
486 lines
18 KiB

import json
import mock
import pytest
from decimal import Decimal
from datetime import timedelta as timedelta
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from django.test.client import RequestFactory
from django.utils.timezone import timedelta, now
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
from django.test import Client
from import Page
from combo.apps.notifications.models import Notification, NotificationsCell
from combo.apps.lingo.models import Regie, ActiveItems, PaymentBackend
pytestmark = pytest.mark.django_db
client = Client()
def login(user):
resp ='/login/', {'username': user.username, 'password': user.username})
assert resp.status_code == 302
def regie():
payment_backend = PaymentBackend.objects.get(slug='test1')
except PaymentBackend.DoesNotExist:
payment_backend = PaymentBackend.objects.create(
label='test1', slug='test1', service='dummy')
regie = Regie.objects.get(slug='remote')
except Regie.DoesNotExist:
regie = Regie()
regie.label = 'Remote'
regie.slug = 'remote'
regie.description = 'remote'
regie.payment_min_amount = Decimal(2.0)
regie.payment_backend = payment_backend
return regie
def test_notification_api(john_doe, jane_doe):
notification = Notification.notify(john_doe, 'notifoo')
assert Notification.objects.count() == 1
assert notification.summary == 'notifoo'
assert notification.body == ''
assert notification.url == ''
assert notification.origin == ''
assert notification.external_id is None
assert notification.end_timestamp - notification.start_timestamp == timedelta(3)
assert notification.acked is False
assert Notification.objects.get().acked is True
Notification.notify(john_doe, 'notirefoo', id=str(, acked=False)
assert Notification.objects.count() == 1
assert Notification.objects.get().summary == 'notirefoo'
# we updated the notification, it's un-acked
assert Notification.objects.get().acked is False
Notification.notify(john_doe, 'notirefoo', id=str(, duration=3600)
noti = Notification.objects.get()
assert noti.end_timestamp - noti.start_timestamp == timedelta(seconds=3600)
notification = Notification.notify(john_doe, 'notibar', id='ns:notibar')
assert Notification.objects.count() == 2
notification = Notification.notify(john_doe, 'notirebar', id='ns:notibar')
assert Notification.objects.count() == 2
notification = Notification.notify(jane_doe, 'notiother')
assert Notification.objects.filter(user=jane_doe).count() == 1
notification = Notification.objects.filter(user=jane_doe).get()
assert notification.end_timestamp < now()
assert notification.acked is True
def test_notification_cell(john_doe, jane_doe):
page = Page(title='notif', slug='test_notification_cell', template_name='standard')
cell = NotificationsCell(page=page, placeholder='content', order=0)
context = {'request': RequestFactory().get('/')}
context['synchronous'] = True # to get fresh content
context['request'].user = None
assert cell.is_visible(context['request'].user) is False
context['request'].user = john_doe
assert cell.is_visible(context['request'].user) is True
assert cell.get_badge(context) is None
notification1 = Notification.notify(john_doe, 'notibar')
notification2 = Notification.notify(john_doe, 'notifoo')
content = cell.render(context)
assert 'notibar' in content
assert 'notifoo' in content
assert cell.get_badge(context) == {'badge': '2'}
content = cell.render(context)
assert 'notibar' in content
assert 'notifoo' not in content
assert cell.get_badge(context) == {'badge': '1'}
Notification.notify(john_doe, 'notirebar', id=str(
content = cell.render(context)
assert 'notirebar' in content
assert 'notibar' not in content
Notification.notify(john_doe, 'notiurl', id=str(, url='')
content = cell.render(context)
assert 'notiurl' in content
assert '' in content
notification3 = Notification.notify(john_doe, 'ackme')
content = cell.render(context)
assert 'acked' in content
assert cell.get_badge(context) == {'badge': '1'}
content = cell.render(context)
assert cell.get_badge(context) is None
Notification.notify(jane_doe, 'notiother')
content = cell.render(context)
assert 'notiurl' in content
assert 'notiother' not in content
assert cell.get_badge(context) is None
context['request'].user = jane_doe
content = cell.render(context)
assert 'notiurl' not in content
assert 'notiother' in content
assert cell.get_badge(context) == {'badge': '1'}
def test_notification_ws(john_doe):
def notify(data, check_id, count):
resp ='api-notification-add'), json.dumps(data),
assert resp.status_code == 200
result = json.loads(resp.content)
assert result == {'data': {'id': check_id}, 'err': 0}
assert Notification.objects.filter(user=john_doe).count() == count
return Notification.objects.find(john_doe, check_id).get()
