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# authentic2 - versatile identity manager
# Copyright (C) 2010-2020 Entr'ouvert
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published
# by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
import pytest
from django.urls import reverse
from authentic2.a2_rbac.utils import get_default_ou
from authentic2.models import Service
from authentic2.utils.template import Template, TemplateError
pytestmark = pytest.mark.django_db
def test_render_template():
# 1.1. test a simple conditional
value = '{% if foo %}John{% else %}Jim{% endif %}'
template = Template(value=value)
context = {'foo': True}
assert template.render(context=context) == 'John'
context = {'foo': False}
assert template.render(context=context) == 'Jim'
context = {}
assert template.render(context=context) == 'Jim'
# 1.2. test comparison operators
value = '{% if foo > bar %}Foo{% else %}Bar{% endif %}'
template = Template(value=value)
context = {'foo': 3, 'bar': 2}
assert template.render(context=context) == 'Foo'
context = {'foo': 3, 'bar': 9}
assert template.render(context=context) == 'Bar'
# 1.3. test set operator
value = '{% if foo in bar %}Found{% else %}Missing{% endif %}'
template = Template(value=value)
context = {'foo': 'john', 'bar': ['miles', 'john', 'red', 'paul', 'philly joe']}
assert template.render(context=context) == 'Found'
context['bar'] = ['miles', 'wayne', 'herbie', 'ron', 'tony']
assert template.render(context=context) == 'Missing'
# 2. test 'add' builtin filter
tmpl1 = Template(value='{{ base|add:suffix }}')
tmpl2 = Template(value='{{ prefix|add:base }}')
context = {
'prefix': 'Mister ',
'base': 'Tony',
'suffix': ' Jr.',
assert tmpl1.render(context=context) == 'Tony Jr.'
assert tmpl2.render(context=context) == 'Mister Tony'
# 3. test 'with' tag
value = '{% with age=user.age %}{{ name }}: {{ age }}{% endwith %}'
template = Template(value=value)
context = {'user': {'name': 'Robert', 'age': 39}}
assert template.render(context=context) == 'Robert: 39'
# 4. test 'firstof' tag
value = '{% firstof name surname nickname %}'
template = Template(value=value)
context = {'surname': 'Smith', 'nickname': 'Mitch'}
assert template.render(context=context) == 'Smith'
assert template.render(context=context) == 'Mitch'
def test_render_template_syntax_error():
value = '{% if foo %}John{% else %}Jim{% endif %' # oops
template = Template(value=value)
context = {'foo': True}
assert template.render(context=context) == value
with pytest.raises(TemplateError) as raised:
template = Template(value=value, raises=True)
assert 'template syntax error' in raised
def test_render_template_missing_variable():
value = '{{ foo|add:bar }}'
template = Template(value=value)
context = {'foo': True}
assert template.render(context=context) == value
# missing variable errors happen at render time with a particular context
template = Template(value=value, raises=True)
with pytest.raises(TemplateError) as raised:
assert 'missing template variable' in raised
def test_service_in_template(app, simple_user, service):
resp = app.get(reverse('auth_login') + '?service=%s' % service.slug)
assert resp.pyquery('body').attr('data-service-slug') == service.slug
assert resp.pyquery('body').attr('data-service-name') ==
resp.form.set('username', simple_user.username)
resp.form.set('password', simple_user.username)
response = resp.form.submit(name='login-password-submit')
resp = app.get(reverse('account_management'))
assert resp.pyquery('body').attr('data-service-slug') == service.slug
assert resp.pyquery('body').attr('data-service-name') ==
# if user comes back from a different service, the information is updated
new_service = Service.objects.create(ou=get_default_ou(), slug='service2', name='Service2')
resp = app.get(reverse('account_management') + '?service=%s' % new_service.slug)
assert resp.pyquery('body').attr('data-service-slug') == new_service.slug
assert resp.pyquery('body').attr('data-service-name') ==