
706 lines
28 KiB
Raw Normal View History

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# combo-plugin-gnm - Combo GNM plugin
# Copyright (C) 2017 Entr'ouvert
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published
# by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
from collections import OrderedDict
import datetime
import json
import math
import operator
2017-09-24 13:01:18 +02:00
import random
import re
from dateutil.parser import parse as dateutil_parse
2017-09-25 18:09:09 +02:00
from requests import RequestException
from django import template
from django.conf import settings
from django.core.serializers.json import DjangoJSONEncoder
from django.core import signing
from django.utils.dateparse import parse_datetime
from django.utils.http import quote
from django.utils.html import format_html
2017-09-24 13:01:18 +02:00
from django.utils.text import slugify
from django.utils.timezone import is_naive, make_aware
from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe
2018-03-18 11:32:09 +01:00
from combo.apps.dashboard.models import DashboardCell
from combo.apps.maps.models import Map, MapLayer
from import Page, CellBase, ConfigJsonCell
2017-09-24 13:01:18 +02:00
from combo.public.views import render_cell
from combo.utils import requests
2017-08-21 11:44:12 +02:00
register = template.Library()
FR_WEEKDAYS = ['lundi', 'mardi', 'mercredi', 'jeudi', 'vendredi', 'samedi', 'dimanche']
('mo', 'Monday'),
('tu', 'Tuesday'),
('we', 'Wednesday'),
('th', 'Thursday'),
('fr', 'Friday'),
('sa', 'Saturday'),
('su', 'Sunday')
class TimeSlot(object):
def __init__(self, start, end):
if is_naive(start):
start = make_aware(start)
if is_naive(end):
end = make_aware(end)
self.start = start
self.end = end
def __repr__(self):
return '<TimeSlot start=%s - end=%s>' % (self.start.strftime('%c'), self.end.strftime('%c'))
def get_open_close_from_specification(specification, valid_from, base_datetime):
'''Parse geojson 'openinghoursspecification' fields data
opening_time = datetime.datetime.combine(base_datetime, dateutil_parse(specification['opens']).time())
closing_time = datetime.datetime.combine(base_datetime, dateutil_parse(specification['closes']).time())
opening_time = opening_time.replace(tzinfo=valid_from.tzinfo)
closing_time = closing_time.replace(tzinfo=valid_from.tzinfo)
day_number = EN_FULL_WEEKDAYS_LIST.index(specification['dayOfWeek'].split('/')[-1])
opening_time = opening_time + datetime.timedelta(
days=(7 + (day_number - opening_time.weekday())) % 7)
closing_time = closing_time + datetime.timedelta(
days=(7 + (day_number - closing_time.weekday())) % 7)
return (opening_time, closing_time, day_number)
def openinghours_to_datetime(codename, hour, minute):
return the next date and time after now()
weekday = EN_ABBREV_WEEKDAYS.get(codename, None)
datetime_obj = dateutil_parse('%s %d:%d:00' % (weekday, hour, minute))
if is_naive(datetime_obj):
datetime_obj = make_aware(datetime_obj)
return datetime_obj
except ValueError:
return None
def get_period_from_data(weekday, open_close_time_string=None, opening_time=None, closing_time=None):
"""Return am or pm and all_day_hours from opening_time and closing_time
if open_close_time_string is not None:
(start_hour, start_minute, end_hour, end_minute) = open_close_time_string
if closing_time is None:
closing_time = openinghours_to_datetime(weekday, int(end_hour), int(end_minute))
if opening_time is None:
opening_time = openinghours_to_datetime(weekday, int(start_hour), int(start_minute))
all_day_hours = False
if closing_time.hour <= 12:
period = 'am'
elif opening_time.hour <= 12:
period = 'am'
all_day_hours = True
period = 'pm'
return (period, all_day_hours)
def get_slots_from_mdr_format(data, today):
"""Process data from Maison du rhone geojson data from
add to slots all the next opening hours in chronological order & beginning from today()
if 'properties' in data:
data = data['properties']
slots = []
known_format = False
