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from copy import deepcopy
from z3c.form import button
from z3c.form.field import Fields
from z3c.form.interfaces import HIDDEN_MODE
from zope import schema
from Acquisition import aq_inner, aq_chain
from zope.i18nmessageid import MessageFactory
from plone.dexterity.browser.add import DefaultAddForm
from plone.dexterity.i18n import MessageFactory as DMF
from plone.supermodel import model
from Products.CMFPlone.utils import base_hasattr
from Products.statusmessages.interfaces import IStatusMessage
from collective.task import _
PMF = MessageFactory('plone')
def find_nontask(obj):
"""Find the first non task object in acquisition chain"""
for item in aq_chain(aq_inner(obj)):
if base_hasattr(item, 'portal_type'):
if item.portal_type != 'task':
return item
return item
class IWorkflowAction(model.Schema):
"""Simple schema that contains workflow action hidden field"""
workflow_action = schema.TextLine(title=_(u'Workflow action'),
class AttributeTask(DefaultAddForm):
"""When an "Attribute" transition is triggered,
create a new subtask
label = PMF(u"Attribute task to")
description = u""
portal_type = 'task'
def updateFields(self):
super(AttributeTask, self).updateFields()
self.fields += Fields(IWorkflowAction)
self.fields['workflow_action'].mode = HIDDEN_MODE
def updateWidgets(self):
"""Update widgets then add workflow_action value to workflow_action field"""
super(AttributeTask, self).updateWidgets()
if 'workflow_action' in self.request:
self.widgets['workflow_action'].value = (
self.widgets['title'].value = self.context.title
@button.buttonAndHandler(_('Add'), name='save')
def handleAdd(self, action):
"""When the subtask is added,
grant Reviewer role to current user on new object
Then, execute transition on container
parent_task = aq_inner(self.context)
container_url = parent_task.absolute_url()
data, errors = self.extractData()
workflow_action = data['workflow_action']
del data['workflow_action']
if errors:
self.status = self.formErrorsMessage
obj = None
for responsible in data['responsible']:
_data = deepcopy(data)
_data['responsible'] = [responsible]
obj = self.createAndAdd(_data)
if obj is not None:
# mark only as finished if we get the new object
self._finishedAdd = True
IStatusMessage(self.request).addStatusMessage(DMF(u"Item created"), "info")
# set Editor role to task responsible on the first non Task object in acquisition
nontask = find_nontask(parent_task)
for responsible in data['responsible']:
nontask.manage_addLocalRoles(responsible, ['Editor',])
self.immediate_view = "%s/content_status_modify?workflow_action=%s" % (container_url, workflow_action)