
80 lines
2.5 KiB

from setuptools import setup, find_packages
version = '3.1.1dev'
setup(name = 'collective.solr',
version = version,
description = 'Solr integration for external indexing and searching.',
long_description = open("README.rst").read() + '\n' +
classifiers = [
'Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable',
'Environment :: Web Environment',
'Framework :: Plone',
'Intended Audience :: Developers',
'Intended Audience :: System Administrators',
'Intended Audience :: Other Audience',
'License :: OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)',
'Operating System :: OS Independent',
'Programming Language :: Python',
'Programming Language :: Python :: 2.6',
'Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7',
keywords = 'plone cmf zope indexing searching solr lucene',
author = 'Jarn AS',
author_email = '',
url = '',
license = 'GPL version 2',
packages = find_packages('src'),
package_dir = {'': 'src'},
namespace_packages = ['collective'],
include_package_data = True,
platforms = 'Any',
zip_safe = False,
'collective.indexing >= 2.0a2',
'Plone >= 4.1',
'Zope2 >= 2.13',
extras_require = {'test': [
'Products.LinguaPlone >=3.1a1',
'', # Comes with Plone 4.2,
# only a test req for 4.1 compatibility
entry_points = '''
target = plone
solr_clear_index = collective.solr.commands:solr_clear_index