mdr_weekdays_format = ['%s_am' % day for day in FR_WEEKDAYS] + ['%s_pm' % day for day in FR_WEEKDAYS]
if any(['|'.join(mdr_weekdays_format), data_key) is not None for data_key in data.keys()]):
known_format = True
for i in range(7):
for period in ('am', 'pm'):
hours = data.get('%s_%s' % (FR_WEEKDAYS[today.weekday()], period))
if not hours:
parts = re.match('(\d?\d)h(\d\d)-(\d?\d)h(\d\d)', hours).groups()
except AttributeError:
# add to slots the opening hours in chronological order beginning from today
datetime.datetime(today.year, today.month,, int(parts[0]), int(parts[1]), tzinfo=today.tzinfo),
datetime.datetime(today.year, today.month,, int(parts[2]), int(parts[3]), tzinfo=today.tzinfo)
today = today + datetime.timedelta(days=1)
return (slots, known_format)
def parse_opening_hours_data(mairie_data):
"""Parse every known openinghours data formats
for openinghours in mairie_data.get('openinghours', []):
# format is comma-separated days and/or intervals, or only one day
groups = re.match('(\w\w(?:(?:,|\-)?\w\w)*) (\d\d?):(\d\d?)-(\d\d?):(\d\d?)', openinghours).groups()
except AttributeError: # invalid input data
for day in groups[0].split(','):
if '-' in day:
# interval
parts = re.match('(\w\w)-(\w\w)', day).groups() + groups[1:]
time_table = dict(zip(('start_day', 'end_day', 'start_hour', 'start_minute', 'end_hour', 'end_minute'), parts))
EN_ABBREV_WEEKDAYS_LIST.index(time_table['end_day'].lower()) + 1]
# one day
time_table = dict(zip(('start_day', 'start_hour', 'start_minute', 'end_hour', 'end_minute'), (day,) + groups[1:]))
yield (days_list, time_table)
def get_slots_from_mairie_format(data, base_datetime):
"""Process mairie json and return slots the opening hours in chronological order beginning today
if 'properties' in data:
data = data['properties']
known_format = False
slots = []
exclusion_slots = []
previous_week = base_datetime - datetime.timedelta(7)
next_week = base_datetime + datetime.timedelta(7)
if len(data.get('openinghours', [])) or len(data.get('openinghoursspecification', [])):
known_format = True
# prepare annual opening exclusions
for specification in data.get('openinghoursspecification', []):
valid_from = parse_datetime(specification.get('validFrom')) if specification.get('validFrom') else previous_week
valid_through = parse_datetime(specification.get('validThrough')) if specification.get('validThrough') else next_week
if not valid_from or not valid_through:
if 'opens' in specification and 'closes' in specification:
# case when opening periods are defined
if base_datetime >= valid_from and base_datetime < valid_through:
(opening_time, closing_time, day_number) = get_open_close_from_specification(
specification, valid_from, base_datetime)
slots.append(TimeSlot(opening_time, closing_time))
# case when exclusions are defined
exclusion_slots.append(TimeSlot(valid_from, valid_through))
for days_list, time_table in parse_opening_hours_data(data):
for weekday in days_list:
timeslot = TimeSlot(
openinghours_to_datetime(weekday, int(time_table['start_hour']), int(time_table['start_minute'])),
openinghours_to_datetime(weekday, int(time_table['end_hour']), int(time_table['end_minute']))
# add to slots the opening hours in chronological order beginning from today
# order slots and cycle the list beginning with 'base_datetime'
slots = sorted(slots, key=operator.attrgetter('start'))
if len(slots):
def timedelta_key_func(slot):
return slot.start - base_datetime
nearest_slot_index = slots.index(min(slots, key=timedelta_key_func))
slots = slots[nearest_slot_index:] + slots[:nearest_slot_index]
return (slots, exclusion_slots, known_format)
def get_mairie_opening_hours(mairie_data):
"""Process Mairie Geojson to extract data of each day's opening hours
if not mairie_data:
return ''
if 'properties' in mairie_data:
mairie_data = mairie_data['properties']
base_datetime = make_aware(
days_list = []
opening_hours_dict = OrderedDict(zip(EN_ABBREV_WEEKDAYS_LIST, [{
'am': None, 'pm': None
} for i in range(7)]))
