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Use setuptools entrypoints to find plugins
Propose helper methods to load urls from plugins or modify INSTALLED_APPS
import pkg_resources
import logging
from django.conf.urls import patterns, include, url
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
__ALL__ = ['get_plugins']
class PluginError(Exception):
def get_plugins(group_name, use_cache=True, *args, **kwargs):
'''Traverse all entry points for group_name and instantiate them using args
and kwargs.
if group_name in PLUGIN_CACHE and use_cache:
return PLUGIN_CACHE[group_name]
plugins = []
for entrypoint in pkg_resources.iter_entry_points(group_name):
plugin_callable = entrypoint.load()
except Exception, e:
logger.exception('unable to load entrypoint %s', entrypoint)
raise PluginError('unable to load entrypoint %s' % entrypoint, e)
plugins.append(plugin_callable(*args, **kwargs))
PLUGIN_CACHE[group_name] = plugins
return plugins
def register_plugins_urls(group_name, urlpatterns):
'''Call get_before_urls and get_after_urls on all plugins providing them
and add those urls to the given urlpatterns.
URLs returned by get_before_urls() are added to the head of urlpatterns
and those returned by get_after_urls() are added to the tail of
plugins = get_plugins(group_name)
before_urls = []
after_urls = []
for plugin in plugins:
if hasattr(plugin, 'get_before_urls'):
urls = plugin.get_before_urls()
before_urls.append(url('^', include(urls)))
if hasattr(plugin, 'get_after_urls'):
urls = plugin.get_after_urls()
after_urls.append(url('^', include(urls)))
before_patterns = patterns('', *before_urls)
after_patterns = patterns('', *after_urls)
return before_patterns + urlpatterns + after_patterns
def register_plugins_installed_apps(group_name, installed_apps):
'''Call get_apps() on all plugins of group_name and add the returned
applications path to the installed_apps sequence.
Applications already present are ignored.
installed_apps = list(installed_apps)
for plugin in get_plugins(group_name):
if hasattr(plugin, 'get_apps'):
apps = plugin.get_apps()
for app in apps:
if app not in installed_apps:
return installed_apps