tests: add tests on night hours (#48919)

This commit is contained in:
Nicolas Roche 2020-12-01 13:18:35 +01:00
parent 1e849e1cfb
commit 23f6a7f14d
2 changed files with 140 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -165,3 +165,72 @@ def test_mairie_holiday():
test_html = [as_opening_hours_badge(x) for x in GEOJSON if x['properties']['identifiant'] == 'S1365'][0]
klass, label = 'closed', u"Réouvre demain à 8h30"
assert test_html == mark_safe(u'<div class="badge %s"><span>%s</span></div>' % (klass, label))
@pytest.mark.freeze_time("2018-03-05 00:30:00")
@pytest.mark.parametrize('day, hours, badge, text', [
('mercredi_pm', '14h30-17h45', 'closed', 'Réouvre mercredi à 14h30'),
('mardi_pm', '14h30-17h45', 'closed', 'Réouvre demain à 14h30'),
('lundi_pm', '14h30-17h45', 'closed', 'Réouvre à 14h30'),
('lundi_am', '08h30-11h45', 'closed', 'Ouvre à 8h30'),
('lundi_am', '00h00-00h45', 'soon-to-be-closed', "Ouvert jusqu'à 0h45"),
('dimanche_pm', '20h30-00h45', 'closed', 'Réouvre dimanche à 20h30'), # wrong
def test_mdr_format(day, hours, badge, text):
geojson = """
"properties": {
"%s" : "%s"
""" % (day, hours)
html = as_opening_hours_badge(json.loads(geojson))
assert html == '<div class="badge %s"><span>%s</span></div>' % (badge, text)
@pytest.mark.freeze_time("2018-03-05 00:30:00")
@pytest.mark.parametrize('openinghour, badge, text', [
('We 14:30-17:45', 'closed', 'Réouvre mercredi à 14h30'),
('Tu 14:30-17:45', 'closed', 'Réouvre demain à 14h30'),
('Mo 14:30-17:45', 'closed', 'Réouvre à 14h30'),
('Mo 08:30-11:45', 'closed', 'Ouvre à 8h30'),
('Mo 00:00-00:45', 'soon-to-be-closed', "Ouvert jusqu'à 0h45"),
('Su 20:30-00:45', 'closed', 'Réouvre dimanche à 20h30'), # wrong
def test_mairie_format_openinghours(openinghour, badge, text):
geojson = """
"properties": {
"openinghours": ["%s"]
""" % openinghour
html = as_opening_hours_badge(json.loads(geojson))
assert html == '<div class="badge %s"><span>%s</span></div>' % (badge, text)
@pytest.mark.freeze_time("2018-03-05 00:30:00")
@pytest.mark.parametrize('day, opens, closes, badge, text', [
('Wednesday', '14:30', '17:45', 'closed', 'Réouvre mercredi à 14h30'),
('Tuesday', '14:30', '17:45', 'closed', 'Réouvre demain à 14h30'),
('Monday', '14:30', '17:45', 'closed', 'Réouvre à 14h30'),
('Monday', '08:30', '11:45', 'closed', 'Ouvre à 8h30'),
('Monday', '00:00', '00:45', 'closed', 'Fermé'), # wrong
('Sunday', '20:30', '00:45', 'closed', 'Réouvre dimanche à 20h30'), # wrong
def test_mairie_format_openinghoursspecification(day, opens, closes, badge, text):
geojson = """
"properties": {
"openinghoursspecification": [{
"opens": "%s",
"closes": "%s",
"dayOfWeek": "http:\/\/schema.org\/%s",
"validFrom": "2018-01-01T00:00:00+01:00",
"validThrough": "2018-06-30T23:59:59+01:00"
""" % (opens, closes, day)
html = as_opening_hours_badge(json.loads(geojson))
assert html == '<div class="badge %s"><span>%s</span></div>' % (badge, text)