known_format = False
for days_list, time_table in parse_opening_hours_data(mairie_data):
known_format = True
for weekday in days_list:
(period, all_day_hours) = get_period_from_data(weekday,
open_close_time_string=(time_table['start_hour'], time_table['start_minute'], time_table['end_hour'], time_table['end_minute']))
if all_day_hours and period == 'am':
opening_hours_dict[weekday]['pm'] = '' # empty string to avoid displaying fermé
opening_hours_dict[weekday][period] = "%sh%s-%sh%s" % (time_table['start_hour'], time_table['start_minute'], time_table['end_hour'], time_table['end_minute'])
if not known_format:
# some mairie only have openinghoursspecification (e.g. Jonage)
previous_week = base_datetime - datetime.timedelta(7)
next_week = base_datetime + datetime.timedelta(7)
for specification in mairie_data.get('openinghoursspecification', []):
valid_from = parse_datetime(specification.get('validFrom')) if specification.get('validFrom') else previous_week
valid_through = parse_datetime(specification.get('validThrough')) if specification.get('validThrough') else next_week
if not valid_from or not valid_through:
# case when opening periods are defined
if 'opens' in specification and 'closes' in specification:
# parse specification only for the current period relative to utcnow()
if base_datetime >= valid_from and base_datetime < valid_through:
(opening_time, closing_time, day_number) = get_open_close_from_specification(
specification, valid_from, base_datetime)
abbr_day_of_week = EN_ABBREV_WEEKDAYS_LIST[day_number]
(period, all_day_hours) = get_period_from_data(abbr_day_of_week,
opening_time=opening_time, closing_time=closing_time)
if all_day_hours and period == 'am':
opening_hours_dict[abbr_day_of_week]['pm'] = '' # empty string to avoid displaying fermé
opening_hours_dict[abbr_day_of_week][period] = "%sh%s-%sh%s" % (
opening_time.strftime('%H'), opening_time.strftime('%M'),
closing_time.strftime('%H'), closing_time.strftime('%M'))
if not (any([x['am'] for x in opening_hours_dict.values()]) or
any([x['pm'] for x in opening_hours_dict.values()])):
# always closed, return None to mark unavailability
return None
return [
(FR_ABBREV_WEEKDAYS_LIST[weekday], hours) for weekday, hours in opening_hours_dict.items()
if not (weekday in ['sa', 'su'] and not hours['am'] and not hours['pm'])
def as_opening_hours_badge(data):
if not data:
return ''
base_datetime = make_aware(
exclusion_slots = []
today =
(slots, known_format) = get_slots_from_mdr_format(data, base_datetime)
if not known_format:
(slots, exclusion_slots, known_format) = get_slots_from_mairie_format(data, base_datetime)
if not known_format:
return ''
# remove past slots and exclude special timeslots
for i, slot in enumerate(slots):
if base_datetime > slot.end:
slots[i] = None
for exclusion in exclusion_slots:
if slot.start >= exclusion.start and slot.end <= exclusion.end:
slots[i] = None
# parse slots to return the right html
slots = [x for x in slots if x]
if not slots:
klass = 'closed'
label = u'Fermé'
elif base_datetime < slots[0].start:
klass = 'closed'
verb = u'Réouvre'
if slots[0].start.weekday() == today.weekday():
day_label = ''
if slots[0].start.hour < 12:
verb = 'Ouvre'
elif slots[0].start.weekday() == (today.weekday() + 1) % 7:
day_label = u'demain'
day_label = FR_WEEKDAYS[slots[0].start.weekday()]
label = u'%s %s à %sh%02d' % (verb, day_label, slots[0].start.hour, slots[0].start.minute)
elif base_datetime < slots[0].end:
if (slots[0].end - base_datetime).seconds < 3600:
klass = 'soon-to-be-closed'
klass = 'open'
2017-10-10 16:06:40 +02:00
label = u"Ouvert jusqu'à %sh%02d" % (slots[0].end.hour, slots[0].end.minute)
return mark_safe(u'<div class="badge %s"><span>%s</span></div>' % (klass, label))
def onlymoov_duration(string):
# take the hours and minutes components of duration strings provided by
# onlymoov, "PT1H16M3S", "PT1M35S"
groups = re.match(r'PT(\d+H)?(\d+M)', string).groups()
except AttributeError: # didn't match
return '?'