notify({'summary': 'foo'}, '1', 1)
notify({'summary': 'bar'}, '2', 2)
notify({'summary': 'bar', 'id': 'ns:noti3'}, 'ns:noti3', 3)
notif = {
'summary': 'bar',
'url': '',
'body': 'foobar',
'origin': 'blah',
'start_timestamp': '2016-11-11T11:11',
'end_timestamp': '2016-12-12T12:12',
result = notify(notif, '4', 4)
assert result.summary == notif['summary']
assert result.url == notif['url']
assert result.body == notif['body']
assert result.origin == notif['origin']
assert result.start_timestamp.isoformat()[:19] == '2016-11-11T11:11:00'
assert result.end_timestamp.isoformat()[:19] == '2016-12-12T12:12:00'
del notif['end_timestamp']
notif['duration'] = 3600
result = notify(notif, '5', 5)
assert result.end_timestamp.isoformat()[:19] == '2016-11-11T12:11:00'
notif['duration'] = '3600'
result = notify(notif, '6', 6)
assert result.end_timestamp.isoformat()[:19] == '2016-11-11T12:11:00'
resp = client.get(reverse('api-notification-ack', kwargs={'notification_id': '6'}))
assert resp.status_code == 200
assert Notification.objects.filter(acked=True).count() == 1
assert Notification.objects.filter(acked=True).get().public_id == '6'
resp = client.get(reverse('api-notification-forget', kwargs={'notification_id': '5'}))
assert resp.status_code == 200
assert Notification.objects.filter(acked=True).count() == 2
notif = Notification.objects.find(john_doe, '5').get()
assert notif.public_id == '5'
assert notif.acked is True
assert notif.end_timestamp < now()
resp = client.get(reverse('api-notification-count'))
assert resp.status_code == 200
assert json.loads(resp.content)['new'] == 3
assert json.loads(resp.content)['total'] == 3
resp = client.get(reverse('api-notification-ack', kwargs={'notification_id': '1'}))
resp = client.get(reverse('api-notification-count'))
assert resp.status_code == 200
assert json.loads(resp.content)['new'] == 2
assert json.loads(resp.content)['total'] == 3
resp = client.get(reverse('api-notification-forget', kwargs={'notification_id': '1'}))
resp = client.get(reverse('api-notification-count'))
assert resp.status_code == 200
assert json.loads(resp.content)['new'] == 2
assert json.loads(resp.content)['total'] == 2
def test_notification_ws_badrequest(john_doe):
def check_error(data, message):
resp ='api-notification-add'),
json.dumps(data) if data else None,
assert resp.status_code == 400
result = json.loads(resp.content)
assert result['err'] == 1
assert message in list(result['err_desc'].values())[0][0]
check_error(None, 'required')
check_error('blahblah', 'Invalid data')
check_error({'summary': ''}, 'may not be blank')
check_error({'summary': 'x'*1000}, 'no more than 140 char')
check_error({'summary': 'ok', 'url': 'xx'}, 'valid URL')
check_error({'summary': 'ok', 'start_timestamp': 'foo'}, 'wrong format')
check_error({'summary': 'ok', 'end_timestamp': 'bar'}, 'wrong format')
check_error({'summary': 'ok', 'duration': 'xx'}, 'valid integer is required')
check_error({'summary': 'ok', 'duration': 4.01}, 'valid integer is required')
check_error({'summary': 'ok', 'duration': -4}, 'greater than')
def test_notification_ws_deny():
json.dumps({'summary': 'ok'}),
content_type='application/json').status_code == 403
assert client.get(reverse('api-notification-ack',
kwargs={'notification_id': '1'})).status_code == 403
assert client.get(reverse('api-notification-forget',
kwargs={'notification_id': '1'})).status_code == 403
def test_notification_ws_check_urls():
assert reverse('api-notification-add') == '/api/notification/add/'
assert reverse('api-notification-ack',
kwargs={'notification_id': 'noti1'}) == '/api/notification/ack/noti1/'
assert reverse('api-notification-forget',
kwargs={'notification_id': 'noti1'}) == '/api/notification/forget/noti1/'
def test_notification_id_and_origin(john_doe):
def notify(data):
resp ='api-notification-add'), json.dumps(data),
return json.loads(resp.content)
result = notify({'summary': 'foo', 'id': '1'})
assert result['err'] == 1
notification = Notification.notify(john_doe, 'foo')
result = notify({'summary': 'foo', 'id': str(})
assert result['err'] == 0
result = notify({'summary': 'foo', 'id': 'foo'})
assert result['err'] == 1
result = notify({'summary': 'foo', 'id': 'foo:foo', 'origin': 'bar'})
assert result['err'] == 0
def test_notify_remote_items(mock_get, app, john_doe, jane_doe, regie, monkeypatch, freezer):
datetime_format = '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S'
invoice_now = now()
invoice_now = freezer()
john_doe.username: {
"invoices": [
'id': '01',
'label': '010101',
'total_amount': '10',
'amount': '10',
'created': '2016-01-01',
'pay_limit_date': '2016-01-20',
'has_pdf': False,
'id': '011',
'label': '0101011',
'total_amount': '1.5',
'amount': '1.5',
'created': '2016-01-01',
'pay_limit_date': '2016-01-20',
