaseCell):
variable_name = 'user_forms'
categories = JSONField(_('Categories'), blank=True)
current_forms = models.BooleanField(_('Current Forms'), default=True)
done_forms = models.BooleanField(_('Done Forms'), default=False)
class Meta:
verbose_name = _('User Forms')
def get_default_form_class(self):
from .forms import WcsCurrentFormsCellForm
return WcsCurrentFormsCellForm
def get_api_url(self, context):
user = self.get_concerned_user(context)
if user:
user_name_id = user.get_name_id()
if user_name_id:
return '/api/users/%s/forms?limit=100&sort=desc' % user_name_id
return '/api/user/forms?limit=100&sort=desc'
def template_name(self):
if self.current_forms and self.done_forms:
return 'combo/wcs/user_all_forms.html'
if self.done_forms:
return 'combo/wcs/user_done_forms.html'
return 'combo/wcs/current_forms.html'
def get_additional_label(self):
initial_label = super(WcsCurrentFormsCell, self).get_additional_label()
if self.current_forms and self.done_forms:
label = _('All Forms')
elif self.done_forms:
label = _('Done Forms')
label = _('Current Forms')
if initial_label:
return '%s - %s' % (initial_label, label)
return label
def get_cell_extra_context(self, context):
context = super(WcsCurrentFormsCell, self).get_cell_extra_context(context)
categories_filter = {}
if self.categories:
for category in self.categories.get('data', []):
categories_filter[tuple(category.split(':'))] = True
for wcs_site in context['user_forms']:
if not context['user_forms'].get(wcs_site):
if not context['user_forms'][wcs_site].get('data'):
forms = context['user_forms'][wcs_site]['data']
if categories_filter:
forms = [x for x in forms if (wcs_site, x.get('category_slug')) in categories_filter]
if self.current_forms and self.done_forms:
pass # keep them all
elif self.current_forms:
forms = [x for x in forms if not x.get('form_status_is_endpoint')]
elif self.done_forms:
forms = [x for x in forms if x.get('form_status_is_endpoint')]
forms = [] # nothing left
context['user_forms'][wcs_site]['data'] = forms # put it back
context['current_forms'] = context['user_forms'] # legacy
# regroup all forms in a flat list
context['forms'] = []
for wcs_site in context['user_forms']:
if not context['user_forms'].get(wcs_site):
if not context['user_forms'][wcs_site].get('data'):
return context
class WcsCurrentDraftsCell(WcsUserDataBaseCell):
variable_name = 'current_drafts'
template_name = 'combo/wcs/current_drafts.html'
class Meta:
verbose_name = _('Current Drafts')
def get_api_url(self, context):
user = self.get_concerned_user(context)
if user:
user_name_id = user.get_name_id()
if user_name_id:
return '/api/users/%s/drafts' % user_name_id
return '/api/user/drafts'
def get_cell_extra_context(self, context):
context = super(WcsCurrentDraftsCell, self).get_cell_extra_context(context)
# regroup all drafts in a flat list
context['drafts'] = []
for wcs_site in context['current_drafts']:
if not context['current_drafts'].get(wcs_site):
if not context['current_drafts'][wcs_site].get('data'):
return context
class WcsFormsOfCategoryCell(WcsCommonCategoryCell, WcsBlurpMixin):
ordering = models.CharField(_('Order'), max_length=20,
default='alpha', blank=False,
choices=[('alpha', _('Default (alphabetical)')),
('popularity', _('Popularity')),
('manual', _('Manual'))])
manual_order = JSONField(blank=True,
verbose_name=_('Manual Order'),
help_text=_('Use drag and drop to reorder forms'))
limit = models.PositiveSmallIntegerField(_('Limit'),
null=True, blank=True)
class Meta:
verbose_name = _('Forms of Category')
variable_name = 'forms'
template_name = 'combo/wcs/forms_of_category.html'
cache_duration = 600
def get_default_form_class(self):
from .forms import WcsFormsOfCategoryCellForm
return WcsFormsOfCategoryCellForm
def wcs_site(self):
return self.category_reference.split(':')[0]
def get_api_url(self, context):
