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{% extends 'dossiers/patientrecord_tab.html' %}
{% block content %}
<form method="post" action="tab1" id="general-form" class="patientrecordform">{% csrf_token %}
<div class="left">
<label>N° dossier papier :</label> {{ object.paper_id|default_if_none:"Non renseigné" }}
<button id="update-paper-id-btn" type='button' class="icon-edit" title="Modifier"></button>
<li><label>N° dossier informatique :</label> <span class="lightgray">{{ }}</span></li>
<li><label>Nom :</label> <span class="lastname">{{ object.last_name }}</span></li>
<li><label>Prénom :</label> {{ object.first_name }}</li>
<li><label>Genre :</label> {{ object.get_gender_display|default_if_none:"Non renseigné" }}</li>
<li><label>Date de naissance :</label> {% if object.birthdate %}{{ object.birthdate|date:"d/m/Y" }} ({{ object.age }}){% else %}Non renseignée{% endif %}</li>
{% if nb_place_of_lifes == 1 %}
<label>Lieux de vie :</label>
{% elif nb_place_of_lifes > 1 %}
<label class="highlight">{{ nb_place_of_lifes }} lieux de vie :</label>
{% else %}
<label class="highlight">Aucun lieu de vie n'est indiqué.</label>
{% endif %}
{% if object.contact_comment %}<p>{{ object.contact_comment|linebreaks }}</p>{% endif %}
{% if object.addresses.all %}
{% for address in object.addresses.all %}
{% if address.place_of_life %}<li>✔ {{ address.display_name }}</li>{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
<li><label>Date de contact :</label> {{ initial_state.date_selected|date:"d/m/Y" }}</li>
<li><label>Date de création :</label> {{ object.created|date:"d/m/Y" }}</li>
<li><label>Lieu de socialisation :</label> {{|default_if_none:"Non renseigné" }}</li>
<li><label>Coordinateurs :</label>
{% if object.coordinators.all %}
{% for coordinator in object.coordinators.all %}
<li>{{ coordinator.first_name }} <span class="lastname">{{ coordinator.last_name }}</span></li>
{% endfor %}
{% else %}Aucun{% endif %}
<li><label>Commentaire </label> <button class="save enable-on-change btn-maj"></button><br/>
{{ form.comment }}
<div class="right">
<li><label>Dernier acte :</label>
{% if last_rdv %}
{% if last_rdv.is_absent %}<span style="font-weight: bold;">{% endif %}
{{ last_rdv.start_datetime|date:"d/m/Y" }} -
{% for participant in last_rdv.participants %}
<span class="lastname">{{ participant.last_name }}</span> -
{% endfor %}
{{ last_rdv.act_type }}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
{% if last_rdv.is_absent %} ({{ last_rdv.act_state }})</span>{% endif %}
<li><label>Prochain rendez-vous :</label>
{% if next_rdv %}
{% if next_rdv.is_absent %}<span style="font-weight: bold;">{% endif %}
{{ next_rdv.start_datetime|date:"d/m/Y" }} -
{% for participant in next_rdv.participants.all %}
<span class="lastname">{{ participant.last_name }}</span> -
{% endfor %}
{{ next_rdv.act_type }}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
{% if next_rdv.is_absent %} ({{ next_rdv.act.get_state }})</span>{% endif %}
<div class="etat">
{% if future_state %}
<h4>État à venir du dossier : {{ }}</h4>
<p>à partir du : {{ current_state.date_selected|date:"d/m/Y" }}</p>
{% else %}
<h4>État courant du dossier : {{ }}</h4>
<p>depuis le : {{ current_state.date_selected|date:"d/m/Y" }}</p>
{% endif %}
{% if current_state.comment %}<p><label>Commentaire :</label> {{ current_state.comment }}</p>{% endif %}
{% for state in status %}
<button type="button" id="{{ state.0 }}">{{ state.1 }}</button>
{% endfor %}
<button type="button" id="patientrecord-history">Historique</button>
<p id="confidential-msg" style="display: none; font-size: 10px;">Confidentialité mise à jour</p>
{{ form.confidential.label_tag }} : <span class="autosubmit">{{ form.confidential }}</span>
<p id="pause-msg" style="display: none; font-size: 10px;">Pause facturation mise à jour</p>
{{ form.pause.label_tag }} : <span class="autosubmit">{{ form.pause }}</span>
<span class="js-expandable">
<label class="js-click-to-expand">Commentaire de la pause facturation {% if object.pause_comment %}<span title="Un commentaire existe" class="icon-comment" style="display: inline"></span>{% endif %}</label>
<span class="js-to-expand">
<button class="save enable-on-change btn-maj"></button><br/>
{{ form.pause_comment }}
{% if == "CMPP" %}
<div class="notifs">
<h4>Information sur la prise en charge</h4>
<li><span{% if hc_status.1 %} class="highlight"{% endif %}>{{ hc_status.0 }}</span></li>
{% if object.pause %}<li><span class="highlight">Le dossier est en pause facturation.</span></li>{% endif %}
{% if missing_policy %}<li><span class="highlight">Informations d'assuré social manquantes.</span></li>{% endif %}
{% if missing_birthdate %}<li><span class="highlight">Date de naissance manquante.</span></li>{% endif %}
{% if object.policyholder.ame %}<li><span class="highlight">Le contact assuré est AME.</span></li>{% endif %}
{% endif %}
<form method="post" action="{% url "create_directory" service %}" id="create-directory-form">{% csrf_token %}
<button>Créer répertoire patient</button>
{% endblock %}