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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import pytest
import urlparse
import httmock
import mock
import json
import base64
from jwcrypto import jwk, jwt
import datetime
import requests
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model
from django.utils.timezone import now
from authentic2.utils import timestamp_from_datetime
from authentic2_auth_fc import models
from authentic2_auth_fc.utils import requests_retry_session
User = get_user_model()
def hmac_jwt(payload, key):
header = {'alg': 'HS256'}
k = jwk.JWK(kty='oct', k=base64.b64encode(key.encode('utf-8')))
t = jwt.JWT(header=header, claims=payload)
return t.serialize()
def test_login_redirect(app, fc_settings):
url = reverse('fc-login-or-link')
response = app.get(url, status=302)
assert response['Location'].startswith('https://fcp.integ01')
def check_authorization_url(url):
callback = reverse('fc-login-or-link')
assert url.startswith('https://fcp.integ01')
query_string = url.split('?')[1]
parsed = {x: y[0] for x, y in urlparse.parse_qs(query_string).items()}
assert 'redirect_uri' in parsed
assert callback in parsed['redirect_uri']
assert 'client_id' in parsed
assert parsed['client_id'] == 'xxx'
assert 'scope' in parsed
assert set(parsed['scope'].split()) == set(['openid', 'profile', 'birth', 'email'])
assert 'state' in parsed
assert 'nonce' in parsed
assert parsed['state'] == parsed['nonce']
assert 'response_type' in parsed
assert parsed['response_type'] == 'code'
return parsed['state']
@pytest.mark.parametrize('exp', [timestamp_from_datetime(now() + datetime.timedelta(seconds=1000)),
timestamp_from_datetime(now() - datetime.timedelta(seconds=1000))])
def test_login(app, fc_settings, caplog, exp):
callback = reverse('fc-login-or-link')
response = app.get(callback, status=302)
location = response['Location']
state = check_authorization_url(location)
def access_token_response(url, request):
parsed = {x: y[0] for x, y in urlparse.parse_qs(request.body).items()}
assert set(parsed.keys()) == set(['code', 'client_id', 'client_secret', 'redirect_uri',
assert parsed['code'] == 'zzz'
assert parsed['client_id'] == 'xxx'
assert parsed['client_secret'] == 'yyy'
assert parsed['grant_type'] == 'authorization_code'
assert callback in parsed['redirect_uri']
id_token = {
'sub': '1234',
'aud': 'xxx',
'nonce': state,
'exp': exp,
'iss': '',
return json.dumps({
'access_token': 'uuu',
'id_token': hmac_jwt(id_token, 'yyy')
def user_info_response(url, request):
assert request.headers['Authorization'] == 'Bearer uuu'
return json.dumps({
'sub': '1234',
'family_name': u'Frédérique',
'given_name': u'Ÿuñe',
with httmock.HTTMock(access_token_response, user_info_response):
response = app.get(callback + '?code=zzz&state=%s' % state, status=302)
assert User.objects.count() == 0
fc_settings.A2_FC_CREATE = True
with httmock.HTTMock(access_token_response, user_info_response):
response = app.get(callback + '?code=zzz&state=%s' % state, status=302)
if exp < timestamp_from_datetime(now()):
assert User.objects.count() == 0
assert User.objects.count() == 1
if User.objects.count():
# we must be connected
assert app.session['_auth_user_id']
assert models.FcAccount.objects.count() == 1
# by default we set a random password on new users, so they can use the
# recover my password form
assert User.objects.get().has_usable_password()
response = app.get('/accounts/')
response ='Delete link')
response.form.set('new_password1', 'ikKL1234')
response.form.set('new_password2', 'ikKL1234')
response = response.form.submit(name='unlink')
assert 'The link with the FranceConnect account has been deleted' in response.content
assert models.FcAccount.objects.count() == 0
continue_url = response.pyquery('a#a2-continue').attr['href']
state = urlparse.parse_qs(urlparse.urlparse(continue_url).query)['state'][0]
assert app.session['fc_states'][state]['next'] == '/accounts/'
response = app.get(reverse('fc-logout') + '?state=' + state)
assert response['Location'] == 'http://testserver/accounts/'