api_url = '/api/categories/%s/formdefs/' % self.category_reference.split(':')[1]
if self.ordering == 'popularity':
api_url += '?include-count=on'
return api_url
def is_relevant(self, context):
return bool(self.category_reference)
def get_cell_extra_context(self, context):
extra_context = super(WcsFormsOfCategoryCell, self).get_cell_extra_context(context)
extra_context.update(WcsBlurpMixin.get_cell_extra_context(self, context))
if not self.category_reference:
return extra_context
extra_context['slug'] = self.category_reference.split(':')[-1]
extra_context['title'] = self.cached_title
extra_context['description'] = self.cached_description
extra_context['forms'] = list(extra_context['forms'][self.wcs_site]['data'])
except (KeyError, TypeError) as e:
# an error occured when getting the data
extra_context['forms'] = []
# default sort is alphabetical, it's always done as this will serve as
# secondary sort key (thanks to Python stable sort)
extra_context['forms'] = sorted(extra_context['forms'], key=lambda x: x.get('title'))
extra_context['more_forms'] = []
if self.ordering == 'popularity':
extra_context['forms'] = sorted(extra_context['forms'], key=lambda x: x.get('count'), reverse=True)
elif self.ordering == 'manual':
if self.manual_order:
manual_order = self.manual_order.get('data')
for form in extra_context['forms']:
form_reference = '%s:%s' % (self.category_reference, form['slug'])
form['order'] = manual_order.index(form_reference)
except ValueError:
form['order'] = 9999
extra_context['forms'] = sorted(extra_context['forms'], key=lambda x: x.get('order'))
if self.limit:
if len(extra_context['forms']) > self.limit:
extra_context['more_forms'] = extra_context['forms'][self.limit:]
extra_context['forms'] = extra_context['forms'][:self.limit]
return extra_context
def render_for_search(self):
return ''
def get_external_links_data(self):
if not self.category_reference:
formdefs = self.get_data({'synchronous': True})
for site in formdefs.values():
for formdef in site.get('data', []):
text = ' '.join([formdef.get('description', '')] + formdef.get('keywords', []))
yield {
'url': formdef['url'],
'title': formdef['title'],
'text': text}
class CategoriesCell(WcsDataBaseCell):
api_url = '/api/categories/?full=on'
variable_name = 'form_categories'
template_name = 'combo/wcs/form_categories.html'
cache_duration = 600
class Meta:
verbose_name = _('Form Categories')
class TrackingCodeInputCell(CellBase):
is_enabled = classmethod(is_wcs_enabled)
wcs_site = models.CharField(_('Site'), max_length=50, blank=True)
template_name = 'combo/wcs/tracking_code_input.html'
class Meta:
verbose_name = _('Tracking Code Input')
def get_default_form_class(self):
if len(get_wcs_services()) == 1:
return None
combo_wcs_sites = [('', _('All Sites'))] + [(x, y.get('title')) for x, y in get_wcs_services().items()]
return model_forms.modelform_factory(self.__class__,
widgets={'wcs_site': Select(choices=combo_wcs_sites)})
def get_cell_extra_context(self, context):
extra_context = super(TrackingCodeInputCell, self).get_cell_extra_context(context)
if not self.wcs_site:
self.wcs_site = list(get_wcs_services().keys())[0]
extra_context['url'] = get_wcs_services().get(self.wcs_site).get('url')
return extra_context
class BackofficeSubmissionCell(WcsDataBaseCell):
api_url = '/api/formdefs/?backoffice-submission=on'
variable_name = 'all_formdefs'
template_name = 'combo/wcs/backoffice_submission.html'
cache_duration = 600
class Meta:
verbose_name = _('Backoffice Submission')
def get_cell_extra_context(self, context):
context = super(BackofficeSubmissionCell, self).get_cell_extra_context(context)
# add a fake category where it's missing
for site_formdefs in context['all_formdefs'].values():
for formdef in site_formdefs['data']:
if not 'category' in formdef:
formdef['category'] = _('Misc')
return context