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# authentic2 - versatile identity manager
# Copyright (C) 2010-2019 Entr'ouvert
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published
# by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
import base64
import hashlib
import math
from binascii import hexlify, unhexlify
from collections import OrderedDict
from django.contrib.auth import hashers
from django.contrib.auth.hashers import make_password
from django.utils.crypto import constant_time_compare
from django.utils.encoding import force_bytes, force_text
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_noop as _
class Drupal7PasswordHasher(hashers.BasePasswordHasher):
Secure password hashing using the algorithm used by Drupal 7 (recommended)
algorithm = "drupal7_sha512"
iterations = 10000
digest = hashlib.sha512
alphabet = './0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
def atoi64(self, v):
return self.alphabet.find(v)
def i64toa(self, v):
return self.alphabet[v]
def b64encode(self, v):
out = ''
count = len(v)
i = 0
while i < count:
value = v[i]
i += 1
out += self.i64toa(value & 0x3F)
if i < count:
value |= v[i] << 8
out += self.i64toa((value >> 6) & 0x3F)
if i == count:
i += 1
if i < count:
value |= v[i] << 16
out += self.i64toa((value >> 12) & 0x3F)
if i == count:
i += 1
out += self.i64toa((value >> 18) & 0x3F)
return out
def from_drupal(self, encoded):
ident, log_count, salt, h = encoded[:3], encoded[3], encoded[4:12], encoded[12:]
if ident != '$S$':
raise ValueError('Not a Drupal7 SHA-512 hashed password')
count = 1 << self.atoi64(log_count)
return '%s$%s$%s$%s' % (self.algorithm, count, salt, h)
def to_drupal(self, encoded):
algo, count, salt, h = encoded.split('$', 3)
count = self.i64toa(math.ceil(math.log(int(count), 2)))
return '$S$%s%s%s' % (count, salt, h)
def encode(self, password, salt, iterations):
assert password
assert salt and '$' not in salt
h = salt.encode()
password = password.encode()
for i in range(iterations + 1):
h = self.digest(h + password).digest()
return "%s$%d$%s$%s" % (self.algorithm, iterations, salt, self.b64encode(h)[:43])
def verify(self, password, encoded):
algorithm, iterations, salt, hash = encoded.split('$', 3)
assert algorithm == self.algorithm
encoded_2 = self.encode(password, salt, int(iterations))
return constant_time_compare(encoded, encoded_2)
def safe_summary(self, encoded):
algorithm, iterations, salt, hash = encoded.split('$', 3)
assert algorithm == self.algorithm
return OrderedDict(
(_('algorithm'), algorithm),
(_('iterations'), iterations),
(_('salt'), hashers.mask_hash(salt)),
(_('hash'), hashers.mask_hash(hash)),
class CommonPasswordHasher(hashers.BasePasswordHasher):
The Salted MD5 password hashing algorithm (not recommended)
algorithm = None
digest = None
def encode(self, password, salt):
assert password
assert '$' not in salt
hash = self.digest(force_bytes(salt + password)).hexdigest()
return "%s$%s$%s" % (self.algorithm, salt, hash)
def verify(self, password, encoded):
algorithm, salt, hash = encoded.split('$', 2)
assert algorithm == self.algorithm
encoded_2 = self.encode(password, salt)
return constant_time_compare(encoded, encoded_2)
def safe_summary(self, encoded):
algorithm, salt, hash = encoded.split('$', 2)
assert algorithm == self.algorithm
return OrderedDict(
(_('algorithm'), algorithm),
(_('salt'), hashers.mask_hash(salt, show=2)),
(_('hash'), hashers.mask_hash(hash)),
'SHA': ('sha-oldap', 0, True),
'SSHA': ('ssha-oldap', 20, True),
'MD5': ('md5-oldap', 0, True),
'SMD5': ('md5-oldap', 16, True),
def olap_password_to_dj(password):
'''Convert an LDAP password for Django use eventually hashed'''
if password[0] == '{' and '}' in password:
algo = password[1:].split('}')[0].upper()
raise ValueError('unknown algorithm %r' % algo)
password = password[1:].split('}')[1]
password = base64.b64decode(password)
except ValueError:
raise ValueError('unable to decode base64 hash %r' % password)
algo_name, salt_offset, hex_encode = OPENLDAP_ALGO_MAPPING[algo]