def test_login_email_is_unique(app, fc_settings, caplog):
callback = reverse('fc-login-or-link')
response = app.get(callback, status=302)
location = response['Location']
state = check_authorization_url(location)
def access_token_response(url, request):
parsed = {x: y[0] for x, y in urlparse.parse_qs(request.body).items()}
assert set(parsed.keys()) == set(['code', 'client_id', 'client_secret', 'redirect_uri',
assert parsed['code'] == 'zzz'
assert parsed['client_id'] == 'xxx'
assert parsed['client_secret'] == 'yyy'
assert parsed['grant_type'] == 'authorization_code'
assert callback in parsed['redirect_uri']
id_token = {
'sub': '1234',
'aud': 'xxx',
'nonce': state,
'exp': timestamp_from_datetime(now() + datetime.timedelta(seconds=1000)),
'iss': '',
return json.dumps({
'access_token': 'uuu',
'id_token': hmac_jwt(id_token, 'yyy')
def user_info_response(url, request):
assert request.headers['Authorization'] == 'Bearer uuu'
return json.dumps({
'sub': '1234',
'family_name': u'Frédérique',
'given_name': u'Ÿuñe',
'email': '',
user = User.objects.create(email='', first_name='John', last_name='Doe')
fc_settings.A2_EMAIL_IS_UNIQUE = True
with httmock.HTTMock(access_token_response, user_info_response):
response = app.get(callback + '?code=zzz&state=%s' % state, status=302)
assert User.objects.count() == 1
assert app.session['_auth_user_id']
# logout, test unlinking when logging with password
response = app.get('/login/')
response.form.set('username', User.objects.get().email)
response.form.set('password', 'toto')
response = response.form.submit(name='login-password-submit').follow()
response = app.get('/accounts/')
response ='Delete link')
assert 'new_password1' not in response.form.fields
response = response.form.submit(name='unlink').follow()
assert 'The link with the FranceConnect account has been deleted' in response.content
assert response.request.path == '/accounts/'
def test_login_email_is_unique_and_already_linked(app, fc_settings, caplog):
callback = reverse('fc-login-or-link')
response = app.get(callback, status=302)
location = response['Location']
state = check_authorization_url(location)
EMAIL = ''
SUB = '1234'
user = User.objects.create(email=EMAIL, first_name='John', last_name='Doe')
models.FcAccount.objects.create(user=user, sub='4567', token='xxx', user_info='{}')
def access_token_response(url, request):
parsed = {x: y[0] for x, y in urlparse.parse_qs(request.body).items()}
assert set(parsed.keys()) == set(['code', 'client_id', 'client_secret', 'redirect_uri',
assert parsed['code'] == 'zzz'
assert parsed['client_id'] == 'xxx'
assert parsed['client_secret'] == 'yyy'
assert parsed['grant_type'] == 'authorization_code'
assert callback in parsed['redirect_uri']
id_token = {
'sub': SUB,
'aud': 'xxx',
'nonce': state,
'exp': timestamp_from_datetime(now() + datetime.timedelta(seconds=1000)),
'iss': '',
return json.dumps({
'access_token': 'uuu',
'id_token': hmac_jwt(id_token, 'yyy')
def user_info_response(url, request):
assert request.headers['Authorization'] == 'Bearer uuu'
return json.dumps({
'sub': '1234',
'family_name': u'Frédérique',
'given_name': u'Ÿuñe',
'email': EMAIL,
fc_settings.A2_EMAIL_IS_UNIQUE = True
with httmock.HTTMock(access_token_response, user_info_response):
response = app.get(callback + '?code=zzz&state=%s' % state, status=302)
assert 'is already used' in str(response)
assert User.objects.count() == 1
assert '_auth_user_id' not in app.session
def test_requests_proxies_support(app, fc_settings, caplog):
session = requests_retry_session()
assert session.proxies == {}
other_session = requests.Session()
other_session.proxies = {'http': ''}
session = requests_retry_session(session=other_session)
assert session is other_session
assert session.proxies == {'http': ''}
fc_settings.REQUESTS_PROXIES = {'https': ''}
session = requests_retry_session()
assert session.proxies == {'https': ''}
with mock.patch('authentic2_auth_fc.utils.requests.Session.send') as mocked_send:
mocked_send.return_value = mock.Mock(status_code=200, content='whatever')
assert mocked_send.call_args[1]['proxies'] == {'https': ''}