
224 lines
9.6 KiB

# barbacompta - invoicing for dummies
# Copyright (C) 2005-2013 Entr'ouvert
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, see <>.
import re
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import zipfile
from datetime import date, datetime
from django.utils.encoding import force_str
NS = {
'fo': 'urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:xsl-fo-compatible:1.0',
'office': 'urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:office:1.0',
'style': 'urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:style:1.0',
'number': 'urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:datastyle:1.0',
'table': 'urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:table:1.0',
'text': 'urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:text:1.0',
'xlink': '',
for prefix, uri in NS.items():
ET.register_namespace(prefix, uri)
def is_number(value):
if isinstance(value, str) and (value.startswith('0') or value.startswith('+')):
return False
except (ValueError, TypeError):
return False
return True
class Workbook:
def __init__(self):
self.sheets = []
def add_sheet(self, name):
sheet = WorkSheet(self, name)
return sheet
def get_content_node(self):
root = ET.Element('{%s}document-content' % NS['office'])
ET.SubElement(root, '{%s}scripts' % NS['office'])
ET.SubElement(root, '{%s}font-face-decls' % NS['office'])
body = ET.SubElement(root, '{%s}body' % NS['office'])
spreadsheet = ET.SubElement(body, '{%s}spreadsheet' % NS['office'])
for sheet in self.sheets:
return root
def get_styles_node(self):
root = ET.Element('{%s}document-styles' % NS['office'])
ET.SubElement(root, '{%s}font-face-decls' % NS['office'])
automatic_styles = ET.SubElement(root, '{%s}styles' % NS['office'])
style = ET.SubElement(automatic_styles, '{%s}style' % NS['style'])
style.attrib['{%s}name' % NS['style']] = 'Default'
def define_number_style():
node = ET.SubElement(automatic_styles, '{%s}number-style' % NS['number'])
node.attrib['{%s}name' % NS['style']] = 'NumberFormat'
sub_node = ET.SubElement(node, '{%s}number' % NS['number'])
sub_node.attrib['{%s}decimal-places' % NS['number']] = '2'
sub_node.attrib['{%s}min-decimal-places' % NS['number']] = '2'
sub_node.attrib['{%s}min-integer-digits' % NS['number']] = '1'
sub_node.attrib['{%s}grouping' % NS['number']] = 'true'
style = ET.SubElement(automatic_styles, '{%s}style' % NS['style'])
style.attrib['{%s}name' % NS['style']] = 'Number'
style.attrib['{%s}family' % NS['style']] = 'table-cell'
style.attrib['{%s}data-style-name' % NS['style']] = 'NumberFormat'
style.attrib['{%s}parent-style' % NS['style']] = 'Default'
def define_date_style(name, strftime_string):
node = ET.SubElement(automatic_styles, '{%s}date-style' % NS['number'])
node.attrib['{%s}name' % NS['style']] = name + 'NumberFormat'
for part in re.findall(r'%?.', strftime_string):
if part == '%Y':
ET.SubElement(node, '{%s}year' % NS['number']).attrib['{%s}style' % NS['number']] = 'long'
elif part == '%m':
ET.SubElement(node, '{%s}month' % NS['number']).attrib[
'{%s}style' % NS['number']
] = 'long'
elif part == '%d':
ET.SubElement(node, '{%s}day' % NS['number']).attrib['{%s}style' % NS['number']] = 'long'
elif part == '%H':
ET.SubElement(node, '{%s}hours' % NS['number']).attrib[
'{%s}style' % NS['number']
] = 'long'
elif part == '%M':
ET.SubElement(node, '{%s}minutes' % NS['number']).attrib[
'{%s}style' % NS['number']
] = 'long'
elif part == '%S':
ET.SubElement(node, '{%s}seconds' % NS['number']).attrib[
'{%s}style' % NS['number']
] = 'long'
ET.SubElement(node, '{%s}text' % NS['number']).text = part
style = ET.SubElement(automatic_styles, '{%s}style' % NS['style'])
style.attrib['{%s}name' % NS['style']] = name
style.attrib['{%s}family' % NS['style']] = 'table-cell'
