
49 lines
1.9 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from dateutil.parser import parse
import json
import os
from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe
from combo_plugin_gnm.templatetags.gnm import as_opening_hours_badge
BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__))
GEOJSON = json.load(open(os.path.join(
BASE_DIR, 'tests/data/mairie-geojson.json')))['features']
TZOFFSETS = {"Europe/Paris": 3600}
def test_every_mairie_closed_at_midnight():
"""every mairie is closed at mignight"""
midnight = parse("2018-03-05T00:00:00+01:00")
opening_hours = [as_opening_hours_badge(x, base_datetime=midnight) for x in GEOJSON]
assert len([x for x in opening_hours if 'open' in x]) == 0
def test_all_mairie_data_parsed_correct():
"""everything got parsed correctly"""
opening_hours = [as_opening_hours_badge(x) for x in GEOJSON
if x['properties'].get('openinghours') or x['properties'].get('openinghoursspecification')]
# actually not everything, Jonage and Solaize are not handled correctly as
# they only use openinghoursspecification → 2
assert opening_hours.count('') == 2 # FIXME
def test_mairie_nodata_as_opening_hours_templatetag():
""""no data return the right empty html"""
test_datetime = parse("2018-03-05T15:59:00+01:00")
test_html = as_opening_hours_badge(GEOJSON[0]['properties'], base_datetime=test_datetime)
assert test_html == ''
def test_mairie_open_as_opening_hours_templatetag():
"""mairie as_opening_hours with a fixed datetime"""
klass = 'open'
label = u"Ouvert jusqu'à 17h00"
test_datetime = parse("2018-03-05T15:55:00+01:00")
test_html = as_opening_hours_badge(GEOJSON[1]['properties'], base_datetime=test_datetime)
assert test_html == mark_safe(u'<div class="badge %s"><span>%s</span></div>'% (klass, label))
test_html = as_opening_hours_badge(GEOJSON[1], base_datetime=test_datetime)
assert test_html == mark_safe(u'<div class="badge %s"><span>%s</span></div>'% (klass, label))