tests/lingo: verify error message on bad returns (#25772)

This commit is contained in:
Thomas NOËL 2018-08-22 17:50:13 +02:00
parent 35ac62ff50
commit 4dcc778492
1 changed files with 30 additions and 8 deletions

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@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
from contextlib import contextmanager
import eopayment
import pytest
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
@ -27,6 +28,14 @@ from .test_manager import login
pytestmark = pytest.mark.django_db
def check_log(caplog, message):
idx = len(caplog.records)
assert any(message in record.message for record in caplog.records[idx:]), \
'%r not found in log records' % message
def regie():
@ -487,7 +496,7 @@ def test_payment_callback_waiting(app, basket_page, regie, user):
assert BasketItem.objects.get(id=item.id).payment_date
assert BasketItem.get_items_to_be_paid(user).count() == 0
def test_payment_no_callback_just_return(app, basket_page, regie, user):
def test_payment_no_callback_just_return(caplog, app, basket_page, regie, user):
item = BasketItem.objects.create(user=user, regie=regie,
subject='test_item', amount='10.5',
@ -503,13 +512,26 @@ def test_payment_no_callback_just_return(app, basket_page, regie, user):
assert data['amount'] == '10.50'
# call return with unsigned POST
return_url = reverse('lingo-return', kwargs={'regie_pk': regie.id})
with mock.patch('combo.utils.requests_wrapper.RequestsSession.request') as request:
get_resp = app.post(return_url, params=data)
assert request.call_count == 0
assert get_resp.status_code == 302
assert urlparse.urlparse(get_resp['location']).path == '/test_basket_cell/'
assert Transaction.objects.get(order_id=transaction_id).status == 0 # not paid
with check_log(caplog, 'received unsigned payment'):
return_url = reverse('lingo-return', kwargs={'regie_pk': regie.id})
with mock.patch('combo.utils.requests_wrapper.RequestsSession.request') as request:
get_resp = app.post(return_url, params=data)
assert request.call_count == 0
assert get_resp.status_code == 302
assert urlparse.urlparse(get_resp['location']).path == '/test_basket_cell/'
assert Transaction.objects.get(order_id=transaction_id).status == 0 # not paid
# call return with missing data
with check_log(caplog, 'failed to process payment response: missing transaction_id'):
baddata = data.copy()
del baddata['transaction_id']
with mock.patch('combo.utils.requests_wrapper.RequestsSession.request') as request:
get_resp = app.post(return_url, params=baddata)
assert get_resp.status_code == 302
resp = app.get(get_resp['Location'])
assert 'Your payment has been succesfully registered.' not in resp.text
assert 'the payment service failed to provide a correct answer.' in resp.text
assert Transaction.objects.get(order_id=transaction_id).status == 0 # not paid
# call return with signed POST
data['signed'] = True