style.attrib['{%s}data-style-name' % NS['style']] = name + 'NumberFormat'
style.attrib['{%s}parent-style' % NS['style']] = 'Default'
style = ET.SubElement(automatic_styles, '{%s}style' % NS['style'])
style.attrib['{%s}name' % NS['style']] = name + 'Column'
style.attrib['{%s}family' % NS['style']] = 'table-column'
ET.SubElement(style, '{%s}table-column-properties' % NS['style']).attrib[
'{%s}column-width' % NS['style']
] = '80mm'
define_date_style('Date', '%d/%m/%Y')
define_date_style('DateTime', '%d/%m/%Y %H:%M')
return root
def get_styles(self):
return ET.tostring(self.get_styles_node(), 'utf-8')
def get_content(self):
return ET.tostring(self.get_content_node(), 'utf-8')
def save(self, output):
with zipfile.ZipFile(output, 'w') as z:
z.writestr('content.xml', self.get_content())
z.writestr('styles.xml', self.get_styles())
z.writestr('mimetype', 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet')
"""<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<manifest:manifest xmlns:manifest="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:manifest:1.0">
<manifest:file-entry manifest:full-path="/" manifest:media-type="application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet"/>
<manifest:file-entry manifest:full-path="styles.xml" manifest:media-type="text/xml"/>
<manifest:file-entry manifest:full-path="content.xml" manifest:media-type="text/xml"/>
<manifest:file-entry manifest:full-path="META-INF/manifest.xml" manifest:media-type="text/xml"/>
<manifest:file-entry manifest:full-path="mimetype" manifest:media-type="text/plain"/>
class WorkSheet:
def __init__(self, workbook, name):
self.cells = {} = name
self.workbook = workbook
def write(self, row, column, value, **kwargs):
if row not in self.cells:
self.cells[row] = {}
self.cells[row][column] = WorkCell(self, value, **kwargs)
def get_node(self):
root = ET.Element('{%s}table' % NS['table'])
root.attrib['{%s}name' % NS['table']] =
ET.SubElement(root, '{%s}table-column' % NS['table'])
for i in range(0, max(self.cells.keys()) + 1):
row = ET.SubElement(root, '{%s}table-row' % NS['table'])
for j in range(0, max(self.cells.get(i).keys()) + 1):
cell = self.cells.get(i, {}).get(j, None)
if not cell:
ET.SubElement(row, '{%s}table-cell' % NS['table'])
return root
class WorkCell:
def __init__(self, worksheet, value):
if value is None:
value = ''
self.worksheet = worksheet
self.native_value = value
value = force_str(value)
for i in range(0x20): # remove control characters
char = chr(i)
if char in ('\t', '\r', '\n'):
# only allow tab, carriage return and line feed.
value = value.replace(char, '')
# fffe and ffff are also invalid characters
value = value.replace('\ufffe', '').replace('\uffff', '')
self.value = value
def get_node(self):
root = ET.Element('{%s}table-cell' % NS['table'])
p = ET.SubElement(root, '{%s}p' % NS['text'])
p.text = self.value
value = self.native_value
if is_number(value):
root.attrib['{%s}value-type' % NS['office']] = 'float'
root.attrib['{%s}value' % NS['office']] = self.value
root.attrib['{%s}style-name' % NS['table']] = 'Number'
elif isinstance(value, datetime):
root.attrib['{%s}style-name' % NS['table']] = 'DateTime'
root.attrib['{%s}value-type' % NS['office']] = 'date'
root.attrib['{%s}date-value' % NS['office']] = value.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S')
p.text = value.strftime('%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S')
elif isinstance(value, date):
root.attrib['{%s}style-name' % NS['table']] = 'Date'
root.attrib['{%s}value-type' % NS['office']] = 'date'
root.attrib['{%s}date-value' % NS['office']] = value.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
p.text = value.strftime('%d/%m/%Y')
root.attrib['{%s}value-type' % NS['office']] = 'string'
return root