View File

@ -64,7 +64,78 @@ def test_mairie_sathonay_timetable():
test_time_table = [get_mairie_opening_hours(x) for x in GEOJSON if x['properties']['identifiant'] == 'S1415'][0]
assert test_time_table == [('lundi', {'am': u'08h30-12h00', 'pm': u'14h00-17h00'}), ('mardi', {'am': u'08h30-12h00', 'pm': u'13h30-17h00'}), ('mercredi', {'am': u'08h30-12h00', 'pm': u'14h00-17h00'}), ('jeudi', {'am': u'08h30-12h00', 'pm': u'14h00-17h00'}), ('vendredi', {'am': u'08h30-12h00', 'pm': u'14h00-17h00'}), ('samedi', {'am': u'08h30-12h00', 'pm': None})]
def test_mairie_saint_priest():
test_time_table = [get_mairie_opening_hours(x) for x in GEOJSON if x['properties']['identifiant'] == 'S1406'][0]
assert test_time_table == [('lundi', {'am': u'08h15-12h15', 'pm': u'13h30-17h30'}), ('mardi', {'am': u'08h15-12h15', 'pm': u'13h30-17h30'}), ('mercredi', {'am': u'08h15-12h15', 'pm': u'13h30-17h30'}), ('jeudi', {'am': u'08h15-11h15', 'pm': u'13h30-17h30'}), ('vendredi', {'am': u'08h15-12h15', 'pm': u'13h30-17h30'}), ('samedi', {'am': u'09h00-11h30', 'pm': None})]
def test_mairie_format_openinghours():
geojson = """
"properties": {
"openinghours": [
"Mo 08:30-11:30",
"Tu 14:00-17:00",
"We 10:30-18:30",
"Th 22:30-00:30",
"Fr 07:30-07:00"
hours = get_mairie_opening_hours(json.loads(geojson))
assert hours == [
('lundi', {'am': '08h30-11h30', 'pm': None}),
('mardi', {'am': None, 'pm': '14h00-17h00'}),
('mercredi', {'am': '10h30-18h30', 'pm': ''}),
('jeudi', {'am': '22h30-00h30', 'pm': None}), # wrong
('vendredi', {'am': '07h30-07h00', 'pm': None}), # wrong
@pytest.mark.freeze_time("2018-03-09 00:30:00")
def test_mairie_format_openinghoursspecification():
""" some mairie only have openinghoursspecification """
geojson = """
"properties": {
"openinghoursspecification": [{
"opens": "08:30",
"closes": "11:30",
"dayOfWeek": "http:\/\/schema.org\/Monday",
"validFrom": "2018-01-01T00:00:00+01:00",
"validThrough": "2018-06-30T23:59:59+02:00"
}, {
"opens": "14:00",
"closes": "17:00",
"dayOfWeek": "http:\/\/schema.org\/Tuesday",
"validFrom": "2018-01-01T00:00:00+01:00",
"validThrough": "2018-06-30T23:59:59+02:00"
}, {
"opens": "10:30",
"closes": "18:30",
"dayOfWeek": "http:\/\/schema.org\/Wednesday",
"validFrom": "2018-01-01T00:00:00+01:00",
"validThrough": "2018-06-30T23:59:59+02:00"
}, {
"opens": "22:30",
"closes": "00:30",
"dayOfWeek": "http:\/\/schema.org\/Thursday",
"validFrom": "2018-01-01T00:00:00+01:00",
"validThrough": "2018-06-30T23:59:59+02:00"
}, {
"opens": "07:30",
"closes": "07:00",
"dayOfWeek": "http:\/\/schema.org\/Friday",
"validFrom": "2018-01-01T00:00:00+01:00",
"validThrough": "2018-06-30T23:59:59+02:00"
hours = get_mairie_opening_hours(json.loads(geojson))
assert hours == [
('lundi', {'am': '08h30-11h30', 'pm': None}),
('mardi', {'am': None, 'pm': '14h00-17h00'}),
('mercredi', {'am': '10h30-18h30', 'pm': ''}),
('jeudi', {'am': '22h30-00h30', 'pm': None}), # wrong
('vendredi', {'am': '07h30-07h00', 'pm': None}), # wrong