hours = ''
if groups[0]:
nb_hours = int(groups[0][:-1])
if nb_hours > 1:
hours = '%s heures' % nb_hours
hours = '%s heure' % nb_hours
nb_minutes = int(groups[1][:-1])
if nb_minutes == 0:
minutes = ''
minutes = '%d min' % nb_minutes
return '%s %s' % (hours, minutes)
2017-08-21 11:44:12 +02:00
2018-06-15 11:08:54 +02:00
def place_page(cell):
2017-08-21 11:44:12 +02:00
fixed_place_cell = ConfigJsonCell.objects.get(
except ConfigJsonCell.DoesNotExist:
2018-06-15 11:08:54 +02:00
return None
def place_page_url(cell):
page = place_page(cell)
if page is None:
2017-08-21 11:44:12 +02:00
return ''
2018-06-15 11:08:54 +02:00
return page.get_online_url()
2017-08-21 11:44:12 +02:00
def is_place_page(page):
if not page:
return False
2017-08-21 11:44:12 +02:00
return page.template_name == 'place'
def get_tile_picture_size(page):
if is_place_page(page):
return '1300'
return '300x300'
def as_producer(slug, default_slug=None):
COLLECTIVITY_UNACCENT_LABELS = {x: slugify(y) for x, y in settings.COLLECTIVITY_LABELS.items()}
if isinstance(slug, dict):
# actually a form
if slug.get('form_digest'):
parenthesis = re.match(r'.*\((.*)\)', slug['form_digest'])
if parenthesis:
city_name =
if city_name in settings.COLLECTIVITY_LABELS.values():
collectivity = [x for x in settings.COLLECTIVITY_LABELS.items() if x[1] == city_name][0]
return {'slug': collectivity[0], 'label': collectivity[1]}
city_slug = slugify(city_name)
if city_slug in COLLECTIVITY_UNACCENT_LABELS.values():
collectivity = [x for x in COLLECTIVITY_UNACCENT_LABELS.items() if x[1] == city_slug][0]
return {'slug': collectivity[0], 'label': collectivity[1]}
for keyword in slug.get('keywords') or []:
if keyword.startswith('producer-'):
slug = keyword.split('-', 1)[1]
slug = slug.get('site_slug')
producer = None
if ':' in slug: # formdef_reference
slug = slug.split(':')[0]
if slug.startswith('_'):
producer = slug.split('_')[1].replace('hobo-', '')
producer = slug
if slug == 'eservices':
# handle collectivity sites, they are individually named
# "eservices" but have the collectivity slug as a template
# variable.
producer = settings.TEMPLATE_VARS.get('gnm_commune', 'grandlyon')
if producer and settings.TEMPLATE_VARS.get('gnm_commune_name'):
return {'slug': producer,
'label': settings.TEMPLATE_VARS.get('gnm_commune_name')}
producer ='(^|\W)producer-([\w-]*)(\W|$)', producer).group(2).strip()
except AttributeError:
if producer.startswith('Lyon '): # assume sth like "Lyon 7eme"
producer = 'Lyon'
2019-05-20 06:32:00 +02:00
producer_slug = slugify(producer)
if settings.KNOWN_SERVICES['hobo'].get('hobo-%s' % producer):
return {'slug': producer,
'label': settings.KNOWN_SERVICES['hobo'].get('hobo-%s' % producer, {'title': ''})['title']}
elif settings.KNOWN_SERVICES['hobo'].get('_interco_hobo-%s' % producer):
return {'slug': producer,
'label': settings.KNOWN_SERVICES['hobo'].get('_interco_hobo-%s' % producer, {'title': ''})['title']}
elif producer in settings.PRODUCER_LABELS:
return {'slug': producer, 'label': settings.PRODUCER_LABELS[producer]}
elif producer in settings.COLLECTIVITY_LABELS.values():
collectivity = [x for x in settings.COLLECTIVITY_LABELS.items() if x[1] == producer][0]
return {'slug': collectivity[0], 'label': collectivity[1]}
2019-05-20 06:32:00 +02:00
elif producer_slug in COLLECTIVITY_UNACCENT_LABELS.values():
collectivity = [x for x in COLLECTIVITY_UNACCENT_LABELS.items() if x[1] == producer_slug][0]
return {'slug': collectivity[0], 'label': collectivity[1]}
elif default_slug:
return as_producer(default_slug)
2018-09-11 19:20:01 +02:00
