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:synopsis: the Django Q&A forum application
Functions in the askbot module perform various
basic actions on behalf of the forum application
import os
import smtplib
import sys
import logging
VERSION = (0, 7, 40)
#keys are module names used by python imports,
#values - the package qualifier to use for pip
'akismet': 'akismet',
'django': 'django==1.3.1',
'jinja2': 'Jinja2',
'coffin': 'Coffin>=0.3',
'south': 'South>=0.7.1',
'oauth2': 'oauth2',
'markdown2': 'markdown2',
'html5lib': 'html5lib==0.90',
'keyedcache': 'django-keyedcache',
'threaded_multihost': 'django-threaded-multihost',
'robots': 'django-robots',
'unidecode': 'unidecode',
'django_countries': 'django-countries==1.0.5',
'djcelery': 'django-celery==2.2.7',
'djkombu': 'django-kombu==0.9.2',
'followit': 'django-followit',
'recaptcha_works': 'django-recaptcha-works',
'openid': 'python-openid',
'pystache': 'pystache==0.3.1',
'lamson': 'Lamson',
#necessary for interoperability of django and coffin
from askbot import patches
from askbot.deployment.assertions import assert_package_compatibility
patches.patch_coffin()#must go after django
except ImportError:
def get_install_directory():
"""returns path to directory
where code of the askbot django application
is installed
return os.path.dirname(__file__)
def get_path_to(relative_path):
"""returns absolute path to a file
relative to ``askbot`` directory
``relative_path`` must use only forward slashes
and must not start with a slash
root_dir = get_install_directory()
assert(relative_path[0] != 0)
path_bits = relative_path.split('/')
return os.path.join(root_dir, *path_bits)
def get_version():
"""returns version of the askbot app
this version is meaningful for pypi only
return '.'.join([str(subversion) for subversion in VERSION])
def get_database_engine_name():
"""returns name of the database engine,
independently of the version of django
- for django >=1.2 looks into ``settings.DATABASES['default']``,
(i.e. assumes that askbot uses database named 'default')
, and for django 1.1 and below returns settings.DATABASE_ENGINE
import django
from django.conf import settings as django_settings
major_version = django.VERSION[0]
minor_version = django.VERSION[1]
if major_version == 1:
if minor_version > 1:
return django_settings.DATABASES['default']['ENGINE']
return django_settings.DATABASE_ENGINE