
134 lines
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import hashlib
import hmac
import binascii
import time
import datetime
import calendar
Python implementation of HOTP and TOTP algorithms from the OATH project.
Copyright 2010, Benjamin Dauvergne
* All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.'''
def __truncated_value(h):
bytes = map(ord, h)
offset = bytes[19] & 0xf
v = (bytes[offset] & 0x7f) << 24 | (bytes[offset+1] & 0xff) << 16 | \
(bytes[offset+2] & 0xff) << 8 | (bytes[offset+3] & 0xff)
return v
def dec(h,p):
v = str(__truncated_value(h))
return v[len(v)-p:]
def __hotp(key, counter, hash=hashlib.sha1):
hex_counter = hex(long(counter))[2:-1]
hex_counter = '0' * (16 - len(hex_counter)) + hex_counter
bin_counter = binascii.unhexlify(hex_counter)
bin_key = binascii.unhexlify(key)
return, bin_counter, hash).digest()
def hotp(key,counter,format='dec6',hash=hashlib.sha1):
'''Compute a HOTP value as prescribed by RFC4226
bin_hotp = __hotp(key, counter, hash)
if format == 'hex40':
return binascii.hexlify(bin_hotp[0:5])
elif format == 'dec6':
return dec(bin_hotp, 6)
elif format == 'dec7':
return dec(bin_hotp, 7)
elif format == 'dec8':
return dec(bin_hotp, 8)
raise ValueError('unknown format')
def totp(key, format='dec8', period=30, t=None, hash=hashlib.sha1):
'''Compute a TOTP value as prescribed by OATH specifications.
if t is None:
t = time.time()
if isinstance(t, datetime.datetime):
t = calendar.timegm(t.utctimetuple())
t = int(t)
T = int(t/period)
return hotp(key, T, format=format, hash=hash)
def accept_totp(key, response, period=30, format='dec8', hash=hashlib.sha1,
forward_drift=1, backward_drift=1, drift=0, t=None):
'''Validate a TOTP value inside a window of
[drift-bacward_drift:drift+forward_drift] of time steps.
Where drift is the drift obtained during the last call to accept_totp.
Return a pair (v,d) where v is a boolean giving the result, and d the
needed drift to validate the value. The drift value should be saved for
user with later call to accept_totp in order to accept a slowly
accumulating drift with a token clock.
t = t or time.time()
for i in range(-backward_drift,forward_drift+1):
d = (drift+i) * period
if totp(key, format=format, period=period, hash=hash, t=t+d) == response:
return True, drift+i
return False, 0
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Test vectors extracted from RFC 4226
secret = '3132333435363738393031323334353637383930'
tvector = [
(0, 'cc93cf18508d94934c64b65d8ba7667fb7cde4b0'),
(1, '75a48a19d4cbe100644e8ac1397eea747a2d33ab'),
(2, '0bacb7fa082fef30782211938bc1c5e70416ff44'),
(3, '66c28227d03a2d5529262ff016a1e6ef76557ece'),
(4, 'a904c900a64b35909874b33e61c5938a8e15ed1c'),
(5, 'a37e783d7b7233c083d4f62926c7a25f238d0316'),
(6, 'bc9cd28561042c83f219324d3c607256c03272ae'),
(7, 'a4fb960c0bc06e1eabb804e5b397cdc4b45596fa'),
(8, '1b3c89f65e6c9e883012052823443f048b4332db'),
(9, '1637409809a679dc698207310c8c7fc07290d9e5'), ]
for counter, value in tvector:
assert(binascii.hexlify(__hotp(secret, counter)) == value)
tvector2 = [
(0, '4c93cf18', '1284755224', '755224',),
(1, '41397eea', '1094287082', '287082',),
(2, '82fef30', '137359152', '359152',),
(3, '66ef7655', '1726969429', '969429',),
(4, '61c5938a', '1640338314', '338314',),
(5, '33c083d4', '868254676', '254676',),
(6, '7256c032', '1918287922', '287922',),
(7, '4e5b397', '82162583', '162583',),
(8, '2823443f', '673399871', '399871',),
(9, '2679dc69', '645520489', '520489',),]
for counter, hexa, deci, trunc in tvector2:
h = __hotp(secret, counter)
v = __truncated_value(h)
assert(hex(v)[2:] == hexa)
assert(str(v) == deci)
assert(dec(h,6) == trunc)
secret = binascii.hexlify('12345678901234567890')
tvector3 = [
(59, hashlib.sha1, '94287082'),
(1111111109, hashlib.sha1, '07081804') ]
for timestamp, hash, value in tvector3:
assert (totp(secret,t=datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(timestamp),hash=hash) == value)
assert(accept_totp(secret, '94287082', t=65) == (True, -1))
assert(accept_totp(secret, '94287082', t=65, drift=-1) == (True, -1))