'has_pdf': False,
jane_doe.username: {
'invoices': [
'id': '02',
'label': '020202',
'total_amount': '2.0',
'amount': '2.0',
'created': '2016-01-01',
'pay_limit_date': '2016-01-20',
'has_pdf': False,
'id': 'O5',
'label': '050505',
'total_amount': '24',
'amount': '24',
'created': '2015-12-05',
'pay_limit_date': '2015-12-30',
'has_pdf': False,
'foo': {
'invoices': [
'id': 'O3',
'label': '030303',
'total_amount': '42',
'amount': '42',
'created': '2016-01-01',
'pay_limit_date': '2016-01-20',
'has_pdf': False,
mock_response = mock.Mock(status_code=200, content=json.dumps(FAKE_PENDING_INVOICES))
mock_response.json.return_value = FAKE_PENDING_INVOICES
mock_get.return_value = mock_response
# make sure the regie is not remote
regie.webservice_url = ''
assert mock_get.call_count == 0
regie.webservice_url = '' # is_remote
from combo.apps.lingo import models
monkeypatch.setattr(models, 'UserSAMLIdentifier', None)
# make sure no other requests calls are made
assert mock_get.call_count == 1
with mock.patch('combo.apps.lingo.models.UserSAMLIdentifier') as user_saml:
# simulate class exception
class DoesNotExist(Exception):
user_saml.DoesNotExist = DoesNotExist
def side_effect(*args, **kwargs):
name_id = kwargs['name_id']
if name_id == 'foo':
raise user_saml.DoesNotExist
return mock.Mock(user=User.objects.get(username=name_id))
mocked_objects = mock.Mock()
mocked_objects.get = mock.Mock(side_effect=side_effect)
user_saml.objects = mocked_objects
assert Notification.objects.all().count() == 0
assert 'NameID=' not in mock_get.call_args[0][1]
assert 'email=' not in mock_get.call_args[0][1]
assert Notification.objects.filter(external_id__startswith='invoice-%s:' % regie.slug).visible().new().count() == 2
assert Notification.objects.filter(external_id__startswith='invoice-%s:reminder-' % regie.slug).count() == 0
assert Notification.objects.count() == 2
for notif in Notification.objects.all():
assert notif.url == '',
page = Page(title='Active Items', slug='active_items', template_name='standard')
cell = ActiveItems(page=page, placeholder='content', order=0)
freezer.move_to(invoice_now + timedelta(days=16))
# create remind notifications
assert Notification.objects.exclude(external_id__startswith='invoice-%s:reminder-' % regie.slug) \
.visible().count() == 0
assert Notification.objects.filter(external_id__startswith='invoice-%s:reminder-' % regie.slug) \
.visible().new().count() == 2
assert Notification.objects.count() == 4
# url appeared on new reminder notifications
assert len([notif for notif in Notification.objects.all() if notif.url == page.get_online_url()]) == 2
# be sure the are no more reminders created
assert Notification.objects.count() == 4
freezer.move_to(invoice_now + timedelta(days=21))
assert Notification.objects.visible().count() == 0
def test_notification_never_expire(app, freezer, rf, john_doe):
start = freezer()
app.authorization = ('Basic', (john_doe.username, john_doe.username))
app.post_json(reverse('api-notification-add'), params={
'summary': 'notibar',
'url': '',
'body': 'foobar',
'origin': 'blah',
'duration': 0,
app.post_json(reverse('api-notification-add'), params={
'summary': 'notifoo',
'url': '',
'body': 'foobar',
'origin': 'blah',
'duration': 86400 * 2, # 2 days
page = Page.objects.create(title='notif', slug='test_notification_cell', template_name='standard')
cell = NotificationsCell(page=page, placeholder='content', order=0)
request = rf.get('/')
request.user = john_doe
context = {'request': request}
freezer.move_to(start - timedelta(seconds=10))
assert Notification.objects.visible(john_doe).count() == 0
content = cell.render(context)
assert 'notibar' not in content
assert 'notifoo' not in content
freezer.move_to(start + timedelta(seconds=10))
assert Notification.objects.visible(john_doe).count() == 2
content = cell.render(context)
assert 'notibar' in content
assert 'notifoo' in content
freezer.move_to(start + timedelta(days=1))
content = cell.render(context)
assert Notification.objects.visible(john_doe).count() == 2
assert 'notibar' in content
assert 'notifoo' in content
freezer.move_to(start + timedelta(days=3))
content = cell.render(context)
assert Notification.objects.visible(john_doe).count() == 1
assert 'notibar' in content
assert 'notifoo' not in content
freezer.move_to(start + timedelta(days=365))
content = cell.render(context)
assert Notification.objects.visible(john_doe).count() == 1
assert 'notibar' in content
assert 'notifoo' not in content
# acking a notification without and end_timestamp, still visible
freezer.move_to(start + timedelta(days=365, seconds=1))
content = cell.render(context)
assert Notification.objects.visible(john_doe).count() == 1
assert 'notibar' in content
assert 'notifoo' not in content