salt, password = (password[salt_offset:], password[:salt_offset]) if salt_offset else ('', password)
if hex_encode:
password = force_text(hexlify(password), encoding='ascii')
salt = force_text(hexlify(force_bytes(salt)), encoding='ascii')
return '%s$%s$%s' % (algo_name, salt, password)
return make_password(password)
class OpenLDAPPasswordHasher(CommonPasswordHasher):
def encode(self, password, salt):
assert password
assert b'$' not in salt
hash = self.digest(force_bytes(password + salt)).hexdigest()
salt = force_text(hexlify(salt), encoding='ascii')
return "%s$%s$%s" % (self.algorithm, salt, hash)
def verify(self, password, encoded):
algorithm, salt, hash = encoded.split('$', 2)
hash = unhexlify(hash)
salt = unhexlify(salt)
assert algorithm == self.algorithm
encoded_2 = self.encode(force_bytes(password), salt)
return constant_time_compare(encoded, encoded_2)
class SHA256PasswordHasher(CommonPasswordHasher):
algorithm = 'sha256'
digest = hashlib.sha256
class SSHA1PasswordHasher(OpenLDAPPasswordHasher):
algorithm = 'ssha-oldap'
digest = hashlib.sha1
class SMD5PasswordHasher(OpenLDAPPasswordHasher):
algorithm = 'smd5-oldap'
digest = hashlib.md5
class SHA1OLDAPPasswordHasher(OpenLDAPPasswordHasher):
algorithm = 'sha-oldap'
digest = hashlib.sha1
def salt(self):
return ''
class MD5OLDAPPasswordHasher(OpenLDAPPasswordHasher):
algorithm = 'md5-oldap'
digest = hashlib.md5
def salt(self):
return ''
class JoomlaPasswordHasher(CommonPasswordHasher):
algorithm = 'joomla'
digest = hashlib.md5
def encode(self, password, salt):
assert password
assert b'$' not in salt
hash = self.digest(force_bytes(password) + salt).hexdigest()
salt = force_text(hexlify(force_bytes(salt)), encoding='ascii')
return "%s$md5$%s$%s" % (self.algorithm, salt, hash)
def verify(self, password, encoded):
algorithm, subalgo, salt, hash = encoded.split('$', 3)
salt = unhexlify(salt)
if algorithm != self.algorithm:
raise ValueError('not a joomla encoded password')
encoded_2 = self.encode(password, salt)
return constant_time_compare(encoded, encoded_2)
def from_joomla(cls, encoded):
if encoded.startswith('$P$'):
raise NotImplementedError
elif encoded.startswith('$'):
raise NotImplementedError
elif encoded.startswith('{SHA256}'):
raise NotImplementedError
if ':' in encoded:
h, salt = encoded.split(':', 1)
h, salt = encoded, ''
salt = force_text(hexlify(force_bytes(salt)), encoding='ascii')
return '%s$md5$%s$%s' % (cls.algorithm, salt, h)
def to_joomla(cls, encoded):
algorithm, subalgo, salt, _hash = encoded.split('$', 4)
if algorithm != cls.algorithm:
raise ValueError('not a joomla encoded password')
if subalgo != 'md5':
raise NotImplementedError
if salt:
return '%s:%s' % (_hash, force_text(unhexlify(force_bytes(salt))))
return _hash
class PloneSHA1PasswordHasher(hashers.SHA1PasswordHasher):
# from
The SHA1 password hashing algorithm used by Plone.
Plone uses `password + salt`, Django has `salt + password`.
algorithm = "plonesha1"
_prefix = '{SSHA}'
def encode(self, password, salt):
"""Encode a plain text password into a plonesha1 style hash."""
assert password is not None
assert salt
password = force_bytes(password)
salt = force_bytes(salt)
hashed = base64.b64encode(hashlib.sha1(password + salt).digest() + salt)
return "%s$%s%s" % (self.algorithm, self._prefix, force_text(hashed))
def verify(self, password, encoded):
"""Verify the given password against the encoded string."""
algorithm, data = encoded.split('$', 1)
assert algorithm == self.algorithm
# throw away the prefix
if data.startswith(self._prefix):
data = data[len(self._prefix) :]
# extract salt from encoded data
intermediate = base64.b64decode(data)
salt = intermediate[20:].strip()
password_encoded = self.encode(password, salt)
return constant_time_compare(password_encoded, encoded)
def safe_summary(self, encoded):
algorithm, hash = encoded.split('$', 1)
assert algorithm == self.algorithm
return OrderedDict(
(_('algorithm'), algorithm),
(_('hash'), hashers.mask_hash(hash)),