return {'slug': 'toodego', 'label': 'Toodego'}
2017-09-24 13:01:18 +02:00
2017-09-24 20:44:15 +02:00
def as_commune(user_data):
if not user_data:
return None
if isinstance(user_data, basestring):
# user_data is expected to be (page) slug
collectivities = get_gnm_collectivities()
for collectivity in collectivities:
if slugify(collectivity['label']) in user_data:
collectivity['gnm'] = True
return collectivity
return None
2017-09-24 20:44:15 +02:00
city = user_data.get('city') or user_data.get('address_city')
if city:
# first look for known portals
collectivities = get_gnm_collectivities()
for collectivity in collectivities:
if collectivity.get('label') == city:
return {
'label': city,
'slug': slugify(city),
'url': collectivity['url'],
'gnm': True,
# if not found look in mairie pages
2017-09-24 20:44:15 +02:00
pages = Page.objects.filter(parent__slug='mairie',
if pages.exists():
return {
'label': city,
'slug': slugify(city),
'url': pages[0].get_online_url(),
2017-09-24 20:44:15 +02:00
return None
2017-09-24 13:01:18 +02:00
def get_suggestions(request, cell, user_data, places_data):
tile_data = []
addresses = []
city = user_data.get('city') or user_data.get('address_city')
if city:
# get commune tile for the user city
maplayer = MapLayer.objects.get(slug='mairie')
2017-09-24 14:15:15 +02:00
data_result = requests.get(maplayer.geojson_url, timeout=2,
without_user=True, cache_duration=300).json()
2017-09-25 18:09:09 +02:00
except RequestException:
2017-09-24 14:15:15 +02:00
city_slug = slugify(city)
if data_result.get('features'):
for feature in data_result['features']:
if 'Annexe' in feature['properties']['nom']:
if city_slug in slugify(feature['properties']['nom']):
tile_data.append({'key': maplayer.slug,
'properties': feature['properties']})
2017-09-24 13:01:18 +02:00
if random.random() < 0.3:
tile_data.append({'key': 'airquality'})
if random.random() < 0.1:
2017-09-24 13:01:18 +02:00
tile_data.append({'key': 'pollen'})
if user_data.get('address_street'):
if not user_data.get('address_number'):
user_data['address_number'] = ''
2017-09-24 14:13:29 +02:00
addresses.append(u'%(address_number)s %(address_street)s, %(address_city)s, France' % user_data)
2017-09-24 13:01:18 +02:00
if places_data:
for place_data in places_data.get('data'):
2017-09-24 14:13:29 +02:00
addresses.append(u'%(adresse)s, %(ville)s, France' % place_data['content'])
2017-09-24 13:01:18 +02:00
coords = []
nominatim_url = ''
for address in addresses:
2017-09-24 14:13:29 +02:00
url = '%s/search?q=%s&accept-language=fr&format=json' % (
nominatim_url, quote(address.encode('utf-8')))
2017-09-24 14:15:15 +02:00
search_result = requests.get(url, timeout=2, without_user=True,
2017-09-25 18:09:09 +02:00
except RequestException:
2017-09-24 14:15:15 +02:00
2017-09-24 13:01:18 +02:00
if not search_result:
coords.append({'lon': search_result[0]['lon'], 'lat': search_result[0]['lat']})
for coord in coords:
lat1, lat2 = float(coord['lat']) - 0.008, float(coord['lat']) + 0.008
lon1, lon2 = float(coord['lon']) - 0.006, float(coord['lon']) + 0.006
for maplayer in MapLayer.objects.filter(slug__in=('velov', 'piscine', 'tcl')):
url = maplayer.geojson_url + '&BBOX=%s,%s,%s,%s' % (lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2)
2017-09-24 14:15:15 +02:00
data_result = requests.get(url, timeout=2, without_user=True,
2017-09-25 18:09:09 +02:00
except RequestException:
2017-09-24 14:15:15 +02:00
features = data_result.get('features')
if not features:
2017-09-24 13:01:18 +02:00
for feature in features:
# thanks to the flat earth society
feature['distance'] = math.sqrt(
(float(coord['lon']) - feature['geometry']['coordinates'][0])**2 +
(float(coord['lat']) - feature['geometry']['coordinates'][1])**2)
features.sort(key=lambda x: x['distance'])
# take two closest features
for feature in features[:2]:
tile_data.append({'key': maplayer.slug, 'properties': feature['properties']})
2017-09-24 13:01:18 +02:00
dashboard = DashboardCell.objects.all()[0]
cells = []
seen = {}
for data in tile_data:
cell = ConfigJsonCell(key=data['key'], order=1,
page_id=cell.page_id, placeholder='_auto_tile')
cell_form_keys = [x['varname'] for x in settings.JSON_CELL_TYPES[cell.key].get('form') or {}]
cell.parameters = {}
for key in cell_form_keys:
cell.parameters[key] = data['properties'].get(key)
cell_uid = repr((data['key'], cell.parameters))
if cell_uid in seen:
seen[cell_uid] = True
cells.append(render_cell(request, cell=cell).content)
return cells[:5]
def get_gnm_portal_url():
if '_interco_portal' in settings.KNOWN_SERVICES['combo']:
return settings.KNOWN_SERVICES['combo']['_interco_portal'].get('url')
return settings.KNOWN_SERVICES['combo']['portal'].get('url')
def get_gnm_collectivities():
collectivities = []
for key in settings.KNOWN_SERVICES['combo']:
if not key.endswith('_portal'):
matching_hobo = settings.KNOWN_SERVICES['hobo'].get(key.split('_portal')[0][1:])
if not matching_hobo:
if matching_hobo['title'] in ('SAU', 'Villeurbanne'): # blacklist
service = settings.KNOWN_SERVICES['combo'][key]
collectivities.append({'url': service.get('url'), 'label': matching_hobo['title']})
collectivities.sort(key=lambda x: x['label'])
return collectivities
def gnm_place_map(lat, lng):
map_cell = Map()
map_cell.initial_zoom = '17'
map_cell.min_zoom = '17'
map_cell.max_zoom = '17'
context = map_cell.get_cell_extra_context({})
context['init_lat'] = lat
context['init_lng'] = lng
return context
@register.inclusion_tag('combo/gnm/airquality_map.html', takes_context=True)
def gnm_airquality_map(context):
map_cell = Map()
map_cell.initial_state = 'device-location'
map_cell.initial_zoom = '15'
map_cell.min_zoom = '10'
map_cell.max_zoom = '19'
return context
_json_script_escapes = {
ord('>'): '\\u003E',
ord('<'): '\\u003C',
ord('&'): '\\u0026',
def json_script(value, element_id):
json_str = json.dumps(value, cls=DjangoJSONEncoder)
json_str = json_str.replace('>', '\\u003E').replace('<', '\\u003C').replace('&', '\\u0026')
return format_html(
'<script id="{}" type="application/json">{}</script>',
element_id, mark_safe(json_str)
def get_goto_cell(page, request):
cell = ConfigJsonCell.objects.get(id=request.GET['to'])
except (ConfigJsonCell.DoesNotExist, KeyError):
return None
if != 'place':
return cell
# create an alternate version of cell = None
cell.placeholder = '_auto_tile' = page
return cell
def get_collectivity_slugs():
return settings.COLLECTIVITY_LABELS.keys()
def indice_values(indices):
for key in ('indice_j-1', 'indice_j', 'indice_j+1'):
if indices.get(key):
yield indices.get(key)
def airquality_hack(cell, request):
if cell.key == 'airquality' and not cell.parameters:
# Cell on airquality dynamic page, it has empty cell.parameters as it
# gets those from the query string. In order to get un/favorite link
# to work we need to duplicate the cell into a concrete object with a
# copy of query parameters within.
if request.GET.get('ctx'):
ctx = signing.loads(request.GET['ctx'])
lon, lat = ctx['q_lon'], ctx['q_lat']
lon, lat = request.path.split('/')[-2].split(',')
cell.parameters = {'lon': lon, 'lat': lat}
cell.placeholder = '_auto_tile' = None
return cell